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Last active November 11, 2017 16:50
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Sample of Solver Foundation via F# and the Sfs wrapper
// Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// This code released under the terms of the
// Microsoft Public License (MS-PL,
open Microsoft.SolverFoundation.Common
open Microsoft.SolverFoundation.FSharpDSL.Language
open Microsoft.SolverFoundation.FSharpDSL.Compiler
// Units-of-measure declarations used throughout the examples
[<Measure>] type Dollar
[<Measure>] type Barrel
[<Measure>] type Day
[<Measure>] type ProductionRate = Barrel/Day
[<Measure>] type Meter
[<Measure>] type Click
[<Measure>] type Impression
/// Describes a slot on a web page that can hold an advertisement
type AdvertisingSlot =
| Slot1
| Slot2
| Slot3
/// The data that describes an advertisement: Bid and click-through rates when the ad
/// is displayed in a specific slot
type Ad =
Bid : float<Dollar/Click>
ClickThroughRates : Map<AdvertisingSlot, float<Click/Impression>>
/// Template for samples: compile the expression, print out variables and objective function before
/// and after solving the linear program
let SampleTemplate expr =
let solver = Solver expr
printfn "Objective function before solving = %f" (solver.ObjectiveFunction |> Rational.op_Explicit)
|> Seq.iter (fun v -> printfn "%s = %f" (v.ToString()) (solver.[v] |> Rational.op_Explicit))
solver.Solve ()
printfn "Objective function after solving = %f" (solver.ObjectiveFunction |> Rational.op_Explicit)
|> Seq.iter (fun v -> printfn "%s = %f" (v.ToString()) (solver.[v] |> Rational.op_Explicit))
/// The Petrochem example from the MSF documentation, here annotated with the correct units-of-measure.
// In this example, we annotate each and every expression with its unit-of-measure. However, many of those annotations
// can be done automatically by F#'s type inference. In subsequent examples, we will drop many of those annotations.
// To get a feeling of how the type inference for units-of-measures works, try deleting or modifying some
// of the type annotations.
let Petrochem () =
let sa = var<Barrel/Day>()
let vz = var<Barrel/Day>()
minimise (20.0<Dollar/Barrel> * sa + 15.0<Dollar/Barrel> * vz)
0.3 * sa + 0.4 * vz >= 2000.<Barrel/Day>;
0.4 * sa + 0.2 * vz >= 1500.<Barrel/Day>;
0.2 * sa + 0.3 * vz >= 500.<Barrel/Day>;
sa <= 9000.<Barrel/Day>;
vz <= 6000.<Barrel/Day>;
sa >= 0.<Barrel/Day>;
vz >= 0.<Barrel/Day>
/// The Petrochem example from the MSF documentation, now with free parameters for the coefficients
/// in the objective function. This illustrates how information external to the DSL part can be used
/// in modelling.
let PetrochemAsFunction (a:float<Dollar/Barrel>,b:float<Dollar/Barrel>) =
let sa = var<Barrel/Day>()
// Note that here we don't need to declare the unit-of-measure anymore - just
// by the nature of the objective function, the compiler can figure out that vz needs to have the same
// unit-of-measure as sa
let vz = var<_>()
minimise (a * sa + b * vz)
// We use the same constraints as above, but leave the complete unit-of-measure annotation
// to the type checker
0.3 * sa + 0.4 * vz >= 2000.<_>;
0.4 * sa + 0.2 * vz >= 1500.<_>;
0.2 * sa + 0.3 * vz >= 500.<_>;
sa <= 9000.<_>;
vz <= 6000.<_>;
sa >= 0.<_>;
vz >= 0.<_>
/// The Petrochem example from the MSF documentation, now with output data binding to save the MSF results.
/// To achieve that, a variable in the DSL (an SFS decision) can be linked to a reference cell,
/// into which the result will be written.
let PetrochemWithDataBinding (a:float<Dollar/Barrel>, b:float<Dollar/Barrel>) =
let saudiArabia = ref 0.0<_>
let venezuela = ref 0.0<_>
let objectiveFunction = ref 0.0<_>
let solver =
// This declares a Solver Foundation variable that is directly linked to
// an reference cell. Once the simplex has been solved, the value that has been
// assigned by Solver Foundation will be written out into the reference cell.
// Note that this is the only way of reading out a Solver Foundation variable while
// retaining the unit-of-measure!
let sa = varinto (saudiArabia)
let vz = varinto (venezuela)
// Note here the minimiseinto keyword:
// The first argument here is a reference cell into which the objective function
// will be written. Similarly to the varinto keyword above, minimizeinto
// is the only way of reading out the objective function while
// retaining its unit-of-measure!
minimiseinto objectiveFunction (a * sa + b * vz)
0.3 * sa + 0.4 * vz >= 2000.<Barrel/Day>;
0.4 * sa + 0.2 * vz >= 1500.<_>;
0.2 * sa + 0.3 * vz >= 500.<_>;
sa <= 9000.<_>;
vz <= 6000.<_>;
sa >= 0.<_>;
vz >= 0.<_>
// When printing out a value that has a unit-of-measure annotation, we need to
// either divide that out, or strip it off using the float function
printfn "Objective function after solving = %f" (!objectiveFunction/1.0<Dollar/Day>)
printfn "Saudi Arabia = %f barrels/day" (!saudiArabia/1.0<Barrel/Day>)
printfn "Venezuela = %f barrels/day" (!venezuela/1.0<Barrel/Day>)
/// A toy example that shows how to create arrays of variables (decisions), and how to
/// access constants from inside the DSL.
let ArrayExample1 ((coefficients: float[]), (upperBounds: float[])) =
/// An array of indices.
// Note that these must be declared outside the DSL part!
// Also, make sure that the index arrays go from 0 to N - 1
let indices = [ 0 .. coefficients.Length-1 ]
let sa = vararray1(indices)
maximise (sum indices (fun i -> coefficients.[i] * sa.[i]))
foreach indices (fun i -> sa.[i] <= upperBounds.[i])
/// A more complex example to illustrate the use of arrays in the DSL.
/// The example is based on the integer programming example in the example code for the
/// Solver Foundation Services wrapper with units-of-measure: Assignment of advertisements
/// to slots, where the goal is to maximize advertiser welfare.
let ArrayExample2 () =
// Assignment problem: our goods are advertising slots on a search engine result page.
// Advertisers can buy these slots, by specifying their valuation in terms of
// a bid "I'm willing to pay x $ per click". However, different advertisers
// attract a different number of clicks in different slots.
// Our goal is to maximize advertiser welfare, that is, overall value * number of clicks.
/// Advertiser 1 bids a lot of money. His ad only performs well on the top slot
let ad1 = {
Bid = 10.0<Dollar/Click>;
ClickThroughRates = Map.ofList [ (Slot1, 0.8<_>); (Slot2, 0.05<_>); (Slot3, 0.05<_>) ] }
/// Advertiser 2 bids a moderate amount of money. The ad performs reasonably well on all 3 slots
let ad2 = {
Bid = 4.99<Dollar/Click>;
ClickThroughRates = Map.ofList [ (Slot1, 0.4<_>); (Slot2, 0.2<_>); (Slot3, 0.2<_>) ] }
/// Advertiser 3 bids a moderate amount of money. The ad performs reasonably well on all 3 slots
let ad3 = {
Bid = 4.0<Dollar/Click>;
ClickThroughRates = Map.ofList [ (Slot1, 0.4<_>); (Slot2, 0.3<_>); (Slot3, 0.3<_>) ] }
/// Advertiser 4 bids a high amount of money, but the ads are spam, and hardly attract clicks.
let ad4 = {
Bid = 10.0<Dollar/Click>;
ClickThroughRates = Map.ofList [ (Slot1, 0.01<_>); (Slot2, 0.005<_>); (Slot3, 0.005<_>) ] }
/// Info about all available ads
let ads = [| ad1; ad2; ad3; ad4 |]
/// All the advertising slots we consider
let slots = [| Slot1; Slot2; Slot3 |]
/// An array that stores all the average valuations of each advertiser in all slots
/// (average valuation is the value an ad would create per impression)
let w =
Array2D.init (ads.Length) (slots.Length) (fun i j ->
let ad = ads.[i]
ad.ClickThroughRates.[slots.[j]] * ad.Bid
// Note that the index arrays must be declared outside the DSL part!
// Also, make sure that these go from 0 to N - 1
let ind1 = [ 0 .. ads.Length - 1 ]
let ind2 = [ 0 .. slots.Length - 1 ]
let welfare = ref 0.0<_>
let solver =
let xij = vararray2<1>(ind1,ind2)
maximiseinto welfare (sum ind1 (fun i -> sum ind2 (fun j -> (xij.[i,j] * w.[i,j]))))
foreach ind1 (fun i -> foreach ind2 (fun j -> xij.[i,j] <= 1.0))
foreach ind1 (fun i -> foreach ind2 (fun j -> xij.[i,j] >= 0.0))
foreach ind1 (fun i -> sum ind2 (fun j -> xij.[i,j]) <= 1.0)
foreach ind2 (fun j -> sum ind1 (fun i -> xij.[i,j]) <= 1.0)
printfn "Objective function after solving = %f" (solver.ObjectiveFunction |> Rational.op_Explicit)
printfn "Objective function after solving, read out via a reference = %f" (!welfare / 1.0<Dollar/Impression>)
printfn "Assignment variables:"
|> Seq.iter (fun v -> printfn "%s = %f" (v.ToString()) (solver.[v] |> Rational.op_Explicit))
/// This simplified portfolio selection problem illustrates integrality constraints:
/// We have real valued variables, but they can only take on values that are integers.
let IntegerProgrammingExample() =
/// List of available investments
// We will be using that as indices later, thus the list of investments
// must be integers from 0 to N-1
let portfolio = [0; 1; 2]
/// Expected return for each investment
let ret = [| 20.0; 12.0; 17.0|]
/// Cost of each investment
let cost = [| 10.0; 12.0; 12.0|]
/// Overall budget limit
let budget = 25.0
/// Decisions whether to buy a specific item in the portfolio
let select = vararray1(portfolio)
// We want to optimise for the best possible return
maximise (sum portfolio (fun p -> ret.[p] * select.[p]))
// All decisions are "boolean": integral and in 0/1
foreach portfolio (fun p -> integral (select.[p]))
foreach portfolio (fun p -> 0.0 <= select.[p])
foreach portfolio (fun p -> select.[p] <= 1.0)
// Budget constraint
sum portfolio (fun p -> cost.[p]*select.[p]) <= budget
// Additionally we may have dependencies between the investments:
// Here, items 1 and 2 are incompatible for some reason and can't
// be bought together
select.[1] + select.[2] <= 1.0
printfn "--------------------------------"
printfn "Petrochem example: Basic functionality"
Petrochem ()
printfn "--------------------------------"
printfn "Petrochem example with parameter"
PetrochemAsFunction (20.0<_>, 15.0<_>)
printfn "--------------------------------"
printfn "Petrochem example with output data binding"
PetrochemWithDataBinding (20.0<_>, 15.0<_>)
printfn "--------------------------------"
printfn "Array example: parametrised objective function"
ArrayExample1 ([| 1.0; 0.5 |], [| 20.0; 30.0 |])
printfn "--------------------------------"
printfn "Assignment game: working with 2D arrays"
ArrayExample2 ()
printfn "--------------------------------"
printfn "Portfolio selection: Integer programming"
printf"Done. Press any key to end the demo."
System.Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
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