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Created October 8, 2013 09:04
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IDO tool to cleanup the database of Icinga IDOutils
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Icinga IDO Cleanup Tool
# (c) 2012 NETWAYS GmbH
# by Markus Frosch <>
# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
# from
# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301 or visit their web page on the internet at
# HELP {{{1
=head1 NAME - tool for maintaining the Icinga IDO database
=head1 SYNOPSIS -l | -i <instance>
[-m <mode>]
[-w <what>]
maintaining the Icinga IDO database
=head1 OPTIONS
=item -l|--list
List known instances
=item -i|--instance <instance>
Instance to work on
=item -m|--mode <mode>
mode for the run:
* info (default)
* clean
=item -w|--what <what>
clean which part of the database:
* status
* config
* history
* all (default on info)
Warning: "all" cleans up everything related
to "instance" - including every reference to
the object ids.
# HELP }}}
# defaults {{{1
# requirements
use strict;
use DBI;
use DBD::mysql;
use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case bundling);
use Pod::Usage;
# global vars
our $opt;
our $DB;
our $instance_id;
my $version = "0.1";
# }}}
# configuration
our $db_dsn = "dbi:mysql:icinga_idoutils:localhost:3306"; # database name and host
our $db_user = "icinga_idoutils"; # username
our $db_pass = "test123"; # password
our $prefix = "icinga_"; # table prefix
our $db_limit = 1000; # limit for delete queries
# to avoid blocking
# tables {{{1
our @tables_config = (
our @tables_status = (
our @tables_history = (
# }}}
# main program {{{1
# read commandline config
"l|list" => \$opt->{list},
"m|mode=s" => \$opt->{mode},
"w|what=s" => \$opt->{what},
"i|instance=s" => \$opt->{instance},
"i|instance=i" => \$opt->{instance},
"v|verbose:s" => \$opt->{verbose},
"h|help" => \$opt->{help},
"V|version" => \$opt->{version}
# should print version?
if (defined $opt->{version}) { print " ".$version."\n"; exit 0; }
# should print help?
if ($opt->{help}) { pod2usage(1); }
# connect database
# requested listing?
if($opt->{list}) {
# check instance
if(!defined $opt->{instance}) {
handleerror("instance required!");
# check mode
if(!$opt->{mode}) {
$opt->{mode} = "info";
# check what
if(!$opt->{what} && $opt->{mode} eq "info") {
$opt->{what} = "all";
elsif(!$opt->{what}) {
handleerror("what required!");
if($opt->{mode} eq "info") {
if($opt->{what} eq "all") {
elsif($opt->{what} eq "status") {
elsif($opt->{what} eq "config") {
elsif($opt->{what} eq "history") {
else {
handleerror("what: '".$opt->{what}."' not implemented!");
elsif($opt->{mode} eq "clean") {
#$DB->{'AutoCommit'} = 0; # TODO: remove!
if($opt->{what} eq "all") {
elsif($opt->{what} eq "status") {
elsif($opt->{what} eq "config") {
elsif($opt->{what} eq "history") {
else {
handleerror("what: '".$opt->{what}."' not implemented!");
#$DB->rollback(); #TODO: remove
else {
handleerror("mode '".$opt->{mode}."' is not implemented!");
# }}}
# SUBS {{{1
# handle a error {{{2
sub handleerror {
my $error = shift;
print "$error\n\n";
# }}}
# connect to database {{{2
sub connect_db {
if(!$DB) {
$DB = DBI->connect($db_dsn, $db_user, $db_pass) or die "Unable to connect: $DBI::errstr\n";
# }}}
# list instances {{{2
sub list_instances {
my ($query, $result, $handle);
$query = "SELECT instance_id, instance_name, instance_description FROM ${prefix}instances";
$handle = $DB->prepare($query) or handleerror($DBI::errstr);
my ($id, $name, $description);
if($handle->execute()) {
$handle->bind_columns(\$id, \$name, \$description);
print "Instances in the database:\n\n";
printf(" | %5s | %-15s | %-25s |\n", "id", "name", "description");
print (" |-------|-----------------|---------------------------|\n");
while($handle->fetch()) {
printf(" | %5s | %-15s | %-25s |\n", $id, $name, $description);
print "\n";
else {
handleerror("error querying instance data!");
# }}}
# basic instance infos {{{2
sub info {
my ($query, $result, $handle, $byid);
# get instance_id
if ($opt->{instance} =~ m/^\d+$/) {
print "Instance: id=0 - running kind of blind\n\n";
$instance_id = $opt->{instance};
$query = "SELECT instance_id, instance_description FROM ${prefix}instances WHERE instance_name = ".$DB->quote($opt->{instance});
$handle = $DB->prepare($query) or handleerror($DBI::errstr);
my $description;
my $instance_name;
if($handle->execute()) {
$handle->bind_columns(\$instance_id, \$description);
if(!$instance_id) {
handleerror("instance '$opt->{instance}' not found!");
else {
print "Instance: $opt->{instance}";
print " ($description)" if $description;
print " (id=$instance_id)\n\n";
else {
handleerror("error querying instance data!");
# }}}
# get object information {{{2
sub info_objects {
print "Objects:\n\n";
my ($query, $table, $handle, $count);
# hosts - all, active
my ($hosts, $hosts_active);
$query = "SELECT count(object_id), sum(is_active) FROM ${prefix}objects WHERE instance_id = ".$DB->quote($instance_id)." and objecttype_id = 1";
$handle = $DB->prepare($query) or handleerror($DBI::errstr);
if($handle->execute()) {
$handle->bind_columns(\$hosts, \$hosts_active);
printf(" %10s: %s (+%s inactive)\n", "hosts", $hosts_active, $hosts - $hosts_active);
else {
handleerror("db error: $DBI::errstr");
# services - all, active
my ($services, $services_active);
$query = "SELECT count(object_id), sum(is_active) FROM ${prefix}objects WHERE instance_id = ".$DB->quote($instance_id)." and objecttype_id = 2";
$handle = $DB->prepare($query) or handleerror($DBI::errstr);
if($handle->execute()) {
$handle->bind_columns(\$services, \$services_active);
printf(" %10s: %s (+%s inactive)\n", "services", $services_active, $services - $services_active);
else {
handleerror("db error: $DBI::errstr");
# other - all, active
my ($others, $others_active);
$query = "SELECT count(object_id), sum(is_active) FROM ${prefix}objects WHERE instance_id = ".$DB->quote($instance_id)." and objecttype_id != 1 and objecttype_id != 2";
$handle = $DB->prepare($query) or handleerror($DBI::errstr);
if($handle->execute()) {
$handle->bind_columns(\$others, \$others_active);
printf(" %10s: %s (+%s inactive)\n", "others", $others_active, $others - $others_active);
else {
handleerror("db error: $DBI::errstr");
print "\n";
# }}}
# get config information {{{2
sub info_config {
print "Config tables:\n\n";
my ($query, $table, $handle, $count);
foreach(@tables_config) {
$table = $prefix.$_;
$query = "SELECT count(*) FROM $table WHERE instance_id = ".$DB->quote($instance_id);
$handle = $DB->prepare($query) or handleerror($DBI::errstr);
if($handle->execute()) {
printf(" %32s: %s\n",$_, $count);
else {
handleerror("db error: $DBI::errstr");
print "\n";
# }}}
# get status information {{{2
sub info_status {
print "Status tables:\n\n";
my ($query, $table, $handle, $count);
foreach(@tables_status) {
$table = $prefix.$_;
$query = "SELECT count(*) FROM $table WHERE instance_id = ".$DB->quote($instance_id);
$handle = $DB->prepare($query) or handleerror($DBI::errstr);
if($handle->execute()) {
printf(" %32s: %s\n",$_, $count);
else {
handleerror("db error: $DBI::errstr");
print "\n";
# }}}
# get history information {{{2
sub info_history {
print "Historic tables:\n\n";
my ($query, $table, $handle, $count);
foreach(@tables_history) {
$table = $prefix.$_;
$query = "SELECT count(*) FROM $table WHERE instance_id = ".$DB->quote($instance_id);
$handle = $DB->prepare($query) or handleerror($DBI::errstr);
if($handle->execute()) {
printf(" %32s: %s\n",$_, $count);
else {
handleerror("db error: $DBI::errstr");
print "\n";
# }}}
## clean status information {{{2
sub clean_status {
print "Cleaning status tables:\n";
my ($query, $table, $handle);
foreach(@tables_status) {
my $count = 0;
my $affected = 0;
my $iterations = 0;
$table = $prefix.$_;
$query = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE instance_id = ".$DB->quote($instance_id)." LIMIT $db_limit";
do {
$count = $DB->do($query) or handleerror($DBI::errstr);
if($count > 0) {
$affected += $count;
} until ($count == 0);
printf(" %32s: %8d (%s iterations)\n",$_, $affected, $iterations);
print "\n";
# }}}
## clean config information {{{2
sub clean_config {
print "Cleaning config tables:\n";
my ($query, $table, $handle);
foreach(@tables_config) {
my $count = 0;
my $affected = 0;
my $iterations = 0;
$table = $prefix.$_;
$query = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE instance_id = ".$DB->quote($instance_id)." LIMIT $db_limit";
do {
$count = $DB->do($query) or handleerror($DBI::errstr);
if($count > 0) {
$affected += $count;
} until ($count == 0);
printf(" %32s: %8d (%s iterations)\n",$_, $affected, $iterations);
print "\n";
# }}}
## clean history information {{{2
sub clean_history {
print "Cleaning history tables:\n";
my ($query, $table, $handle);
foreach(@tables_history) {
my $count = 0;
my $affected = 0;
my $iterations = 0;
$table = $prefix.$_;
$query = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE instance_id = ".$DB->quote($instance_id)." LIMIT $db_limit";
do {
$count = $DB->do($query) or handleerror($DBI::errstr);
if($count > 0) {
$affected += $count;
} until ($count == 0);
printf(" %32s: %8d (%s iterations)\n",$_, $affected, $iterations);
print "\n";
# }}}
## clean instance basic information {{{2
sub clean_instance {
print "Cleaning instance tables:\n";
my ($query, $table, $handle);
# removing data from objects
my $count = 0;
my $affected = 0;
my $iterations = 0;
$table = $prefix."objects";
$query = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE instance_id = ".$DB->quote($instance_id)." LIMIT $db_limit";
do {
$count = $DB->do($query) or handleerror($DBI::errstr);
if($count > 0) {
$affected += $count;
} until ($count == 0);
printf(" %32s: %8d (%s iterations)\n", "objects", $affected, $iterations);
# removing the instance itself
$table = $prefix."instances";
$query = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE instance_id = ".$DB->quote($instance_id);
$count = $DB->do($query) or handleerror($DBI::errstr);
print "\n";
if($count > 0) {
print " instance '".$opt->{instance}."' has been wiped from the database!\n";
else {
handleerror("instance not found in table!");
print "\n";
# }}}
# END SUBS }}}
# vi: expandtab ts=4 sw=4 fdm=marker:
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It lists a summary of data inside the Icinga IDO, and can remove all data of an instance, or a certain part of the IDO.

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Alright, so there won't be any accidental deletions unless I enter something wrong, right?

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