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Created April 15, 2011 23:30
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Save lazypower/922650 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// wrap this in the document.ready method, so it knows what to attach to
$(function () {
//playlist builder
var count = 0;
obj = $('<ul>');
obj.attr('class', 'video-playlist');
for ( i = 0; i < jsonData.length; i++ ){
html = $('li.playlist-template').clone();
html.attr('id', count + '_video');
//html.find('a').attr('href', '?id=' + jsonData[count].MemberID);
html.find('a').attr('href', '#featured-vid').attr('title', jsonData[count].MemberID).bind('click', function() {
html.find('img').attr('src', 'images/vidThumbs/' + jsonData[count].MemberID + '.jpg').attr('alt', jsonData[count].Name);
if ( (count % 4 == 0 && count != 0) || count == jsonData.length)
obj = $('<ul>');
obj.attr('class', 'video-playlist');
//paginate the data and make it scrollable
//Feature Video Populator
function EmbedVid(someID)
html = $('.embed-template').clone();
html.attr('flashvars','value="file=upload/' + someID + '.flv&amp;image=images/vidThumbs/' + someID + '.jpg"');
html.find('embed').attr('flashvars','file=upload/' + someID + '.flv&amp;image=images/vidThumbs/' + someID + '.jpg"');
// addthis attributes
html.find('.addthis_toolbox').attr('addthis:url','' + someID);
html.find('a').attr('addthis:url','' + someID);
// better clear the video holder
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