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Created March 5, 2013 14:45
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#!/bin/env perl
# check_oldestfile_in_directory
# (c) 2013 NETWAYS GmbH
# Markus Frosch <>
# license GPL2+
=head1 NAME
check_oldestfile_in_directory - check file age of oldest file in a directory
when the filecount in that dir exceeds a
check_oldestfile_in_directory -d <directory> [-l <filecount>]
[-w <minutes>] [-c <minutes>]
=head1 OPTIONS
=item -d|--directory <directory>
Directory to check
=item -l|--filecount <filecount>
Filecount must be exceeded to check oldestfile for age
Default: 10
=item -w|--warnage <minutes>
age of the oldest file which would cause a WARNING (default: 60)
=item -c|--critage <minutes>
age of the oldest file which would cause a CRITICAL (default: 120)
=item -h|--help
print this help
=item -V|--version
print version of script
use strict;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case bundling);
use Pod::Usage;
use File::stat;
use 5.5.0;
our $VERSION = '0.1';
# defaults
our $directory;
our $filecount = 10;
our $agewarn = 60;
our $agecrit = 120;
# parameters
our $opt;
"d|directory=s" => \$directory,
"l|filecount" => \$filecount,
"w|warnage=i" => \$agewarn,
"c|critage=i" => \$agecrit,
"h|help" => \$opt->{help},
"V|version" => \$opt->{version},
if (defined $opt->{version}) { print $VERSION."\n"; exit 0; }
if (defined $opt->{help} || !defined $directory) {
# open directory
opendir(my $dh, $directory) || die "couldn't open directory '$directory'!";
chdir($directory) || die "couldn't change to directory '$directory'!";
# read the content and iterate
my $counter = 0;
my $oldestfile;
my $oldestfilestats;
while(my $file = readdir($dh)) {
# ignore dot files
next if $file =~ m/^\./;
# ignore subdirs
next if -d $file;
my $stat = stat($file) or die "couldn't stat file '$file'!";
# check if I already found a older file
if(!defined $oldestfile || $stat->mtime lt $oldestfilestats->mtime) {
# save the data
$oldestfile = $file;
$oldestfilestats = $stat;
# do we have more files than we want
if ($counter > $filecount) {
# calculate timestamps
my $now = time();
my $age = int ($now - $oldestfilestats->mtime);
my $agemin = int $age / 60;
# critical?
if( $agemin >= $agecrit ) {
returnstate(2, sprintf("Datei $directory/$oldestfile ist %d Minuten alt!", $agemin), $counter, $age);
# warning?
elsif( $agemin >= $agewarn ) {
returnstate(1, sprintf("Datei $directory/$oldestfile ist %d Minuten alt!", $agemin), $counter, $age);
# else -> ok
else {
returnstate(0, "$directory enthaelt $counter Dateien, aber alle juenger als $agewarn Minuten.", $counter, $age);
# only a few files
} else {
returnstate(0, sprintf("nur %d Dateien in $directory vorhanden.", $counter), $counter, 0);
sub returnstate {
my $state = shift;
my $message = shift;
my $counter = shift;
my $oldestage = shift;
my $prefix = "";
if($state eq 0) { $prefix = "OK: "; }
elsif($state eq 1) { $prefix = "WARNING: "; }
elsif($state eq 2) { $prefix = "CRITICAL: "; }
else {
$prefix = "UNKNOWN: ";
$state = 3;
print $prefix.$message;
printf(" | files=%d;%d;0 oldestfileage=%ds;%ds;%ds;0s", $counter, $filecount+1, $oldestage, $agewarn * 60, $agecrit * 60);
print "\n";
exit $state;
# vi: ts=4 sw=4 expandtab :
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