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Last active September 14, 2015 09:16
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script to show time left till defined date

Script to calculate time left to defined date

I wrote this small script to have a tool that can show how many days are left
till defined date, it is running cyclically every 60 seconds until manually stopped,
or until condition of cycle is met.

# Script shows number of integer days from now till defined date  
clear ; read -p "  Date of event (year-month-day): " n  
D1=`date +%s` ; D2=`date -d $n +%s` ;  
DIFFSEC=$((D2-D1)) ; DIFFMIN=$((DIFFSEC/60))  
MSG="Event will happen after:"  
while [ $DIFFSEC -gt 0 ] ; do  
if [ $DIFFDAY -ge 60 ] ; then   
# Color of output is unchanged if more than 60 days till event  
echo -en "  $MSG $DIFFDAY days \r"   
D1=`date +%s` ; D2=`date -d $n +%s` ;  
DIFFSEC=$((D2-D1)) ; DIFFMIN=$((DIFFSEC/60))  
elif [ $DIFFDAY -ge 30 ] && [ $DIFFDAY -lt 60 ] ; then  
# Color of output is yellow if event between 30 and 60 days 	  
echo -en "  $MSG \033[1;33m $DIFFDAY days \r"  
D1=`date +%s` ; D2=`date -d $n +%s` ;   
DIFFSEC=$((D2-D1)) ; DIFFMIN=$((DIFFSEC/60))  
# Color of output is green if less than 30 days till event	  
echo -en "  $MSG \033[1;32m $DIFFDAY days \r"  
D1=`date +%s` ; D2=`date -d $n +%s` ;   
DIFFSEC=$((D2-D1)) ; DIFFMIN=$((DIFFSEC/60))  
sleep 60 ; done  

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