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Created October 25, 2014 02:24
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# Source File Information (DO NOT MODIFY)
# Source ID: 7cc35deb-97f1-4821-9fac-1339de8a644c
# Source File: C:\Users\Francois-Xavier\SkyDrive\Scripts\PowerShell\GitHub\PowerShellGUI\_Examples_Winforms\ClipBoard_Paste.psf
Code generated by: SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio 2014 v4.1.71
Generated on: 2014-10-24 10:21 PM
Generated by: Francois-Xavier Cat
GUI script generated by PowerShell Studio 2014
#region Application Functions
function OnApplicationLoad {
#Note: This function is not called in Projects
#Note: This function runs before the form is created
#Note: To get the script directory in the Packager use: Split-Path $hostinvocation.MyCommand.path
#Note: To get the console output in the Packager (Windows Mode) use: $ConsoleOutput (Type: System.Collections.ArrayList)
#Important: Form controls cannot be accessed in this function
#TODO: Add modules and custom code to validate the application load
return $true #return true for success or false for failure
function OnApplicationExit {
#Note: This function is not called in Projects
#Note: This function runs after the form is closed
#TODO: Add custom code to clean up and unload modules when the application exits
$script:ExitCode = 0 #Set the exit code for the Packager
#endregion Application Functions
# Generated Form Function
function Call-ClipBoard_Paste_psf {
#region Import the Assemblies
[void][reflection.assembly]::Load('mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089')
[void][reflection.assembly]::Load('System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089')
[void][reflection.assembly]::Load('System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089')
[void][reflection.assembly]::Load('System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089')
[void][reflection.assembly]::Load('System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a')
[void][reflection.assembly]::Load('System.Xml, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089')
[void][reflection.assembly]::Load('System.DirectoryServices, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a')
[void][reflection.assembly]::Load('System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089')
[void][reflection.assembly]::Load('System.ServiceProcess, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a')
#endregion Import Assemblies
#region Generated Form Objects
$form1 = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.Form'
$textbox1 = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.TextBox'
$buttonPasteClipboard = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.Button'
$InitialFormWindowState = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState'
#endregion Generated Form Objects
# User Generated Script
function OnApplicationLoad {
#Note: This function is not called in Projects
#Note: This function runs before the form is created
#Note: To get the script directory in the Packager use: Split-Path $hostinvocation.MyCommand.path
#Note: To get the console output in the Packager (Windows Mode) use: $ConsoleOutput (Type: System.Collections.ArrayList)
#Important: Form controls cannot be accessed in this function
#TODO: Add modules and custom code to validate the application load
return $true #return true for success or false for failure
function OnApplicationExit {
#Note: This function is not called in Projects
#Note: This function runs after the form is closed
#TODO: Add custom code to clean up and unload modules when the application exits
$script:ExitCode = 0 #Set the exit code for the Packager
#TODO: Initialize Form Controls here
$textbox1.Text = [Windows.Clipboard]::GetText()
# --End User Generated Script--
#region Generated Events
#Correct the initial state of the form to prevent the .Net maximized form issue
$form1.WindowState = $InitialFormWindowState
#Remove all event handlers from the controls
catch [Exception]
{ }
#endregion Generated Events
#region Generated Form Code
# form1
$form1.ClientSize = '175, 68'
$form1.MaximumSize = '191, 107'
$form1.MinimumSize = '191, 107'
$form1.Name = "form1"
$form1.Text = "Form"
# textbox1
$textbox1.Location = '12, 42'
$textbox1.Name = "textbox1"
$textbox1.Size = '155, 20'
$textbox1.TabIndex = 1
# buttonPasteClipboard
$buttonPasteClipboard.Location = '12, 12'
$buttonPasteClipboard.Name = "buttonPasteClipboard"
$buttonPasteClipboard.Size = '155, 23'
$buttonPasteClipboard.TabIndex = 0
$buttonPasteClipboard.Text = "Paste Clipboard"
$buttonPasteClipboard.UseVisualStyleBackColor = $True
#endregion Generated Form Code
#Save the initial state of the form
$InitialFormWindowState = $form1.WindowState
#Init the OnLoad event to correct the initial state of the form
#Clean up the control events
#Show the Form
return $form1.ShowDialog()
} #End Function
#Call OnApplicationLoad to initialize
if((OnApplicationLoad) -eq $true)
#Call the form
Call-ClipBoard_Paste_psf | Out-Null
#Perform cleanup
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