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Last active June 30, 2020 21:41
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# Copyright (c) 2019 University of Utah Student Computing Labs. ################
# All Rights Reserved.
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
# its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
# provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and
# that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
# in supporting documentation, and that the name of The University
# of Utah not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
# distribution of the software without specific, written prior
# permission. This software is supplied as is without expressed or
# implied warranties of any kind.
# #####################################################
# 11/15/17, v1.1
# added lz4 decompression support.
# 04/17/17, v1.0,
# 07/23/19, v1.1,
# python3
# 07/23/19, v1.1.1,
# new profile organization navigation, seems brittle?
# 10/15/19, v1.2,
# stronger profile searching
# I open way too many tabs. There, I said it. Admitting the problem is the
# first step, programming your way out of it is the second. :) When I realize
# that Firefox is slowing my machine to a crawl, it's then difficult and
# time-consuming to clean up several hundred (thousand?) tabs. I wanted a solution to
# backup everything and start fresh.
# This script will read Firefox's sessionstore.js and save each open window,
# each tab from that window, and the history of URLs visited in that tab.
# Usage:
# To process a specific file:
# ~/someplace/something.js
# or use the script without a path to have it decide which sessionstore to use:
# The script will use [profile]/sessionstore.js is Firefox is not running,
# or [profile]/sessionstore-backups/recovery.js, if it is.
# In either case, the script will output the results to the running users Desktop folder.
# ie ~/Desktop/firefox_tabs_04172017_yourhostname.txt
# Sample output:
# Window #0000 Tab #0000 Entry #0000 Title: Mozilla Firefox Start Page
# URL: about:home
# Entry #0001 Title: sessionstore.js - Google Search
# URL:
# Entry #0002 Title: sessionstore.js - Google Search
# URL:
# Tab #0001 Entry #0000 Title: Apple
# URL:
# Tab #0002 Entry #0000 URL:
# notes: #######################################################################
# ~/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/z7ghhgr6.default/sessionstore-backups 12:39pm u0942941@t-mcdaniel-mac #161 >dir
# total 42048
# drwx------+ 14 u0942941 staff 476 Nov 15 12:32 ./
# drwx------+ 82 u0942941 staff 2788 Nov 15 12:37 ../
# -rw-------@ 1 u0942941 staff 3012531 Oct 2 17:49 previous.js
# -rw-------@ 1 u0942941 staff 1111182 Nov 15 12:10 previous.jsonlz4
# -rw-------@ 1 u0942941 staff 3035348 Oct 2 17:46 recovery.bak
# -rw-------@ 1 u0942941 staff 1114914 Nov 15 12:31 recovery.baklz4
# -rw-------@ 1 u0942941 staff 3013282 Oct 2 17:50 recovery.js
# -rw-------@ 1 u0942941 staff 1114334 Nov 15 12:32 recovery.jsonlz4 <-------------<<
# -rw-------@ 1 u0942941 staff 1877893 Aug 11 11:33 upgrade.js-20170809080250
# -rw-------@ 1 u0942941 staff 2215852 Aug 23 17:05 upgrade.js-20170814073321
# -rw-------@ 1 u0942941 staff 2588636 Aug 29 10:13 upgrade.js-20170824053838
# -rw-------@ 1 u0942941 staff 673837 Oct 3 10:30 upgrade.jsonlz4-20170926190823
# -rw-------@ 1 u0942941 staff 683921 Oct 26 14:43 upgrade.jsonlz4-20171024165158
# -rw-------@ 1 u0942941 staff 1063180 Nov 15 10:49 upgrade.jsonlz4-20171112125346
# /Users/u0942941/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/vx9orxd2.default-release/prefs.js
# /Users/u0942941/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/ewdkxc0y.default-release-2/prefs.js
# /Users/u0942941/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/z7ghhgr6.default/sessionstore-backups/previous.js
# /Users/u0942941/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/z7ghhgr6.default/sessionstore-backups/recovery.js
# /Users/u0942941/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/z7ghhgr6.default/prefs.js
# /Users/u0942941/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/gbnju89j.default-release-1/prefs.js
# [Profile2]
# Name=default-release-1
# IsRelative=1
# Path=Profiles/bt1l76mw.default-release-1
# [Profile1]
# Name=default-release
# IsRelative=1
# Path=Profiles/xopmy9ah.default-release
# [Profile0]
# Name=default
# IsRelative=1
# Path=Profiles/cc09pjyv.default
# Default=1
# [General]
# StartWithLastProfile=1
# Version=2
# [Install428590CF97E53F58]
# Default=Profiles/bt1l76mw.default-release-1
# Locked=1
# [Install7DDF5FF9633F2A77]
# Default=Profiles/xopmy9ah.default-release
# Locked=1
# [InstallA45A70AC2D941EBC]
# Default=Profiles/cc09pjyv.default
# Locked=1
# ./Profiles/bt1l76mw.default-release-1/sessionstore-backups:
# total 19808
# drwx------@ 7 u0942941 staff 224 Sep 1 12:11 ./
# drwx------@ 57 u0942941 staff 1824 Aug 31 20:46 ../
# -rw-------@ 1 u0942941 staff 2476197 Aug 23 12:57 previous.jsonlz4
# -rw-------@ 1 u0942941 staff 2881129 Sep 1 12:11 recovery.baklz4
# -rw-------@ 1 u0942941 staff 2881140 Sep 1 12:11 recovery.jsonlz4 <---------<<<
# -rw-------@ 1 u0942941 staff 3576 Jul 19 12:07 upgrade.jsonlz4-20190717172542
# -rw-------@ 1 u0942941 staff 1889566 Aug 16 11:42 upgrade.jsonlz4-20190813150448
from __future__ import print_function
import json
import sys
import os
import pwd
import socket
import time
import subprocess
import datetime
import pathlib
def main():
hostname = (socket.gethostname()).split(".")[0]
user_dir = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[5]
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
sessionstore_path = sys.argv[1]
if not os.path.exists(sessionstore_path):
print("File doesn't exist. Exiting.")
working_dir = user_dir + '/Library/Application Support/Firefox/'
with open(working_dir + '/profiles.ini', 'r') as ff_pref_file:
ff_prefs =
ff_prefs = [x for x in ff_prefs.split('\n') if x]
working_path = ''
possible_paths = set()
possible_sessionstores = []
for item in ff_prefs:
if 'Profiles' in item:
possible_paths.add(working_dir + item.split('=')[1])
for count, working_path in enumerate(possible_paths):
# ~/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/bt1l76mw.default-release-1/sessionstore-backups/recovery.jsonlz4
if os.path.exists(working_path + '/sessionstore-backups/recovery.jsonlz4'):
possible_sessionstores.append(working_path + '/sessionstore-backups/recovery.jsonlz4')
elif os.path.exists(working_path + '/sessionstore.js'):
possible_sessionstores.append(working_path + '/sessionstore.js')
if os.path.exists(working_path + '/sessionstore-backups/recovery.js'):
possible_sessionstores.append(working_path + '/sessionstore-backups/recovery.js')
except Exception as this_exception:
for sessionstore_path in possible_sessionstores:
profile_id = sessionstore_path.split('Profiles/')[-1].split('.')[0]
output_path = user_dir + '/Desktop/firefox_tabs_' + time.strftime("%m%d%Y_%H%M%S") + '_' + hostname + '_' + profile_id + '.txt'
print("Using sessionstore: \033[4m%s\033[0m\n" % sessionstore_path)
print("Output to: \033[4m%s\033[0m\n" % output_path)
if os.path.exists(output_path):
overwrite_check = input("File already exists, overwrite [Yy to continue]: ")
if overwrite_check.lower() != "y":
if 'lz4' in sessionstore_path:
raw_ps = subprocess.check_output(['/usr/local/bin/dejsonlz4', sessionstore_path])
consumed_sessionstore = json.loads(raw_ps)
with open(sessionstore_path) as data_file:
consumed_sessionstore = json.load(data_file)
with open(output_path, 'w') as output_file:
for window_index, window in enumerate(consumed_sessionstore['windows']):
window_string = "Window #{:04d} ".format(window_index)
blank_window_string = " " * len(window_string)
for tab_index, tab in enumerate(window['tabs']):
tab_date_accessed = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(tab['lastAccessed']/1000))
tab_string = "Tab #{:04d} ".format(tab_index)
blank_tab_string = " " * len(tab_string)
for entry_index, entries in enumerate(tab['entries']):
entry_string = "Entry #{:04d} ".format(entry_index)
blank_entry_string = " " * len(entry_string)
blank_overlap = blank_window_string + blank_tab_string + blank_entry_string
if entry_index == 0:
if tab_index == 0:
print("{}{}{}Title: {}\n{} URL: {}".format(window_string, tab_string, entry_string, entries['title'], blank_overlap, entries['url']), file=output_file)
print("{}{}{}URL: {}".format(window_string, tab_string, entry_string, entries['url']), file=output_file)
print("{}{}{}Title: {}\n{} URL: {}".format(blank_window_string, tab_string, entry_string, entries['title'], blank_overlap, entries['url']), file=output_file)
print("{}{}{}URL: {}".format(blank_window_string, tab_string, entry_string, entries['url']), file=output_file)
print("{}{}{}Title: {}\n{} URL: {}".format(blank_window_string, blank_tab_string, entry_string, entries['title'], blank_overlap, entries['url']), file=output_file)
print("{}{}{}URL: {}".format(blank_window_string, blank_tab_string, entry_string, entries['url']), file=output_file)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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