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Created March 1, 2020 02:49
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Longest Increasing Subsequence and Longest Common Subsequence
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- Longest increasing subsequence
-- O(nlogn)
lis :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
lis = buildResult . snd . mapAccumL takeMax (Set.empty, Nothing)
takeMax (endings, lastPreMax) value =
upperBound = fromMaybe value $ Set.lookupGE value endings
newMax = fromMaybe value $ Set.lookupMax newEndings
newPreMax = Set.lookupLT newMax newEndings
newEndings = endings
& Set.delete upperBound
& Set.insert value
( (newEndings, newPreMax)
, (newMax , newPreMax)
buildResult [] = []
buildResult ((max, premax):vals) = takeResult $ foldr f (max:[], premax) (reverse vals)
f (value, valueNext) (subsequence, next) =
if Just value == next
then (value:subsequence, valueNext)
else (subsequence, next)
takeResult = fst
-- | Longest common subsequence in terms of longest increasing subsequence.
-- O(n^2)
lcs :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
lcs l1 l2 = fmap snd $ lis merged
byItem = foldr addToList Map.empty $ zip [1..] l2
addToList v map = Map.insertWith (++) (snd v) [v] map
occurrencesOf v = fromMaybe [] $ Map.lookup v byItem
merged =
[ (idx, x)
| y <- l1 -- For each elements of l1
, (idx, x) <- occurrencesOf y -- Get all elements of l2 where their values are the same
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