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Last active December 12, 2015 03:58
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  • Save lawrencelomax/4711119 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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ARC Retain/Release overhead in tight loops
An inline (read: no overhead) function that will perform the physics increment for a given particle
@return A boolean for whether the particle has expired and needs to be removed
extern inline BOOL updateParticle(BILParticleAtomConventional * atom, BILParticleModel * model, NSTimeInterval deltaTime)
// Time to Live
atom->atom.timeToLive -= deltaTime;
// Return early if expired
if(atom->atom.timeToLive <= 0)
atom->atom.timeToLive = -1;
return YES;
// Mode A: gravity, direction, tangential accel & radial accel
if(model.emitterMode == BILParticleModelEmitterModeGravity)
__unsafe_unretained BILParticleModelGravity * gravityModel = (BILParticleModelGravity *)model;
// Vector from the start position of this particle
GLKVector2 displacementFromStart = GLKVector2Subtract(atom->atom.position, atom->atom.startPosition);
// Dont divide by zero
if(displacementFromStart.x != 0 || displacementFromStart.y != 0)
displacementFromStart = GLKVector2Normalize(displacementFromStart);
// Radial & Tangential Acceleration
GLKVector2 radialAcceleration = GLKVector2MultiplyScalar(displacementFromStart, atom->mode.gravity.radialAcceleration);
// Tangential Acceleration
GLKVector2 tangentialAcceleration = displacementFromStart;
float newY = tangentialAcceleration.x;
tangentialAcceleration.x = -tangentialAcceleration.y;
tangentialAcceleration.y = newY;
tangentialAcceleration = GLKVector2MultiplyScalar(tangentialAcceleration, atom->mode.gravity.tangentialAcceleration);
// Component of all accelerations
GLKVector2 accelerationVector = GLKVector2Add(gravityModel.gravity, GLKVector2Add(tangentialAcceleration, radialAcceleration));
//GLKVector2 accelerationVector = model.gravity;
// Velocity Delta (accelleration * time)
GLKVector2 velocity = GLKVector2MultiplyScalar(accelerationVector, deltaTime);
// Velocity (velocity + deltaVelocity)
velocity = GLKVector2Add(atom->mode.gravity.velocity, velocity);
// Update Particle Velocity
atom->mode.gravity.velocity = velocity;
// Update Particle Position (position + (velocity * time))
atom->atom.position = GLKVector2Add(atom->atom.position, GLKVector2MultiplyScalar(velocity, deltaTime));
// Mode B: radius movement
// Update the angle and radius of the particle.
atom->mode.radial.angle += atom->mode.radial.anglePerSecond * deltaTime;
atom->mode.radial.radius += atom->mode.radial.deltaRadius * deltaTime;
GLKVector2 position = atom->atom.startPosition;
position.x += (- cosf(atom->mode.radial.angle) * atom->mode.radial.radius);
position.y += (- sinf(atom->mode.radial.angle) * atom->mode.radial.radius);
atom->atom.position = position;
// Interpolate Color
atom->atom.color.r += (atom->delta.deltaColor.r * deltaTime);
atom->atom.color.g += (atom->delta.deltaColor.g * deltaTime);
atom->atom.color.b += (atom->delta.deltaColor.b * deltaTime);
atom->atom.color.a += (atom->delta.deltaColor.a * deltaTime);
// Modify the Particle size
atom->atom.size += (atom->delta.sizeDelta * deltaTime);
atom->atom.size = MAX(0, atom->atom.size);
// Update the Angle
atom->atom.rotation += (atom->delta.rotationDelta * deltaTime);
return NO;
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The retain and release that ARC puts in on line 21 accounts for 90% of the cycles for this loop. Placing the __unsafe_unretained here removes ARCs influence entirely. All this is, is a cast of a parameter!

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