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Last active July 21, 2023 07:49
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To patch a server remotely, if you have admin access and PS remoting on, then all it needs the machine name
#Requires -Version 3.0
Author : Nitish Kumar
Performs Remote patching
version 1.0 | 25/06/2023 Initial version
The script is kept as much modular as possible so that functions can be modified or added without altering the entire script
Disclaimer: This script is designed for illustration purposes only and the author do not claim to be responsible for any issues if caused by the script in production usages. Do due dilligence before running in the production environment
Install-RemotePatch.ps1 - Performs windows patching on the remote server
This script performs windows patching on the remote server
- This script requires elevated privileges on the remote machine and also PS remoting being enabled is prerequisites.
Running the script would ask you the name of the remote server to patch
# Global Variables
$WorkDir = "c:\temp\RemoteUpdate" # This is hard-coded, script would break if any other path used
$logpath = "$env:USERPROFILE\desktop\RemoteUpdate_$(get-date -Uformat "%Y%m%d-%H%M%S").txt"
$Counter = 0
Function Write-Log {
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, mandatory = $true)]$logtext,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, mandatory = $true)]$logpath
$Stamp = (Get-Date).toString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss")
$LogMessage = "$Stamp : $logtext"
$isWritten = $false
do {
try {
Add-content $logpath -value $LogMessage -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$isWritten = $true
catch {
} until ( $isWritten )
Function New-BaloonNotification {
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, mandatory = $true)][String]$title,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, mandatory = $true)][String]$message,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, mandatory = $false)][ValidateSet('None', 'Info', 'Warning', 'Error')][String]$icon = "Info",
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, mandatory = $false)][scriptblock]$Script
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
if ($null -eq $script:balloonToolTip) { $script:balloonToolTip = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon }
$tip = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon
$path = Get-Process -Name powershell | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path
$tip.Icon = [System.Drawing.Icon]::ExtractAssociatedIcon($path[0])
$tip.BalloonTipIcon = $Icon
$tip.BalloonTipText = $message
$tip.BalloonTipTitle = $title
$tip.Visible = $true
try {
register-objectevent $tip BalloonTipClicked BalloonClicked_event -Action { $script.Invoke() } | Out-Null
catch {}
$tip.ShowBalloonTip(10000) # Even if we set it for 1000 milliseconds, it usually follows OS minimum 10 seconds
Start-Sleep -s 1
$tip.Dispose() # Important to dispose otherwise the icon stays in notifications till reboot
Get-EventSubscriber -SourceIdentifier "BalloonClicked_event" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Unregister-Event # In case if the Event Subscription is not disposed
Function Start-ServiceCheck {
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, mandatory = $true)]$ServerName,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, mandatory = $false)]$WorkDirectory = $WorkDir
# List of common services, which do not need to restarted if found stopped during service checks
$Whitelist = ("Windows Installer", "Portable Device Enumerator Service", "Application Information", "Smart Card Device Enumeration Service", "Windows Modules Installer", "Windows Error Reporting Service", "Device Setup Manager", "CNG Key Isolation", "Microsoft Policy Platform Local Authority")
# Ensure that work directory exists
try {
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ServerName -scriptBlock { $null = New-Item $args[0] -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } -ArgumentList $WorkDirectory
catch {
$message = "Can not create folder on $($serverName), since PS remote not working. Quitting now."
New-BaloonNotification -title "Error" -message $message
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
$WorkDirectory = $WorkDirectory -replace "^([a-z]):", "\\$serverName\`$1`$" # Covert the loca path given to UNC path
if (-NOT(Test-Path -Path $WorkDirectory)) {
$message = "Can not check services on $($serverName), since [driveLetter]$ is not accessible. Quitting now."
New-BaloonNotification -title "Error" -message $message
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
# Find the most recent service status report
try {
$ServiceStatusPath = "$WorkDirectory\$((Get-ChildItem -Path $WorkDirectory | Where-Object{$_.Name -like "$($ServerName)*.csv"} | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-1)} | Sort-Object LastWriteTime | Select-Object -Last 1).Name)"
catch {
$message = "Something went wrong in finding services status on $($serverName): $($_.Exception.Message)"
New-BaloonNotification -title "Error" -message $message
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
if ($ServiceStatusPath -ne "$WorkDirectory\") {
$ServiceStatus = Import-Csv -Path $ServiceStatusPath
# Service status baseline before the Patch process
$BaseStatusPath = "$WorkDirectory\$($ServerName)_$((Get-Date -Format dd-MM-yyyy).ToString()).csv"
If ($ServiceStatusPath -ne $BaseStatusPath) {
If ($ServiceStatus.count -ge 11) {
$message = "More than 10 Services seem to be in altered state on $($serverName), need manual attention. Quitting now.`n$($ServiceStatus)"
New-BaloonNotification -title "Error" -message $message
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
else {
$message = "$($ServiceStatus.count) Services seem to be in altered state on $($serverName), Starting the services"
New-BaloonNotification -title "Error" -message $message
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
ForEach ($Service in $ServiceStatus) {
If (($Service.Status -eq "Stopped") -AND !($Whitelist -contains $Service.DisplayName)) {
$message = "Starting $($Service.DisplayName) on $($ServerName)...."
New-BaloonNotification -title "Warning" -message $message
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
try {
Get-Service -Name $Service.DisplayName -Computername $ServerName | Start-Service
catch {
$message = "Could not start $($Service.DisplayName) on $($ServerName)....`n"
Write-Output $message -Foregroundcolor RED
New-BaloonNotification -title "Error" -message $message
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
else {
$message = "First update pass on $($serverName)."
New-BaloonNotification -title "Information" -message $message
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
return $ServiceStatus
Function Start-Patch {
param (
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, mandatory = $true)]$ServerName,
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, mandatory = $false)]$WorkDirectory = $WorkDir
# Ensure that work directory exists
try {
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ServerName -scriptBlock { $null = New-Item $args[0] -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } -ArgumentList $WorkDirectory
catch {
$message = "Can not create folder on $($serverName), since PS remote not working. Quitting now."
New-BaloonNotification -title "Error" -message $message
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
$WorkDirectory = $WorkDirectory -replace "^([a-z]):", "\\$serverName\`$1`$"
If (-Not(Test-Path -Path $WorkDirectory)) {
$message = "$($WorkDirectory) not accessible, Either not shared or the user doesn't has admin permissions. Quitting now."
New-BaloonNotification -title "Error" -message $message
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
$ExprStart1 = {
$ScriptBlock1 = {
#Variables to customize
$FileReportPath = "c:\temp\RemoteUpdate" # This is hard-coded, script would break if any other path used
$AutoRestart = $true
$WorkDirectory = $FileReportPath
# Create the directory if not already created
$null = New-Item $WorkDirectory -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$ServiceStatusPath = $FileReportPath + "\$($env:ComputerName)_$((Get-Date -Format dd-MM-yyyy).ToString()).csv"
$HTMLPath = $FileReportPath + "\$($env:ComputerName)_$((Get-Date -Format dd-MM-yyyy_HH-mm).ToString()).html"
$CSVPath = $FileReportPath + "\$($env:ComputerName)_$((Get-Date -Format dd-MM-yyyy_HH-mm).ToString()).csv"
# Check the services status and record either the baseline or changed services status
if (-Not([System.IO.File]::Exists($ServiceStatusPath))) {
Get-Service | Select-object DisplayName, servicename, starttype, status | export-csv -nti $ServiceStatusPath
Else {
$Pre = import-csv -Path $ServiceStatusPath
$Post = Get-Service | Select-object DisplayName, servicename, starttype, status
Compare-object -ReferenceObject $Pre -DifferenceObject $Post -Property Status, displayname, name | Where-Object { $_.sideIndicator -eq "=>" } | export-csv -nti $CSVPath -Force
#Testing if there are any pending reboots from earlier Windows Update sessions
if (Test-Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\RebootRequired") {
"WindowsUpdate was run on $env:ComputerName, but there is a pending reboot already. Restarting machine first." | Out-File -FilePath $HTMLPath
try {
Invoke-command -ComputerName $ServerName -ScriptBlock {
Set-Content "c:\temp\RemoteUpdate\RebootRequired.txt" -Value "Reboot Required" -Force
catch {
$message = "Failed to set reboot required flag on $($serverName)."
New-BaloonNotification -title "Error" -message $message
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
else {
#Checking for available updates
$updateSession = new-object -com "Microsoft.Update.Session"
write-progress -Activity "Updating" -Status "Checking available updates"
$criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and Type='Software'"
$updates = $updateSession.CreateupdateSearcher().Search($criteria).Updates
$downloader = $updateSession.CreateUpdateDownloader()
$downloader.Updates = $Updates
#If no updates available, do nothing
if ($downloader.Updates.Count -eq "0") {
"WindowsUpdate was run on $env:ComputerName, but no new updates were found. Please try again later." | Out-File -FilePath $HTMLPath
Set-Content "c:\temp\RemoteUpdate\RebootRequired.txt" -Value "Reboot Not Required" -Force
else {
#If updates are available, download and install
$resultcode = @{0 = "Not Started"; 1 = "In Progress"; 2 = "Succeeded"; 3 = "Succeeded With Errors"; 4 = "Failed" ; 5 = "Aborted" }
$Result = $downloader.Download()
if (($Result.Hresult -eq 0) -and (($result.resultCode -eq 2) -or ($result.resultCode -eq 3)) ) {
$updatesToInstall = New-object -com "Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl"
$Updates | Where-Object { $_.isdownloaded } | foreach-Object { $updatesToInstall.Add($_) | out-null
$installer = $updateSession.CreateUpdateInstaller()
$installer.Updates = $updatesToInstall
$installationResult = $installer.Install()
$Report = $installer.updates | Select-Object -property Title, EulaAccepted, @{Name = 'Result'; expression = { $ResultCode[$installationResult.GetUpdateResult($Global:Counter++).resultCode ] } }, @{Name = 'Reboot required'; expression = { $installationResult.GetUpdateResult($Global:Counter++).RebootRequired } } | ConvertTo-Html
$Report | Out-File -FilePath $HTMLPath
# Reboot if autorestart is enabled and one or more updates are requiring a reboot
if ($autoRestart -and $installationResult.rebootRequired) {
try {
Invoke-command -ComputerName $ServerName -ScriptBlock {
Set-Content "c:\temp\RemoteUpdate\RebootRequired.txt" -Value "Reboot Required" -Force
catch {
$message = "Failed to set reboot required flag on $($serverName)."
New-BaloonNotification -title "Error" -message $message
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
else {
Set-Content "c:\temp\RemoteUpdate\RebootRequired.txt" -Value "Reboot Not Required or not allowed" -Force
Get-Service | Select-object DisplayName, servicename, starttype, status | export-csv -nti $CSVPath -Force
Set-Content -Path c:\temp\remoteupdate\InstallPatches.ps1 -Value $ScriptBlock1
$taskAction = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute "PowerShell.exe" -Argument "-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File ""c:\temp\remoteupdate\InstallPatches.ps1"""
$taskTrigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Once -At (Get-Date)
$taskSettings = New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet -AllowStartIfOnBatteries -DontStopIfGoingOnBatteries -DontStopOnIdleEnd
$taskPrincipal = New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal -UserId "NT Authority\SYSTEM" -LogonType ServiceAccount -RunLevel Highest
$null = Register-ScheduledTask -TaskName "RemoteWindowsUpdate" -Action $taskAction -Trigger $taskTrigger -Settings $taskSettings -Principal $taskPrincipal -Force
$ExprStart = [Scriptblock]::Create($ExprStart1)
try {
Invoke-command -ComputerName $ServerName -ScriptBlock $ExprStart
catch {
$message = "Unable to create schedule task on $($serverName): $($_.exception.message). Quitting now."
New-BaloonNotification -title "Error" -message $message
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
# Launch the schedule task and wait till it gets completed
$ExprStart1 = { Start-ScheduledTask -TaskName "RemoteWindowsUpdate" }
$ExprStart = [Scriptblock]::Create($ExprStart1)
try {
Invoke-command -ComputerName $ServerName -ScriptBlock $ExprStart
catch {
$message = "Unable to run schedule task on $($serverName): $($_.exception.message). Quitting now."
New-BaloonNotification -title "Error" -message $message
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
$message = "Patching is in progress on $($serverName)."
New-BaloonNotification -title "Information" -message $message
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
$Initial = "Not logs yet"
$count = 0
$StartTime = Get-Date
DO {
$ExprStart1 = { Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName "RemoteWindowsUpdate" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty State }
$ExprStart = [Scriptblock]::Create($ExprStart1)
$State = Invoke-command -ComputerName $ServerName -ScriptBlock $ExprStart
write-progress -activity "Patching started at $StartTime" -status (get-date)
If ($Initial -ne (Get-EventLog -ComputerName $serverName -LogName "System" -Source "Microsoft-Windows-WindowsUpdateClient" -After ($StartTime).AddDays(-1) -Newest 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Message) {
$Initial = (Get-EventLog -ComputerName $serverName -LogName "System" -Source "Microsoft-Windows-WindowsUpdateClient" -After ($StartTime).AddDays(-1) -Newest 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Message
[String]$count + ". " + $Initial
} Until ($State.Value -eq 'Ready')
$RebootFlag = invoke-command -ComputerName $ServerName -ScriptBlock { Get-Content "c:\temp\RemoteUpdate\RebootRequired.txt" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
if ($RebootFlag -eq "Reboot Required") {
$message = "Rebooting $($serverName)."
New-BaloonNotification -title "Warning" -message $message
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
Restart-Computer -ComputerName $ServerName -Force -Wait -For PowerShell -Timeout 7200 -Delay 2
else {
$message = "Patching pass completed on $($serverName). Reboot not required. Checking if more updates are required"
New-BaloonNotification -title "Information" -message $message
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
#Get-Service | Select-object DisplayName, servicename, starttype, status | export-csv -nti $CSVPath -Force
Invoke-command -ComputerName $ServerName -ScriptBlock {
$FileReportPath = "c:\temp\RemoteUpdate"
$ServiceStatusPath = $FileReportPath + "\$($env:ComputerName)_$((Get-Date -Format dd-MM-yyyy).ToString()).csv"
$CSVPath = $FileReportPath + "\$($env:ComputerName)_$((Get-Date -Format dd-MM-yyyy_HH-mm).ToString()).csv"
$Pre = import-csv -Path $ServiceStatusPath
$Post = Get-Service | Select-object DisplayName, servicename, starttype, status
Compare-object -ReferenceObject $Pre -DifferenceObject $Post -Property Status, displayname, name | Where-Object { $_.sideIndicator -eq "=>" } | export-csv -nti $CSVPath -Force
$PendingUpdates = Get-Content -tail 3 "\\$($servername)\c$\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\ReportingEvents.log"
if (($PendingUpdates -contains "detected 0 updates") -ne "") {
While (($PendingUpdates -contains "detected 0 updates") -ne "") {
$PendingUpdates = Get-Content -tail 3 "\\$($servername)\c$\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\ReportingEvents.log"
Start-Patch -ServerName $ServerName
$message = "Patches still pending, running another pass on $($serverName)."
New-BaloonNotification -title "Information" -message $message
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
Start-Sleep 15
$ServiceStatus = Start-ServiceCheck -ServerName $ServerName
$message = "Patching pass completed on $($serverName) at $((Get-Date).ToString())."
New-BaloonNotification -title "Information" -message $message
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
$Patches = Invoke-command -ComputerName $ServerName -ScriptBlock { Get-WmiObject -Class "win32_quickfixengineering" | Select-Object -Property "Description", "HotfixID", @{Name = "InstalledOn"; Expression = { ([DateTime]($_.InstalledOn)).ToLocalTime() } } | ? { $_.InstalledOn -ge (Get-Date).AddDays(-1) } }
$message = "Removing script file and schedule task from $($serverName)."
New-BaloonNotification -title "Information" -message $message
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
try {
Invoke-command -ComputerName $ServerName -ScriptBlock {
$null = Remove-Item "c:\temp\RemoteUpdate\Installpatches.ps1" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$null = Remove-Item "c:\temp\RemoteUpdate\RebootRequired.txt" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Unregister-ScheduledTask -TaskName "RemoteWindowsUpdate" -Confirm:$false
catch {
$message = "Failed to remove script file and schedule task from $($serverName)."
New-BaloonNotification -title "Error" -message $message
Write-Log -logtext $message -logpath $logpath
$Results = [PSCustomObject]@{
Services = $ServiceStatus
Patches = $Patches
Return $Results
$RemoteComputer = Read-Host "Enter the Server name to patch and reboot"
$Results = Start-Patch -ServerName $RemoteComputer
if ($Results.Services ) {
Write-Output "The services in Altered state `n"
$Results.Services | Format-Table DisplayName, Status
else {
Write-Output "No services are in Altered state `n"
if ($Results.Patches) {
Write-Output "The list of patches installed today `n"
$Results.Patches | Format-Table PSComputerName, InstalledOn, HotfixID, Description
else {
Write-Output "No patches installed`n"
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