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Created January 10, 2015 23:55
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#Credit: SAPIEN
function ConvertTo-DataTable
Converts objects into a DataTable.
Converts objects into a DataTable, which are used for DataBinding.
.PARAMETER InputObject
The input to convert into a DataTable.
The DataTable you wish to load the input into.
.PARAMETER RetainColumns
This switch tells the function to keep the DataTable's existing columns.
.PARAMETER FilterWMIProperties
This switch removes WMI properties that start with an underline.
$DataTable = ConvertTo-DataTable -InputObject (Get-Process)
if($Table -eq $null)
$Table = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
if($InputObject-is [System.Data.DataTable])
$Table = $InputObject
if(-not $RetainColumns -or $Table.Columns.Count -eq 0)
#Clear out the Table Contents
if($InputObject -eq $null){ return } #Empty Data
$object = $null
#find the first non null value
foreach($item in $InputObject)
if($item -ne $null)
$object = $item
if($object -eq $null) { return } #All null then empty
#Get all the properties in order to create the columns
foreach ($prop in $object.PSObject.Get_Properties())
if(-not $FilterWMIProperties -or -not $prop.Name.StartsWith('__'))#filter out WMI properties
#Get the type from the Definition string
$type = $null
if($prop.Value -ne $null)
try{ $type = $prop.Value.GetType() } catch {}
if($type -ne $null) # -and [System.Type]::GetTypeCode($type) -ne 'Object')
[void]$table.Columns.Add($prop.Name, $type)
else #Type info not found
if($object -is [System.Data.DataRow])
foreach($item in $InputObject)
return @(,$Table)
foreach($item in $InputObject)
$row = $table.NewRow()
foreach ($prop in $item.PSObject.Get_Properties())
$row.Item($prop.Name) = $prop.Value
return @(,$Table)
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