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Example Odin font renderer using fontstash and WebGPU
package vendor_wgpu_example_fontstash
import intr "base:intrinsics"
import "core:fmt"
import "core:math/linalg"
import sa "core:container/small_array"
import fs "vendor:fontstash"
import "vendor:wgpu"
Renderer :: struct {
instance: wgpu.Instance,
surface: wgpu.Surface,
adapter: wgpu.Adapter,
device: wgpu.Device,
config: wgpu.SurfaceConfiguration,
queue: wgpu.Queue,
fs: fs.FontContext,
// NOTE: this could be made a dynamic array and employ a check if the gpu buffer needs to grow.
font_instances: sa.Small_Array(MAX_FONT_INSTANCES, Font_Instance),
font_instances_buf: wgpu.Buffer,
font_index_buf: wgpu.Buffer,
module: wgpu.ShaderModule,
atlas_texture: wgpu.Texture,
atlas_texture_view: wgpu.TextureView,
pipeline_layout: wgpu.PipelineLayout,
pipeline: wgpu.RenderPipeline,
const_buffer: wgpu.Buffer,
sampler: wgpu.Sampler,
bind_group_layout: wgpu.BindGroupLayout,
bind_group: wgpu.BindGroup,
Font_Instance :: struct {
pos_min: [2]f32,
pos_max: [2]f32,
uv_min: [2]f32,
uv_max: [2]f32,
color: [4]u8,
Text_Align_Horizontal :: enum {
Left = int(fs.AlignHorizontal.LEFT),
Center = int(fs.AlignHorizontal.CENTER),
Right = int(fs.AlignHorizontal.RIGHT),
Text_Align_Vertical :: enum {
Top = int(fs.AlignVertical.TOP),
Middle = int(fs.AlignVertical.MIDDLE),
Bottom = int(fs.AlignVertical.BOTTOM),
Baseline = int(fs.AlignVertical.BASELINE),
Font :: enum {
fonts := [Font][]byte{
.Default = #load("/System/Library/Fonts/Supplemental/Comic Sans MS Bold.ttf"),
r_init_and_run :: proc() {
r := &state.renderer
r.instance = wgpu.CreateInstance(nil)
r.surface = os_get_surface(r.instance)
wgpu.InstanceRequestAdapter(r.instance, &{ compatibleSurface = r.surface }, handle_request_adapter, nil)
handle_request_adapter :: proc "c" (status: wgpu.RequestAdapterStatus, adapter: wgpu.Adapter, message: cstring, userdata: rawptr) {
context = state.ctx
if status != .Success || adapter == nil {
fmt.panicf("request adapter failure: [%v] %s", status, message)
state.renderer.adapter = adapter
wgpu.AdapterRequestDevice(adapter, nil, handle_request_device, nil)
handle_request_device :: proc "c" (status: wgpu.RequestDeviceStatus, device: wgpu.Device, message: cstring, userdata: rawptr) {
context = state.ctx
if status != .Success || device == nil {
fmt.panicf("request device failure: [%v] %s", status, message)
state.renderer.device = device
on_adapter_and_device :: proc() {
r := &state.renderer
width, height := os_get_render_bounds()
r.config = wgpu.SurfaceConfiguration {
device = r.device,
usage = { .RenderAttachment },
format = .BGRA8Unorm,
width = width,
height = height,
presentMode = .Fifo,
alphaMode = .Opaque,
r.queue = wgpu.DeviceGetQueue(r.device)
for font in Font {
fs.AddFontMem(&r.fs, fmt.enum_value_to_string(font) or_else unreachable(), fonts[font], freeLoadedData=false)
// This font has literally everything, just use it as a fallback for all others.
fallback := fs.AddFontMem(&r.fs, "arial", #load("/System/Library/Fonts/Supplemental/Arial Unicode.ttf"), freeLoadedData=false)
for font in Font {
fs.AddFallbackFont(&r.fs, int(font), fallback)
r.font_instances_buf = wgpu.DeviceCreateBuffer(r.device, &{
label = "Font Instance Buffer",
usage = { .Vertex, .CopyDst },
size = size_of(,
r.font_index_buf = wgpu.DeviceCreateBufferWithData(r.device, &{
label = "Font Index Buffer",
usage = { .Index, .Uniform },
}, []u32{0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3})
r.const_buffer = wgpu.DeviceCreateBuffer(r.device, &{
label = "Constant buffer",
usage = { .Uniform, .CopyDst },
size = size_of(matrix[4, 4]f32),
r.sampler = wgpu.DeviceCreateSampler(r.device, &{
addressModeU = .ClampToEdge,
addressModeV = .ClampToEdge,
addressModeW = .ClampToEdge,
magFilter = .Linear,
minFilter = .Linear,
mipmapFilter = .Linear,
lodMinClamp = 0,
lodMaxClamp = 32,
compare = .Undefined,
maxAnisotropy = 1,
r.bind_group_layout = wgpu.DeviceCreateBindGroupLayout(r.device, &{
entryCount = 3,
entries = raw_data([]wgpu.BindGroupLayoutEntry{
binding = 0,
visibility = { .Fragment },
sampler = {
type = .Filtering,
binding = 1,
visibility = { .Fragment },
texture = {
sampleType = .Float,
viewDimension = ._2D,
multisampled = false,
binding = 2,
visibility = { .Vertex },
buffer = {
type = .Uniform,
minBindingSize = size_of(matrix[4, 4]f32),
r.module = wgpu.DeviceCreateShaderModule(r.device, &{
nextInChain = &wgpu.ShaderModuleWGSLDescriptor{
sType = .ShaderModuleWGSLDescriptor,
code = #load("shader.wgsl"),
r.pipeline_layout = wgpu.DeviceCreatePipelineLayout(r.device, &{
bindGroupLayoutCount = 1,
bindGroupLayouts = &r.bind_group_layout,
r.pipeline = wgpu.DeviceCreateRenderPipeline(r.device, &{
layout = r.pipeline_layout,
vertex = {
module = r.module,
entryPoint = "vs_main",
bufferCount = 1,
buffers = raw_data([]wgpu.VertexBufferLayout{
arrayStride = size_of(Font_Instance),
stepMode = .Instance,
attributeCount = 5,
attributes = raw_data([]wgpu.VertexAttribute{
format = .Float32x2,
shaderLocation = 0,
format = .Float32x2,
shaderLocation = 1,
offset = 8,
format = .Float32x2,
shaderLocation = 2,
offset = 16,
format = .Float32x2,
shaderLocation = 3,
offset = 24,
format = .Uint32,
shaderLocation = 4,
offset = 32,
fragment = &{
module = r.module,
entryPoint = "fs_main",
targetCount = 1,
targets = &wgpu.ColorTargetState{
format = .BGRA8Unorm,
blend = &{
alpha = {
srcFactor = .SrcAlpha,
dstFactor = .OneMinusSrcAlpha,
operation = .Add,
color = {
srcFactor = .SrcAlpha,
dstFactor = .OneMinusSrcAlpha,
operation = .Add,
writeMask = wgpu.ColorWriteMaskFlags_All,
primitive = {
topology = .TriangleList,
cullMode = .None,
multisample = {
count = 1,
mask = 0xFFFFFFFF,
wgpu.SurfaceConfigure(r.surface, &r.config)
r_resize :: proc(r: ^Renderer) {
width, height := os_get_render_bounds()
r.config.width, r.config.height = width, height
wgpu.SurfaceConfigure(r.surface, &r.config)
fmt.println("resize to ", width, height, os_get_dpi())
r_write_consts :: proc(r: ^Renderer) {
// Transformation matrix to convert from screen to device pixels and scale based on DPI.
dpi := os_get_dpi()
width, height := os_get_screen_size()
fw, fh := f32(width), f32(height)
transform := linalg.matrix4_scale(1/dpi) * linalg.matrix_ortho3d(0, fw, fh, 0, -1, 1)
wgpu.QueueWriteBuffer(r.queue, r.const_buffer, 0, &transform, size_of(transform))
r_create_atlas :: proc(r: ^Renderer) {
r.atlas_texture = wgpu.DeviceCreateTexture(r.device, &{
usage = { .TextureBinding, .CopyDst },
dimension = ._2D,
size = { u32(r.fs.width), u32(r.fs.height), 1 },
format = .R8Unorm,
mipLevelCount = 1,
sampleCount = 1,
r.atlas_texture_view = wgpu.TextureCreateView(r.atlas_texture, nil)
r.bind_group = wgpu.DeviceCreateBindGroup(r.device, &{
layout = r.bind_group_layout,
entryCount = 3,
entries = raw_data([]wgpu.BindGroupEntry{
binding = 0,
sampler = r.sampler,
binding = 1,
textureView = r.atlas_texture_view,
binding = 2,
buffer = r.const_buffer,
size = size_of(matrix[4, 4]f32),
r_write_atlas :: proc(r: ^Renderer) {
&{ texture = r.atlas_texture },
uint(r.fs.width * r.fs.height),
bytesPerRow = u32(r.fs.width),
rowsPerImage = u32(r.fs.height),
&{ u32(r.fs.width), u32(r.fs.height), 1 },
r_render :: proc(r: ^Renderer) {
surface_texture := wgpu.SurfaceGetCurrentTexture(r.surface)
switch surface_texture.status {
case .Success:
// All good, could check for `surface_texture.suboptimal` here.
case .Timeout, .Outdated, .Lost:
// Skip this frame, and re-configure surface.
if surface_texture.texture != nil {
case .OutOfMemory, .DeviceLost:
// Fatal error
fmt.panicf("get_current_texture status=%v", surface_texture.status)
defer wgpu.TextureRelease(surface_texture.texture)
frame := wgpu.TextureCreateView(surface_texture.texture, nil)
defer wgpu.TextureViewRelease(frame)
command_encoder := wgpu.DeviceCreateCommandEncoder(r.device, nil)
defer wgpu.CommandEncoderRelease(command_encoder)
render_pass_encoder := wgpu.CommandEncoderBeginRenderPass(
command_encoder, &{
colorAttachmentCount = 1,
colorAttachments = &wgpu.RenderPassColorAttachment{
view = frame,
loadOp = .Clear,
storeOp = .Store,
clearValue = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1 },
defer wgpu.RenderPassEncoderRelease(render_pass_encoder)
if (
wgpu.TextureGetHeight(r.atlas_texture) != u32(r.fs.height) ||
wgpu.TextureGetWidth(r.atlas_texture) != u32(r.fs.width)
) {
fmt.println("atlas has grown to", r.fs.width, r.fs.height)
} else {
dirty_texture := r.fs.dirtyRect[0] < r.fs.dirtyRect[2] && r.fs.dirtyRect[1] < r.fs.dirtyRect[3]
if dirty_texture {
// NOTE: could technically only update the part of the texture that changed,
// seems non-trivial though.
fmt.println("atas is dirty, updating")
if r.font_instances.len > 0 {
uint(r.font_instances.len) * size_of(Font_Instance),
wgpu.RenderPassEncoderSetPipeline(render_pass_encoder, r.pipeline)
wgpu.RenderPassEncoderSetBindGroup(render_pass_encoder, 0, r.bind_group)
wgpu.RenderPassEncoderSetVertexBuffer(render_pass_encoder, 0, r.font_instances_buf, 0, u64(r.font_instances.len) * size_of(Font_Instance))
wgpu.RenderPassEncoderSetIndexBuffer(render_pass_encoder, r.font_index_buf, .Uint32, 0, wgpu.BufferGetSize(r.font_index_buf))
wgpu.RenderPassEncoderDrawIndexed(render_pass_encoder, indexCount=6, instanceCount=u32(r.font_instances.len), firstIndex=0, baseVertex=0, firstInstance=0)
r.fs.state_count = 0
command_buffer := wgpu.CommandEncoderFinish(command_encoder, nil)
defer wgpu.CommandBufferRelease(command_buffer)
wgpu.QueueSubmit(r.queue, { command_buffer })
r_draw_text :: proc(
r: ^Renderer,
text: string,
pos: [2]f32,
size: f32 = 36,
color: [4]u8 = max(u8),
blur: f32 = 0,
spacing: f32 = 0,
font: Font = .Default,
align_h: Text_Align_Horizontal = .Left,
align_v: Text_Align_Vertical = .Baseline,
x_inc: ^f32 = nil,
y_inc: ^f32 = nil,
) {
if len(text) == 0 {
state := fs.__getState(&r.fs)
state^ = {
size = size * os_get_dpi(),
blur = blur,
spacing = spacing,
font = int(font),
ah = fs.AlignHorizontal(align_h),
av = fs.AlignVertical(align_v),
if y_inc != nil {
_, _, lh := fs.VerticalMetrics(&r.fs)
y_inc^ += lh
for iter := fs.TextIterInit(&r.fs, pos.x, pos.y, text); true; {
quad: fs.Quad
fs.TextIterNext(&r.fs, &iter, &quad) or_break
Font_Instance {
pos_min = {quad.x0, quad.y0},
pos_max = {quad.x1, quad.y1},
uv_min = {quad.s0, quad.t0},
uv_max = {quad.s1, quad.t1},
color = color,
if x_inc != nil {
last :=[r.font_instances.len-1]
x_inc^ += last.pos_max.x - pos.x
struct Instance {
@location(0) pos_min: vec2<f32>,
@location(1) pos_max: vec2<f32>,
@location(2) uv_min: vec2<f32>,
@location(3) uv_max: vec2<f32>,
@location(4) color: u32,
struct VertexOutput {
@builtin(position) position: vec4<f32>,
@location(0) uv: vec2<f32>,
@location(1) @interpolate(flat) color: u32,
fn vs_main(@builtin(vertex_index) vertex: u32, inst: Instance) -> VertexOutput {
var output: VertexOutput;
let left = bool(vertex & 1);
let bottom = bool((vertex >> 1) & 1);
let pos = vec2<f32>(select(inst.pos_max.x, inst.pos_min.x, left), select(inst.pos_max.y, inst.pos_min.y, bottom));
let uv = vec2<f32>(select(inst.uv_max.x, inst.uv_min.x, left), select(inst.uv_max.y, inst.uv_min.y, bottom));
output.position = transform * vec4<f32>(pos, 0, 1);
output.uv = uv;
output.color = inst.color;
return output;
@group(0) @binding(0) var samp: sampler;
@group(0) @binding(1) var text: texture_2d<f32>;
@group(0) @binding(2) var<uniform> transform: mat4x4<f32>;
fn fs_main(@location(0) uv: vec2<f32>, @location(1) @interpolate(flat) color: u32) -> @location(0) vec4<f32> {
let texColor = textureSample(text, samp, uv);
let a = texColor.r * f32((color >> 24) & 0xffu) / 255;
let b = f32((color >> 16) & 0xffu) / 255;
let g = f32((color >> 8) & 0xffu) / 255;
let r = f32(color & 0xffu) / 255;
return vec4<f32>(r, g, b, a);
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