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Last active February 15, 2018 09:41
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R scripts to calculate power in an independent samples t-test
sample_sizes <- seq(5, 100, by=5)
effect_sizes <- c(0.1, 0.3, 0.5)
sample_one <- function(sequence){
sample(size=1, sequence)
# Function to simulate a t-test.
# A sample size is chosen randomly
# An effect size is chosen randomly
sim_t_test <- function() {
sample_size <- sample_one(sample_sizes)
effect_size <- sample_one(effect_sizes)
# Note that because true mean of x is 0
# and sd is 1, then
# effect_size = abs(true_mean_y - true_mean_x)/true_sd
# And so effect size is the true effect size
x <- rnorm(n=sample_size, mean=0, sd=1)
y <- rnorm(n=sample_size, mean=effect_size, sd=1)
model <- t.test(x, y, var.equal = T)
diff(model$ # CI interval width
# Simulate the t-test repeatedly
# More repetitions = more time = more precision
simulations <- replicate(1e5,
Df <-
names(Df) <- c('sample_size', 'effect_size', 'p_value', 'interval')
# Plot power curves
Df %>% mutate(alpha_0.05 = p_value <= 0.05,
alpha_0.01 = p_value <= 0.01,
alpha_0.001 = p_value <= 0.001) %>%
mutate(effect_size = factor(effect_size)) %>%
group_by(sample_size, effect_size) %>%
summarise(alpha_0.05 = mean(alpha_0.05),
alpha_0.01 = mean(alpha_0.01),
alpha_0.001 = mean(alpha_0.001)) %>%
gather(alpha, power, alpha_0.05:alpha_0.001) %>%
ggplot(mapping = aes(x = sample_size,
y = power,
group = effect_size,
col = effect_size)) +
geom_point() +
geom_line() +
geom_hline(aes(yintercept=0.8), colour="red", linetype="dashed") +
facet_wrap(~ alpha, nrow = 3)
# Use this for plotting the CI interval
mutate(Df, effect_size = factor(effect_size)) %>%
group_by(sample_size, effect_size) %>%
summarise(interval = mean(interval)) %>%
ggplot(mapping=aes(x = sample_size, y = interval, group=effect_size, col=effect_size)) +
geom_point() +
# Here's pwr's t-test power calculator.
pwr.t2n.test(n1 = 50, n2= 50, d = 0.3, sig.level = 0.05)
sample.size <- 5:75
power.1 <- pwr.t.test(d=1, n=sample.size, type='two.sample', alternative='greater')$power
power.2 <- pwr.t.test(d=.667, n=sample.size , type='two.sample', alternative='greater')$power
plot(sample.size, power.1, ylim=c(0.035,1), pch=NA, ylab='Statistical power', xlab ='Sample size per group', cex=.8)
points(sample.size, power.1, pch=1, cex =.8)
points(sample.size, power.2, pch=2, cex =.8)
lines(sample.size, power.1, lty=3, cex =.8)
lines(sample.size, power.2, lty=3, cex =.8)
legend(35, .2, legend=c(expression(paste(delta, ' = 1.000')),expression(paste(delta, ' = 0.667'))), lty=3, pch=c(1,2), bty='n', cex=.9)
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