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Created March 5, 2013 15:05
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#!/bin/env perl
# Markus Frosch <>
# 04.07.2012
# A check to compare multiple checks by a AND
# algorithm
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper;
our @COMMANDS = ();
our $METHOD = undef;
our $HELP = undef;
our $PROGNAME = $0;
sub print_usage {
my $message = shift;
print $message."\n" if $message;
print STDERR "\n";
print STDERR "Usage: $PROGNAME -m best|worst <command> ...\n";
print STDERR "\n";
exit 255;
sub print_help {
print "\n";
print STDERR "Usage: $PROGNAME -m best|worst <command> ...\n";
print "\n";
print " Options:\n";
print " -m best|worst use best or worst returncode if they\n";
print " are not the same\n";
print "\n";
exit 127;
sub main {
"m=s" => \$METHOD,
"help" => \$HELP,
) or print_usage();
print_help() if($HELP);
print_usage("missing method") if(!$METHOD);
print_usage("invalid method") if(!($METHOD =~ m/^(best|worst)$/));
print_usage("please specify at least 2 commands!") if (!(@COMMANDS >= 2));
my @RESULTS = ();
my @RCODES = ();
my $checks_ok = 0;
my $checks_warn = 0;
my $checks_crit = 0;
my $checks_unknown = 0;
my $counter = 0;
foreach(@COMMANDS) {
my $command = $_;
my $routput;
my $rcode;
# run it
$routput = `$command`;
$rcode = $?;
if($rcode == -1) {
print "UNKNOWN - command no. $counter failed: $!";
$rcode = $rcode >> 8;
$checks_ok++ if $rcode == 0;
$checks_warn++ if $rcode == 1;
$checks_crit++ if $rcode == 2;
$checks_unknown++ if $rcode >= 3;
push(@RESULTS, $routput);
push(@RCODES, $rcode);
# prepare return
my $RCODE;
# if any unknown
if($checks_unknown > 0) {
$RCODE = 3;
$MESSAGE = "$checks_unknown checks unknown!";
else {
# handle method best
if($METHOD eq "best") {
# if all checks ok
if($checks_ok > 0 and $checks_warn == 0 and $checks_crit == 0) {
$RCODE = 0;
$MESSAGE = "$checks_ok checks ok";
# if some checks ok
elsif($checks_ok > 0) {
$RCODE = 0;
$MESSAGE = "$checks_ok checks ok";
$MESSAGE .= ", $checks_warn checks warning" if $checks_warn > 0;
$MESSAGE .= ", $checks_crit checks critical" if $checks_crit > 0;
# if some warnings - but none ok
elsif($checks_warn > 0) {
$RCODE = 1;
$MESSAGE = "$checks_warn checks warning";
$MESSAGE .= ", $checks_ok checks ok" if $checks_ok > 0;
# else only criticals
else {
$RCODE = 2;
$MESSAGE = "$checks_crit checks critical";
elsif($METHOD eq "worst") {
# if all checks crit
if($checks_ok == 0 and $checks_warn == 0 and $checks_crit > 0) {
$RCODE = 2;
$MESSAGE = "$checks_crit checks critical";
# if some checks crit
elsif($checks_crit > 0) {
$RCODE = 2;
$MESSAGE = "$checks_crit checks crit";
$MESSAGE .= ", $checks_warn checks warning" if $checks_warn > 0;
$MESSAGE .= ", $checks_ok checks ok" if $checks_ok > 0;
# if some warnings - but none crit
elsif($checks_warn > 0) {
$RCODE = 1;
$MESSAGE = "$checks_warn checks warning";
$MESSAGE .= ", $checks_ok checks ok" if $checks_ok > 0;
# else only criticals
else {
$RCODE = 0;
$MESSAGE = "$checks_ok checks ok";
else { print "method $METHOD not implemented!\n"; exit 5; }
# longoutput all results and seperate perfdata
my $LONGOUTPUT = "";
my $PERFDATA = "";
my $counter = 0;
foreach(@RESULTS) {
my ($res, $perf) = split(/\|/, $_,2);
$res =~ s/\r?\n/ /g;
$LONGOUTPUT .= "[$counter] ".$res."\n";
$perf =~ s/\r?\n/ /g;
$PERFDATA .= "$perf ";
# print and exit
print $STATE[$RCODE]." - ".$MESSAGE."\n";
print " | $PERFDATA\n" if $PERFDATA;
exit $RCODE;
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