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Created April 18, 2014 07:47
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#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include <queue>
using std::priority_queue;
const int N = 100000 + 9,INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;
bool iscenter[N];
int n,son[N],lnk[N * 2],nxt[N * 2],ec,cnt,times[N],col[N];
struct info
int u,dis;
info(const int _u = 0,const int _dis = 0):
bool operator<(const info &a)const{return dis > a.dis;}
priority_queue<info>sq[N * 3];
int sqa[N * 3],dis[20][N];
struct Center
int fa,fa_son;
inline bool check(const info &a)
return sqa[a.u] != a.dis;
void maintain(priority_queue<info> &q)
while (!q.empty() && check( q.pop();
int FC(const int s)
static int q[N],f[N],g[N],fa[N],h,t;
int res = 0; g[0] = INF;
fa[s] = f[s] = g[s] = 0;
for (q[t = h = 1] = s; h <= t; ++h)
for (int i = son[q[h]],v; i; i = nxt[i]) {
if (iscenter[v = lnk[i]] || fa[q[h]] == v) continue;
fa[v] = q[h];
q[++t] = v;
f[v] = g[v] = 0;
for (int i = t; i; --i) {
f[fa[q[i]]] += (++f[q[i]]);
g[fa[q[i]]] = std::max(g[fa[q[i]]],f[q[i]]);
g[q[i]] = std::max(g[q[i]],t - f[q[i]]);
if (g[res] > g[q[i]]) res = q[i];
iscenter[res] = true;
return res;
void update(const int s)
static int q[N],h,t,fa[N];
fa[s] = dis[++times[s]][s] = 0;
for (q[h = t = 1] = s; h <= t; ++h)
for (int v,i = son[q[h]]; i; i = nxt[i]) {
if (iscenter[v = lnk[i]] || fa[q[h]] == v) continue;
fa[v] = q[h];
q[++t] = v;
dis[++times[v]][v] = dis[times[q[h]]][q[h]] + 1;
void init()
static int q[N];
int h = 1,t = 1;
for (q[t] = FC(1); h <= t; ++h) {
for (int i = son[q[h]]; i; i = nxt[i])
if (!iscenter[lnk[i]]) {
q[++t] = FC(lnk[i]);
c[q[t]].fa = q[h];
c[q[t]].fa_son = i;
int query(int x)
if (!cnt) return -1;
if (!col[x]) return 0;
int s = x,ans,y = c[x].fa_son,t = times[s] - 1;
if (c[x].q.empty()) ans = INF;
else ans = c[x];
for (x = c[x].fa; x && ans > 1; y = c[x].fa_son,x = c[x].fa,--t) {
priority_queue<info>&q = c[x].q;
if (q.empty()) continue;
info tmp =,tt; q.pop();
if (tmp.u != y) ans = std::min(ans,dis[t][s] + tmp.dis);
else {
while (!q.empty() && (check(tt = || tt.u == tmp.u)) q.pop();
if (!q.empty()) ans = std::min(ans,dis[t][s] +;
return ans;
void modify(int x)
cnt += ((col[x] ^= 1) ? -1 : 1);
int s = x,y = c[x].fa_son,t = times[s] - 1;
if (col[x]) sqa[x + 2 * n] = INF;
else {
sqa[x + 2 * n] = 0;
sq[x + 2 * n].push(info(x,0));
c[x].q.push(info(x + 2 * n,0));
for (x = c[x].fa; x; y = c[x].fa_son,x = c[x].fa,--t) {
priority_queue<info>&q = sq[y];
while (!q.empty() && col[]) q.pop();
if (!col[s]) q.push(info(s,dis[t][s]));
int mem = sqa[y];
if (q.empty()) sqa[y] = INF;
else sqa[y] =;
if (sqa[y] != mem) c[x].q.push(info(y,sqa[y]));
inline void addedge(const int x,const int y)
nxt[++ec] = son[x];
son[x] = ec;
lnk[ec] = y;
int main()
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) col[i] = 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= n * 3; ++i) sqa[i] = INF;
for (int i = 1,x,y; i < n; ++i) {
int q = 0;
for (int opt,x; q--; ) {
if (!opt) modify(x);
else printf("%d\n",query(x));
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