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Created February 3, 2016 00:43
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for Chris Ackland - sst ramssa plot
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: Laurent Besnard
# Institute: IMOS / eMII
# email address:
from netCDF4 import Dataset, num2date
from datetime import date
from numpy import meshgrid
from matplotlib.pyplot import (figure, pcolor, get_cmap, colorbar,
xlabel, ylabel, title, show)
srsUrl = ''
geoBoundaryBox = [165, 181, -50 ,-30] # [lon min , lonmax , latmin , latmax] . New Zealand
srsDataObj = Dataset(srsUrl)
# load all the latitude and longitude values to find the indexes which will match geoBoundaryBox in order to subset the variables
sst = srsDataObj.variables['analysed_sst']
lon = srsDataObj.variables['lon']
lat = srsDataObj.variables['lat']
mask = srsDataObj.variables['mask']
time = srsDataObj.variables['time']
latValues = lat[:]
lonValues = lon[:]
lonValues[lonValues<0] = lonValues[lonValues<0] + 360 # modify the longitude values which are across the 180th meridian
timeValues = num2date(time[:], time.units)
indexLatSubSelect = (latValues < geoBoundaryBox[3]) & (latValues > geoBoundaryBox[2])
indexLonSubSelect = (lonValues < geoBoundaryBox[1]) & (lonValues > geoBoundaryBox[0])
sstValuesSubSelect = sst[0, indexLatSubSelect,indexLonSubSelect]
latValuesSubSelect = latValues[indexLatSubSelect]
lonValuesSubSelect = lonValues[indexLonSubSelect]
maskValuesSubSelect = mask[0, indexLatSubSelect, indexLonSubSelect] # land mask
[lon_mesh, lat_mesh] = meshgrid(lonValuesSubSelect, latValuesSubSelect) # we create a matrix of similar size to be used afterwards with pcolor
figure1 = figure(num=None, figsize=(15, 10), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
pcolor(lon_mesh, lat_mesh , maskValuesSubSelect == 2, cmap=get_cmap('gray'))
pcolor(lon_mesh, lat_mesh ,sstValuesSubSelect)
title('%s - %s' % (srsDataObj.title, timeValues[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')))
xlabel('%s in %s' % (lon.long_name, lon.units))
ylabel('%s in %s' % (lat.long_name, lat.units))
cbar = colorbar()'%s \n in %s' % (sst.long_name, sst.units))
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