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Created September 25, 2015 01:37
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: Laurent Besnard
# Institute: IMOS / eMII
# email address:
# Website:
# Aug 2014; Last revision: 26-August-2013
# Copyright 2014 IMOS
# The script is distributed under the terms of the GNUv3 General Public License
# This script purpose is to provide a tool to users who want to plot a timeseries at
# a given location, from a NetCDF gridded file created by the GOGODUCK directly from the
# imos portal 123 .
# The GOGODUCK is a tool implemented in the 123 portal that allows data products
# to be partitioned temporally and spatially as well as aggregated into a single file.
# It allows users to create aggregations by selecting various constraints, i.e. date
# and area of interest directly through the IMOS portal.
# This script can then handle the aggregated file downloaded by the user
# see to learn more about how to use
# It asks for a longitude and latitude values, and return if there is any data available
# a plot, as well as a csv file
#import numpy
from netCDF4 import Dataset, num2date
#from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, plot, xlabel, ylabel, title, show, subplot
import csv
from Tkinter import Tk
from tkFileDialog import askopenfilename
import os
def openFile():
# Box Dialog to select an GOGODUCK file
Tk().withdraw() # we don't want a full GUI, so keep the root window from appearing
if os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser('~/Downloads')):
srs_GOGODUCK_URL=askopenfilename(filetypes=[("NetCDF file","*.nc")], initialdir=(os.path.expanduser('~/Downloads')))
srs_GOGODUCK_URL=askopenfilename(filetypes=[("NetCDF file","*.nc")])
return srs_GOGODUCK_URL
def promptLatLon(lat,lon):
# prompt Lon
prompt_text_Lon = 'Enter longitude value between ' + str(min(lon)) + ' and '+ str(max(lon)) + ": "
input_Lon = raw_input(prompt_text_Lon)
while (float(input_Lon) < min(lon) ) or (float(input_Lon) > max(lon) ):
prompt_text_Lon = 'Enter longitude value between ' + str(min(lon)) + ' and '+ str(max(lon)) + ": "
input_Lon = raw_input(prompt_text_Lon)
# prompt Lat
prompt_text_Lat = 'Enter latitude value between ' + str(min(lat)) + ' and '+ str(max(lat)) + ": "
input_Lat = raw_input(prompt_text_Lat)
while ((float(input_Lat) < min(lat) ) or (float(input_Lat) > max(lat) )):
prompt_text_Lat = 'Enter latitude value between ' + str(min(lat)) + ' and '+ str(max(lat)) + ": "
input_Lat = raw_input(prompt_text_Lat)
return input_Lat, input_Lon
def tryAgain():
c = raw_input('Do you want to try again y/n')
if c.lower().startswith('y'):
c = True
c = False
return c
def getMainVarDataAt1Point(lat,lon,mainVar,timeData):
# look for the bounding box values
lat_min = lat[0]
lat_max = lat[-1]
lon_min = lon[0]
lon_max = lon[-1]
[input_Lat , input_Lon] = promptLatLon(lat,lon)
lon_index = int((float(input_Lon)-lon_min)*lon.size/(lon_max - lon_min ))-1
lat_index = int((float(input_Lat)-lat_min)*lat.size/(lat_max - lat_min ))-1
print lon_index
print lat_index
# load timeseries data at the requested location
mainVar_values = mainVar[:,lat_index,lon_index]
print mainVar_values
# this is a test to check if the mainVar_values array is full of fillvalue or no, ie masked
nValues = 0 # just to initiate
test_nGoodValues = mainVar_values[~mainVar_values.mask].size
if test_nGoodValues == 0:
# Bail
print 'There is no data at the selected point'
if tryAgain():
timeData_unmasked = timeData[~mainVar_values.mask]
mainVar_values_unmasked = mainVar_values[~mainVar_values.mask]
nValues = mainVar_values[~mainVar_values.mask].size
timeData_unmasked = timeData
mainVar_values_unmasked = mainVar_values
nValues = mainVar_values.size
return timeData_unmasked,mainVar_values_unmasked,nValues
def main():
srs_GOGODUCK_URL = openFile()
# Look for the Variable names in the NetCDF file.
# There is CURRENTLY always ONLY 1 main Var in the GOGODUCK file
for v in srs_GOGODUCK_DATA.variables:
if v[0:3].lower() == 'LAT'.lower():
latName = v
elif v[0:3].lower() == 'LON'.lower():
lonName = v
elif v[0:3].lower() == 'tim'.lower():
timeName = v
else :
mainVarName = 'sea_surface_temperature'
# loading the data into arrays
mainVar = srs_GOGODUCK_DATA.variables[mainVarName]
lat = srs_GOGODUCK_DATA.variables[latName]
lon = srs_GOGODUCK_DATA.variables[lonName]
TIME = srs_GOGODUCK_DATA.variables[timeName]
timeData = num2date(TIME[:], TIME.units)
[timeData_unmasked,mainVar_values_unmasked,nValues] = getMainVarDataAt1Point(lat,lon,mainVar,timeData)
print ('Latitude and longitude values to get a timeseries plot at the wanted location')
# Not checking if values entered by the user are numbers. We assume the user wants to make
# this code run, and not try to kill it
if nValues != 0:
## save timeseries at point in CSV
csvFilename = srs_GOGODUCK_URL[0:-3] + '_timeseriesOutput.csv'
with open(csvFilename,'w') as outputfile:
wrtr = csv.writer(outputfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"')
a = (TIME.long_name,mainVar.long_name + ' in ' + mainVar.units)
for index in range(nValues) :
a = (timeData_unmasked[index].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),mainVar_values_unmasked[index])
print ('CSV ouput to ' + csvFilename)
# Plot of the timeseries
#figure1 = figure( num=None , figsize=(15, 10), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
#ax1 = subplot(111)
#ax1.plot (timeData,mainVar_values)
# Not all the GOGODUCK files have the same global attributes
#try :
# ax1.title(srs_GOGODUCK_DATA.title + '-' + srs_GOGODUCK_DATA.DSD_entry_id)
#except :
# pass
#try :
# ax1.xlabel(TIME.long_name )
#except :
# pass
#try :
# ax1.ylabel(mainVar.long_name + ' in ' + mainVar.units)
#except :
# pass
print 'There is no data at the selected point'
except Exception,e:
print str(e)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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