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Last active September 3, 2021 17:09
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This module introduces environment variables configuration fetcher class-level support.
import os
class Value(object):
Defines a value that has to be potentially fetched from the variable environment.
def __init__(self, default_value=None, prefix=None, alternate_key=None):
Initializes a class instance.
:param default_value: A default value in case the variable cannot be found
in the environment.
:type default_value: object
:param prefix: The prefix for the environment variable.
:type prefix: str
:param alternate_key: The alternate key where to search for this variable in
the environment.
:type alternate_key: str
self.default_value = default_value
self.prefix = prefix
self.alternate_key = alternate_key
def get_value_from_env(self, key):
Fetches the actual value from the variable environment.
:param key: The key in the configuration class. To be ignored if
`alternate_key` was defined at initialization level.
:type key: str
:returns: The actual value.
:rtype: object
if self.alternate_key:
key = self.alternate_key
key = '{}{}'.format(self.prefix or '', key)
return os.environ.get(key.upper()) or self.default_value
class TupleValue(Value):
Extends the Value class to return the environment variable value as
a tuple of str.
#: The type to cast to
_type = str
def __init__(self, default_value=None, prefix=None, alternate_key=None, separator=','):
Initializes a class instance.
:param default_value: A default value in case the variable cannot be found
in the environment.
:type default_value: object
:param prefix: The prefix for the environment variable.
:type prefix: str
:param alternate_key: The alternate key where to search for this variable in
the environment.
:type alternate_key: str
super().__init__(default_value, prefix, alternate_key)
self.separator = separator
def get_value_from_env(self, key):
Fetches the actual value from the variable environment as a tuple of str.
:param key: The key in the configuration class. To be ignored if
`alternate_key` was defined at initialization level.
:type key: str
:returns: The actual value.
:rtype: tuple
val = (super().get_value_from_env(key) or ())
if isinstance(val, tuple):
return val
return tuple(self._type(v) for v in val.split(self.separator))
except (AttributeError, ValueError):
return ()
class IntTupleValue(TupleValue):
Extends the Value class to return the environment variable value as
a tuple of int.
#: The type to cast to
_type = int
class FloatTupleValue(TupleValue):
Extends the Value class to return the environment variable value as
a tuple of float.
#: The type to cast to
_type = float
class BooleanValue(Value):
Extends the Value class to return the environment variable value as
a coerced boolean.
def get_value_from_env(self, key):
Fetches the actual value from the variable environment as a boolean.
:param key: The key in the configuration class. To be ignored if
`alternate_key` was defined at initialization level.
:type key: str
:returns: The actual value.
:rtype: bool
val = (super().get_value_from_env(key) or '')
if isinstance(val, bool):
return val
val = val.lower()
if val in ('true', '1', 'y', 'yes'):
return True
if val in ('false', '0', 'n', 'no'):
return False
class IntValue(Value):
Extends the Value class to return the environment variable value as
a coerced int.
#: The type to cast to
_type = int
def get_value_from_env(self, key):
Fetches the actual value from the variable environment as the type specified in
:param key: The key in the configuration class. To be ignored if
`alternate_key` was defined at initialization level.
:type key: str
:returns: The actual value.
:rtype: type
val = (super().get_value_from_env(key) or '')
if isinstance(val, self._type):
return val
return self._type(val)
except ValueError:
return self._type(0)
class FloatValue(IntValue):
Extends the Value class to return the environment variable value as
a coerced float.
#: The type to cast to
_type = float
def get_attributes(obj):
Fetches the attributes from an object.
:param obj: The object.
:type obj: object
:returns: A dictionary of attributes and their values from the object.
:rtype: dict
return {k: getattr(obj, k) for k in dir(obj) if not k.startswith('__')}
class ConfigurationBase(type):
The configuration base metaclass.
This also allows to specify a prefix as a `_prefix` property at the
class level definition.
def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
Invoked at creation level to scroll through the attributes and process them
(also for parent classes).
parents = [base for base in bases if isinstance(base, ConfigurationBase)]
settings_vars = {}
if parents:
for base in bases[::-1]:
attrs = dict(settings_vars, **attrs)
# we fetch the actual values from environment here
prefix = attrs.pop('_prefix', None)
for (key, val) in attrs.items():
if isinstance(val, Value):
val.prefix = prefix
attrs[key] = val.get_value_from_env(key)
return super(ConfigurationBase, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
def __repr__(self):
return "<Configuration '{0}.{1}'>".format(self.__module__,
class Configuration(object, metaclass=ConfigurationBase):
The base configuration class (invoked on top of metaclass :class:`ConfigurationBase`).
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