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Last active October 18, 2022 16:53
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Example of creative loops and local variables, here updating Flatcar Container Linux images in a vSphere Content Library
variable "flatcar_stages" {
type = list(string)
default = [ "stable", "beta", "lts" ]
data "http" "flatcar_version_data" {
for_each = toset(var.flatcar_stages)
url = "https://${each.key}"
locals {
flatcar_versions = { for k, v in data.http.flatcar_version_data:
k => regex("FLATCAR_VERSION=(\\S+)", v.response_body)[0]
output "flatcar_versions" {
value = local.flatcar_versions
resource "vsphere_content_library_item" "flatcar" {
for_each = local.flatcar_versions
name = "flatcar-production-${each.key}"
description = "Flatcar Container Linux (${each.value}) - Channel ${each.key}"
file_url = "https://${each.key}${each.value}/flatcar_production_vmware_ova.ova"
library_id =
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