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Last active November 26, 2018 23:57
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  • Save lbesnard/e86c75a0830449033e520160642efe88 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save lbesnard/e86c75a0830449033e520160642efe88 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Some quick doco on how to setup erddap container with waverider data for the AODN

Setup ERDDAP on docker

1) create the docker ERDDAP container

We create the docker container on the 8080 port using the config files setup.xml and datasets.xml (available for download in this gist to be copying in ~$HOME/tmp/erddap/directory)

Our docker container is called flamboyant_bassi

mkdir -p -v $erddap_dir_docker
sudo docker run -v $erddap_dir_docker:/usr/local/tomcat/content/erddap -d -p 8080:8080 --name=flamboyant_bassi axiom/docker-erddap

ERDDAP wil start and be accessible at the following address http://localhost:8080/erddap/index.html

2) Generate datasets.xml

Copy QLD WAVERIDER NetCDF locally to the container

Connect to the docker container and download Dept. Of Tranport Waverider data

sudo docker exec -it flamboyant_bassi /bin/bash # to 'ssh'
mkdir -p /wave_data/DOT-WA-WAVERIDER
curl -s | tar xvz -C /wave_data #  download DOT-WA-WAVERIDER 
# curl -s | tar xvz -C /wave_data # QLD

In order to copy some files to the container outside of it, the following command line may help

for f in `find -type f`; do sudo docker cp $f flamboyant_bassi:/wave_data; done

How to generate Datasets.xml

When connected to the container, type

cd /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/erddap/WEB-INF

The prompt will ask for many information about the dataset. If successful, the script will have generated a GenerateDatasetsXml.out file. This xml has to be inserted into Datasets.xml and slightly edited.

A good start to serve local files could be achieved with the following:

Which EDDType (default="EDDGridFromDap")
? EDDTableFromMultidimNcFiles
Starting directory (default="")
? /wave_data/BOM-WAVERIDER/
File name regex (e.g., ".*\.nc") (default="")
? ^DOT-WA-W_.*WAVERIDER.*\.nc$
Full file name of one file (or leave empty to use first matching fileName) (default="")
DimensionsCSV (or "" for default) (default="")
ReloadEveryNMinutes (e.g., 10080) (default="")
PreExtractRegex (default="")
? .*
PostExtractRegex (default="")
? .*
ExtractRegex (default="")
? .*
Column name for extract (default="")
Remove missing value rows (true|false) (default="")
? true
Sort files by sourceNames (default="")
infoUrl (default="")
institution (default="")
summary (default="")
title (default="")

In the case of this Waverider data, the XML looks like this:

<dataset type="EDDTableFromMultidimNcFiles" datasetID="Waverider-DoT-WA-1" active="true">
    <sortFilesBySourceNames>STATION_ID TIME</sortFilesBySourceNames>
    <!-- sourceAttributes>
        <att name="abstract">DOT wave data is collected using Datawell wave rider buoys. Older wave data was collected using non-directional wave rider buoys. As technology advanced and directional measuring capabilities were developed in wave buoys, the DOT wave buoy network was gradually upgraded to directional wave rider buoys. Older datasets do not have directional information whereas newer datasets have directional information.</att>
        <att name="acknowledgement">These data were collected and Quality controlled by the Department of Transport (DoT), Western Australian Government. These data were made freely available by the AODN - a data facility of the Integrated Marine Observing System [IMOS]. IMOS is supported by the Australian Government.</att>
        <att name="cdm_data_type">timeSeries</att>
        <att name="cdm_timeseries_variables">station_id, longitude, latitude</att>
        <att name="citation">The citation to be used in publications using the dataset should follow the format: Department of Transport [W.A] (date), [Title], Downloaded from [url] on [date-of-download]&quot;.</att>
        <att name="Conventions">CF-1.6</att>
        <att name="creator_email"></att>
        <att name="creator_institution">Department of Transport (DoT), Western Australian Government</att>
        <att name="data_centre">Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN)</att>
        <att name="data_centre_email"></att>
        <att name="data_collected_readme_url"></att>
        <att name="date_created">2018-11-21T17:20:51Z</att>
        <att name="deployment_code">JUR4003</att>
        <att name="disclaimer">Data, products and services from AODN are provided &quot;as is&quot; without any warranty as to fitness for a particular purpose.</att>
        <att name="geospatial_lat_max" type="double">-30.291666999999997</att>
        <att name="geospatial_lat_min" type="double">-30.291666999999997</att>
        <att name="geospatial_lat_units">degrees_north</att>
        <att name="geospatial_lon_max" type="double">114.91444399999999</att>
        <att name="geospatial_lon_min" type="double">114.91444399999999</att>
        <att name="geospatial_lon_units">degrees_east</att>
        <att name="institution">Department of Transport (DoT), Western Australian Government</att>
        <att name="instrument_maker">Datawell</att>
        <att name="instrument_model">Directional Waverider MK III</att>
        <att name="license"></att>
        <att name="lineage"> Product created with</att>
        <att name="local_time_zone" type="long">8</att>
        <att name="naming_authority">AODN</att>
        <att name="original_data_url"></att>
        <att name="original_metadata_url"></att>
        <att name="project">Department of Transport</att>
        <att name="publisher_email"></att>
        <att name="publisher_institution">Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN)</att>
        <att name="publisher_name">Besnard, Laurent</att>
        <att name="site_code">JUR40</att>
        <att name="site_name">Jurien Bay 02</att>
        <att name="standard_name_vocabulary">NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Convention Standard Name Table 60</att>
        <att name="subsetVariables">STATION_ID, longitude, latitude</att>
        <att name="time_coverage_end">2017-12-31T15:04:00Z</att>
        <att name="time_coverage_start">2016-12-31T16:50:00Z</att>
        <att name="title">Waverider buoys measurements during JUR4003 deployment at Jurien Bay 02.</att>
        <att name="water_depth" type="double">42.0</att>
        <att name="water_depth_units">meters</att>
        <att name="waverider_type">Directional</att>
    </sourceAttributes -->
    <!-- Please specify the actual cdm_data_type (TimeSeries?) and related info below, for example...
        <att name="cdm_timeseries_variables">station, longitude, latitude</att>
        <att name="subsetVariables">station, longitude, latitude</att>
        <att name="cdm_data_type">TimeSeries</att>
        <att name="Conventions">CF-1.6, COARDS, ACDD-1.3</att>
        <att name="creator_name">TIDES</att>
        <att name="naming_authority">AODN</att>
        <att name="creator_type">institution</att>
        <att name="citation">The citation to be used in publications using the dataset should follow the format: Department of Transport [W.A] (date), [Title], Downloaded from [url] on [date-of-download]&quot;.</att>
        <att name="infoUrl"></att>
        <att name="publisher_email"></att>
        <att name="publisher_institution">Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN)</att>
        <att name="institution">DoT, Western Australian Government</att>
        <att name="title">Waverider Buoy delayed-mode observations measured in Western Australia</att>
        <att name="keywords">australian, bay, buoys, data, density, department, deployment, direction, dot, during, earth, Earth Science &gt; Oceans &gt; Ocean Waves &gt; Significant Wave Height, Earth Science &gt; Oceans &gt; Ocean Waves &gt; Swells, Earth Science &gt; Oceans &gt; Ocean Waves &gt; Wave Frequency, Earth Science &gt; Oceans &gt; Ocean Waves &gt; Wave Period, Earth Science &gt; Oceans &gt; Ocean Waves &gt; Wave Spectra, Earth Science &gt; Oceans &gt; Ocean Waves &gt; Wind Waves, Earth Science &gt; Oceans &gt; Sea Surface Topography &gt; Sea Surface Height, first, frequency, government, height, jur4003, jurien, latitude, longitude, maximum, mean, measurements, moment, ocean, oceans, period, science, sea, sea_surface_height, sea_surface_swell_wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_first_frequency_moment, sea_surface_swell_wave_significant_height, sea_surface_wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_first_frequency_moment, sea_surface_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum, sea_surface_wind_wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_first_frequency_moment, sea_surface_wind_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum, sea_surface_wind_wave_significant_height, significant, spectra, spectral, statistics, surface, surface waves, swell, swells, SWPD, SWPFM, SWPP, SWSSH, time, topography, transport, variance, wave, waverider, waves, western, wind, WPFM, WPPE, WSSH, WWPD, WWPFM, WWPP, WWSSH</att>
        <att name="keywords_vocabulary">GCMD Science Keywords</att>
        <att name="license"></att>
        <att name="sourceUrl">(local files)</att>
        <att name="standard_name_vocabulary">CF Standard Name Table v60</att>
        <att name="instrument_maker">Datawell</att>
        <att name="instrument_model">Directional Waverider MK III</att>
        <att name="cdm_timeseries_variables">station_id, longitude, latitude</att>
        <att name="subsetVariables">station_id, longitude, latitude</att>
        <att name="summary">DOT wave data is collected using Datawell wave rider buoys. Older wave data was collected using non-directional wave rider buoys. As technology advanced and directional measuring capabilities were developed in wave buoys, the DOT wave buoy network was gradually upgraded to directional wave rider buoys. Older datasets do not have directional information whereas newer datasets have directional information.</att>

            <att name="ioos_category">Identifier</att>
            <att name="long_name">site code</att>

            <att name="cf_role">timeseries_id</att>
            <att name="ioos_category">Identifier</att>
            <att name="long_name">station name</att>
        <!-- sourceAttributes>

        </sourceAttributes -->
            <att name="axis">T</att>
            <att name="calendar">gregorian</att>
            <att name="long_name">time</att>
            <att name="standard_name">time</att>
            <att name="units">days since 1950-01-01 00:00:00 UTC</att>
            <att name="valid_max" type="double">90000.0</att>
            <att name="valid_min" type="double">0.0</att>
            <att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">100000.0</att>
            <att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
            <att name="ioos_category">Time</att>
            <att name="units">days since 1950-01-01T00:00:00Z</att>
        <!-- sourceAttributes>

        </sourceAttributes -->
            <att name="_FillValue" type="double">99999.0</att>
            <att name="axis">Y</att>
            <att name="long_name">latitude of each location</att>
            <att name="reference_datum">WGS84 coordinate reference system</att>
            <att name="standard_name">latitude</att>
            <att name="units">degrees_north</att>
            <att name="valid_max" type="double">90.0</att>
            <att name="valid_min" type="double">-90.0</att>
            <att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">90.0</att>
            <att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">-90.0</att>
            <att name="ioos_category">Location</att>
        <!-- sourceAttributes>

        </sourceAttributes -->
            <att name="_FillValue" type="double">99999.0</att>
            <att name="axis">X</att>
            <att name="long_name">longitude of each location</att>
            <att name="reference_datum">WGS84 coordinate reference system</att>
            <att name="standard_name">longitude</att>
            <att name="units">degrees_east</att>
            <att name="valid_max" type="double">180.0</att>
            <att name="valid_min" type="double">-180.0</att>
            <att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">180.0</att>
            <att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">-180.0</att>
            <att name="ioos_category">Location</att>
        <!-- sourceAttributes>
        </sourceAttributes -->
            <att name="comment">Analysed by spectral method</att>
            <att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
            <att name="long_name">sea surface wave spectral significant height</att>
            <att name="units">m</att>
            <att name="valid_max" type="float">100.0</att>
            <att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
            <att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">2.0</att>
            <att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">-2.0</att>
            <att name="coordinates">null</att>
            <att name="ioos_category">Unknown</att>
            <att name="standard_name">sea_surface_height</att>
        <!-- sourceAttributes>

        </sourceAttributes -->
            <att name="comment">Analysed by spectral method. Period of the peak of the energy spectrum</att>
            <att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
            <att name="long_name">sea surface wave period at variance spectral density maximum</att>
            <att name="standard_name">sea_surface_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum</att>
            <att name="units">s</att>
            <att name="valid_max" type="float">50.0</att>
            <att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
            <att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">50.0</att>
            <att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
            <att name="coordinates">null</att>
            <att name="ioos_category">Statistics</att>
        <!-- sourceAttributes>

        </sourceAttributes -->
            <att name="comment">Analysed by spectral method. The first wave period is calculated as m0/m1 where m0 and m1 are the zeroth order and first order moments of the wave spectrum</att>
            <att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
            <att name="long_name">sea surface wave mean period from variance spectral density first frequency moment</att>
            <att name="standard_name">sea_surface_wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_first_frequency_moment</att>
            <att name="units">s</att>
            <att name="valid_max" type="float">50.0</att>
            <att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
            <att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">50.0</att>
            <att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
            <att name="coordinates">null</att>
            <att name="ioos_category">Statistics</att>
        <!-- sourceAttributes>

        </sourceAttributes -->
            <att name="comment">Analysed by spectral method</att>
            <att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
            <att name="long_name">sea surface swell wave significant height</att>
            <att name="units">m</att>
            <att name="valid_max" type="float">100.0</att>
            <att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
            <att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">10.0</att>
            <att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
            <att name="coordinates">null</att>
            <att name="ioos_category">Surface Waves</att>
            <att name="standard_name">sea_surface_swell_wave_significant_height</att>
        <!-- sourceAttributes>

        </sourceAttributes -->
            <att name="comment">Analysed by spectral method</att>
            <att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
            <att name="long_name">sea surface swell wave period at variance spectral density maximum</att>
            <att name="units">s</att>
            <att name="valid_max" type="float">50.0</att>
            <att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
            <att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">50.0</att>
            <att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
            <att name="coordinates">null</att>
            <att name="ioos_category">Statistics</att>
        <!-- sourceAttributes>

        </sourceAttributes -->
            <att name="comment">Analysed by spectral method.The first wave period is calculated as m0/m1 where m0 and m1 are the zeroth order and first order moments of the wave spectrum</att>
            <att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
            <att name="long_name">sea surface swell wave mean period from variance spectral density first frequency moment</att>
            <att name="standard_name">sea_surface_swell_wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_first_frequency_moment</att>
            <att name="units">s</att>
            <att name="valid_max" type="float">50.0</att>
            <att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
            <att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">50.0</att>
            <att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
            <att name="coordinates">null</att>
            <att name="ioos_category">Statistics</att>
        <!-- sourceAttributes>

        </sourceAttributes -->
            <att name="comment">Analysed by spectral method</att>
            <att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
            <att name="long_name">sea surface swell wave from direction at variance spectral density maximum</att>
            <att name="positive">clockwise</att>
            <att name="reference_datum">magnetic north</att>
            <att name="units">degree</att>
            <att name="valid_max" type="float">360.0</att>
            <att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
            <att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">50.0</att>
            <att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
            <att name="coordinates">null</att>
            <att name="ioos_category">Statistics</att>
        <!-- sourceAttributes>

        </sourceAttributes -->
            <att name="comment">Analysed by spectral method</att>
            <att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
            <att name="long_name">sea surface wind wave significant height</att>
            <att name="units">m</att>
            <att name="valid_max" type="float">100.0</att>
            <att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
            <att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">10.0</att>
            <att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
            <att name="coordinates">null</att>
            <att name="ioos_category">Surface Waves</att>
            <att name="standard_name">sea_surface_wind_wave_significant_height</att>
        <!-- sourceAttributes>

        </sourceAttributes -->
            <att name="comment">Analysed by spectral method</att>
            <att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
            <att name="long_name">sea surface wind wave period at variance spectral density maximum</att>
            <att name="standard_name">sea_surface_wind_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum</att>
            <att name="units">s</att>
            <att name="valid_max" type="float">50.0</att>
            <att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
            <att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">50.0</att>
            <att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
            <att name="coordinates">null</att>
            <att name="ioos_category">Statistics</att>
        <!-- sourceAttributes>

        </sourceAttributes -->
            <att name="comment">Analysed by spectral method. The first wave period is calculated as m0/m1 where m0 and m1 are the zeroth order and first order moments of the wave spectrum</att>
            <att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
            <att name="long_name">sea surface wind wave mean period from variance spectral density first frequency moment</att>
            <att name="standard_name">sea_surface_wind_wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_first_frequency_moment</att>
            <att name="units">s</att>
            <att name="valid_max" type="float">50.0</att>
            <att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
            <att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">50.0</att>
            <att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
            <att name="coordinates">null</att>
            <att name="ioos_category">Statistics</att>
        <!-- sourceAttributes>

        </sourceAttributes -->
            <att name="comment">Analysed by spectral method</att>
            <att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
            <att name="long_name">sea surface wind wave from direction at variance spectral density maximum</att>
            <att name="positive">clockwise</att>
            <att name="reference_datum">magnetic north</att>
            <att name="units">degree</att>
            <att name="valid_max" type="float">360.0</att>
            <att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
            <att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">50.0</att>
            <att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
            <att name="coordinates">null</att>
            <att name="ioos_category">Statistics</att>

To copy the GenerateDatasetsXml.out outside of the container, do:

sudo docker cp flamboyant_bassi:/erddapData/logs/GenerateDatasetsXml.out /tmp/dataset_out.xml

Once the dataset information is added to Datasets.xml, the docker container can be restart to force a refresh

sudo docker restart flamboyant_bassi

Alternatively, just copy the 2 files (Datasets.xml and setup.xml) into your local erddap

Add QLD Waverider data

sudo docker exec -it flamboyant_bassi /bin/bash # to 'ssh'
mkdir -p /wave_data/DES-QLD-WAVE-DM
curl -s | tar xvz -C /wave_data/

Add BOM Waverider data

mkdir -p /wave_data/BOM-WAVERIDER
curl -s | tar xvz -C /wave_data/


If a dataset is not visible on the list of datasets of erddap, the following tools can help: http://localhost:8080/erddap/logs/log.txt


sudo docker exec -it flamboyant_bassi /bin/bash # to 'ssh'
cd /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/erddap/WEB-INF
bash # and enter the dataset id

Last resort:!forum/erddap

Annex - docker cheat list

sudo docker ps  # list dockers
sudo docker rm -f flamboyant_bassi # 
sudo docker exec -it flamboyant_bassi /bin/bash # to 'ssh'
sudo docker restart flamboyant_bassi
sudo docker cp flamboyant_bassi:/erddapData/logs/GenerateDatasetsXml.out /tmp
# copy files from
for f in `find -type f`; do sudo docker cp $f flamboyant_bassi:/wave_data; done
# copy files to
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
The information in this file specifies which datasets your ERDDAP will serve.
The initial version of this file has a few examples which should work for you.
But after your initial experiments with ERDDAP,
you should replace them with information for your datasets.
You can change this document (e.g., add datasets, change metadata) while ERDDAP is running.
The changes will be detected the next time this document is read
(as often as setup.xml loadDatasetsMinMinutes).
Each dataset has a reloadEveryNMinutes value (default = 10080 (one week)).
When this document is reread, datasets that haven't been been reloaded in
their reloadEveryNMinutes will be reloaded.
You only need to specify a reloadEveryNMinutes value if you anticipate that
the dataset will change periodically.
If this document has an xml error, processing will stop and an email
will be sent to emailEverythingTo as specified in setup.xml.
If you want to remove a dataset while ERDDAP is running, add
to the dataset tag. For example,
<dataset type="EDDGridFromDap" datasetID="erdMHchla8day" active="false">
For more information, see
<!-- If you want to refuse requests from certain clients
(e.g., to fend off a Denial of Service attack or an overly zealous web robot),
add their numeric IP address (e.g., to this comma-separated list.
You can also replace the last number in an IP address with * to block 0-255 (e.g., 123.45.67.*).
See your ERDDAP daily report for a list/tally of the most active requesters. -->
<!-- Blacklisted IP addresses often have troublesome scripts that make
rapid-fire, repeated, bad requests.
With this setting, you can slow down the response to blacklisted IP addresses
or other failed requests by some number of milliseconds.
* If the trouble is a Distributed Denial Of Service (DDOS) attack from 100+
attackers, set this to a smaller number (0? 10? 100?).
Slowing them all down for too long leads to too many waiting threads.
* If the trouble is from 1-10 sources, set this to 1000 ms (the default).
That slows them down so they waste fewer network resources.
Also, 1000 ms won't annoy human users who make a bad request.
<!-- If you want to prevent specific people from using the email/URL subscription
system, add their email addresses to this comma-separated list.
You can use the name "*" to blacklist an entire domain, e.g., * .
<subscriptionEmailBlacklist>,,, *</subscriptionEmailBlacklist>
<!-- For security reasons and reasons related to the subscription system, DON'T USE THIS!
Instead, always use the public domain name in the <sourceUrl> tag
and use the /etc/hosts table on your server to convert local domain names
to IP numbers without using a DNS server.
(see )
You can test if a domain name is properly converted into an IP # by using:
But if you insist:
You can use <convertToPublicSourceUrl> tags to convert the local sourceUrl
(used in dataset tags) into the public sourceUrl (which appears in a
dataset's globalAttributes).
This is only needed if some datasets use non-public sourceUrl's
(usually because their computer is in your DMZ or a local LAN).
'from' and 'to' are the start of the URLs and are case sensitive.
'from' must be '[something]//[something]/' .
For example,
<convertToPublicSourceUrl from="" to="" />
will cause a matching local sourceUrl (such as
into a public sourceUrl (
<!-- Here are some excellent gridded datasets that you can include in your ERDDAP
via EDDGridFromErddap links. All requests for actual data from these
datasets get rerouted to the source server. -->
<dataset type="EDDTableFromErddap" datasetID="IWaveBNetwork30Min" active="true">
<dataset type="EDDTableFromMultidimNcFiles" datasetID="Waverider-DoT-WA-1" active="true">
<sortFilesBySourceNames>STATION_ID TIME</sortFilesBySourceNames>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
<att name="abstract">DOT wave data is collected using Datawell wave rider buoys. Older wave data was collected using non-directional wave rider buoys. As technology advanced and directional measuring capabilities were developed in wave buoys, the DOT wave buoy network was gradually upgraded to directional wave rider buoys. Older datasets do not have directional information whereas newer datasets have directional information.</att>
<att name="acknowledgement">These data were collected and Quality controlled by the Department of Transport (DoT), Western Australian Government. These data were made freely available by the AODN - a data facility of the Integrated Marine Observing System [IMOS]. IMOS is supported by the Australian Government.</att>
<att name="cdm_data_type">timeSeries</att>
<att name="cdm_timeseries_variables">station_id, longitude, latitude</att>
<att name="citation">The citation to be used in publications using the dataset should follow the format: Department of Transport [W.A] (date), [Title], Downloaded from [url] on [date-of-download]&quot;.</att>
<att name="Conventions">CF-1.6</att>
<att name="creator_email"></att>
<att name="creator_institution">Department of Transport (DoT), Western Australian Government</att>
<att name="data_centre">Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN)</att>
<att name="data_centre_email"></att>
<att name="data_collected_readme_url"></att>
<att name="date_created">2018-11-21T17:20:51Z</att>
<att name="deployment_code">JUR4003</att>
<att name="disclaimer">Data, products and services from AODN are provided &quot;as is&quot; without any warranty as to fitness for a particular purpose.</att>
<att name="geospatial_lat_max" type="double">-30.291666999999997</att>
<att name="geospatial_lat_min" type="double">-30.291666999999997</att>
<att name="geospatial_lat_units">degrees_north</att>
<att name="geospatial_lon_max" type="double">114.91444399999999</att>
<att name="geospatial_lon_min" type="double">114.91444399999999</att>
<att name="geospatial_lon_units">degrees_east</att>
<att name="institution">Department of Transport (DoT), Western Australian Government</att>
<att name="instrument_maker">Datawell</att>
<att name="instrument_model">Directional Waverider MK III</att>
<att name="license"></att>
<att name="lineage"> Product created with</att>
<att name="local_time_zone" type="long">8</att>
<att name="naming_authority">AODN</att>
<att name="original_data_url"></att>
<att name="original_metadata_url"></att>
<att name="project">Department of Transport</att>
<att name="publisher_email"></att>
<att name="publisher_institution">Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN)</att>
<att name="publisher_name">Besnard, Laurent</att>
<att name="site_code">JUR40</att>
<att name="site_name">Jurien Bay 02</att>
<att name="standard_name_vocabulary">NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Convention Standard Name Table 60</att>
<att name="subsetVariables">STATION_ID, longitude, latitude</att>
<att name="time_coverage_end">2017-12-31T15:04:00Z</att>
<att name="time_coverage_start">2016-12-31T16:50:00Z</att>
<att name="title">Waverider buoys measurements during JUR4003 deployment at Jurien Bay 02.</att>
<att name="water_depth" type="double">42.0</att>
<att name="water_depth_units">meters</att>
<att name="waverider_type">Directional</att>
</sourceAttributes -->
<!-- Please specify the actual cdm_data_type (TimeSeries?) and related info below, for example...
<att name="cdm_timeseries_variables">station, longitude, latitude</att>
<att name="subsetVariables">station, longitude, latitude</att>
<att name="cdm_data_type">TimeSeries</att>
<att name="Conventions">CF-1.6, COARDS, ACDD-1.3</att>
<att name="creator_name">TIDES</att>
<att name="naming_authority">AODN</att>
<att name="creator_type">institution</att>
<att name="citation">The citation to be used in publications using the dataset should follow the format: Department of Transport [W.A] (date), [Title], Downloaded from [url] on [date-of-download]&quot;.</att>
<att name="infoUrl"></att>
<att name="publisher_email"></att>
<att name="publisher_institution">Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN)</att>
<att name="institution">DoT, Western Australian Government</att>
<att name="title">Waverider Buoy delayed-mode observations measured in Western Australia</att>
<att name="keywords">australian, bay, buoys, data, density, department, deployment, direction, dot, during, earth, Earth Science &gt; Oceans &gt; Ocean Waves &gt; Significant Wave Height, Earth Science &gt; Oceans &gt; Ocean Waves &gt; Swells, Earth Science &gt; Oceans &gt; Ocean Waves &gt; Wave Frequency, Earth Science &gt; Oceans &gt; Ocean Waves &gt; Wave Period, Earth Science &gt; Oceans &gt; Ocean Waves &gt; Wave Spectra, Earth Science &gt; Oceans &gt; Ocean Waves &gt; Wind Waves, Earth Science &gt; Oceans &gt; Sea Surface Topography &gt; Sea Surface Height, first, frequency, government, height, jur4003, jurien, latitude, longitude, maximum, mean, measurements, moment, ocean, oceans, period, science, sea, sea_surface_height, sea_surface_swell_wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_first_frequency_moment, sea_surface_swell_wave_significant_height, sea_surface_wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_first_frequency_moment, sea_surface_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum, sea_surface_wind_wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_first_frequency_moment, sea_surface_wind_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum, sea_surface_wind_wave_significant_height, significant, spectra, spectral, statistics, surface, surface waves, swell, swells, SWPD, SWPFM, SWPP, SWSSH, time, topography, transport, variance, wave, waverider, waves, western, wind, WPFM, WPPE, WSSH, WWPD, WWPFM, WWPP, WWSSH</att>
<att name="keywords_vocabulary">GCMD Science Keywords</att>
<att name="license"></att>
<att name="sourceUrl">(local files)</att>
<att name="standard_name_vocabulary">CF Standard Name Table v60</att>
<att name="instrument_maker">Datawell</att>
<att name="instrument_model">Directional Waverider MK III</att>
<att name="cdm_timeseries_variables">station_id, longitude, latitude</att>
<att name="subsetVariables">station_id, longitude, latitude</att>
<att name="summary">DOT wave data is collected using Datawell wave rider buoys. Older wave data was collected using non-directional wave rider buoys. As technology advanced and directional measuring capabilities were developed in wave buoys, the DOT wave buoy network was gradually upgraded to directional wave rider buoys. Older datasets do not have directional information whereas newer datasets have directional information.</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Identifier</att>
<att name="long_name">site code</att>
<att name="cf_role">timeseries_id</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Identifier</att>
<att name="long_name">station name</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="axis">T</att>
<att name="calendar">gregorian</att>
<att name="long_name">time</att>
<att name="standard_name">time</att>
<att name="units">days since 1950-01-01 00:00:00 UTC</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="double">90000.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="double">0.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">100000.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Time</att>
<att name="units">days since 1950-01-01T00:00:00Z</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="_FillValue" type="double">99999.0</att>
<att name="axis">Y</att>
<att name="long_name">latitude of each location</att>
<att name="reference_datum">WGS84 coordinate reference system</att>
<att name="standard_name">latitude</att>
<att name="units">degrees_north</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="double">90.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="double">-90.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">90.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">-90.0</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Location</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="_FillValue" type="double">99999.0</att>
<att name="axis">X</att>
<att name="long_name">longitude of each location</att>
<att name="reference_datum">WGS84 coordinate reference system</att>
<att name="standard_name">longitude</att>
<att name="units">degrees_east</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="double">180.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="double">-180.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">180.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">-180.0</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Location</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="comment">Analysed by spectral method</att>
<att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
<att name="long_name">sea surface wave spectral significant height</att>
<att name="units">m</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="float">100.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">2.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">-2.0</att>
<att name="coordinates">null</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Unknown</att>
<att name="standard_name">sea_surface_height</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="comment">Analysed by spectral method. Period of the peak of the energy spectrum</att>
<att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
<att name="long_name">sea surface wave period at variance spectral density maximum</att>
<att name="standard_name">sea_surface_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum</att>
<att name="units">s</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="float">50.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">50.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
<att name="coordinates">null</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Statistics</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="comment">Analysed by spectral method. The first wave period is calculated as m0/m1 where m0 and m1 are the zeroth order and first order moments of the wave spectrum</att>
<att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
<att name="long_name">sea surface wave mean period from variance spectral density first frequency moment</att>
<att name="standard_name">sea_surface_wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_first_frequency_moment</att>
<att name="units">s</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="float">50.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">50.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
<att name="coordinates">null</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Statistics</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="comment">Analysed by spectral method</att>
<att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
<att name="long_name">sea surface swell wave significant height</att>
<att name="units">m</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="float">100.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">10.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
<att name="coordinates">null</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Surface Waves</att>
<att name="standard_name">sea_surface_swell_wave_significant_height</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="comment">Analysed by spectral method</att>
<att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
<att name="long_name">sea surface swell wave period at variance spectral density maximum</att>
<att name="units">s</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="float">50.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">50.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
<att name="coordinates">null</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Statistics</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="comment">Analysed by spectral method.The first wave period is calculated as m0/m1 where m0 and m1 are the zeroth order and first order moments of the wave spectrum</att>
<att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
<att name="long_name">sea surface swell wave mean period from variance spectral density first frequency moment</att>
<att name="standard_name">sea_surface_swell_wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_first_frequency_moment</att>
<att name="units">s</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="float">50.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">50.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
<att name="coordinates">null</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Statistics</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="comment">Analysed by spectral method</att>
<att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
<att name="long_name">sea surface swell wave from direction at variance spectral density maximum</att>
<att name="positive">clockwise</att>
<att name="reference_datum">magnetic north</att>
<att name="units">degree</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="float">360.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">50.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
<att name="coordinates">null</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Statistics</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="comment">Analysed by spectral method</att>
<att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
<att name="long_name">sea surface wind wave significant height</att>
<att name="units">m</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="float">100.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">10.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
<att name="coordinates">null</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Surface Waves</att>
<att name="standard_name">sea_surface_wind_wave_significant_height</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="comment">Analysed by spectral method</att>
<att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
<att name="long_name">sea surface wind wave period at variance spectral density maximum</att>
<att name="standard_name">sea_surface_wind_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum</att>
<att name="units">s</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="float">50.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">50.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
<att name="coordinates">null</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Statistics</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="comment">Analysed by spectral method. The first wave period is calculated as m0/m1 where m0 and m1 are the zeroth order and first order moments of the wave spectrum</att>
<att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
<att name="long_name">sea surface wind wave mean period from variance spectral density first frequency moment</att>
<att name="standard_name">sea_surface_wind_wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_first_frequency_moment</att>
<att name="units">s</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="float">50.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">50.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
<att name="coordinates">null</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Statistics</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="comment">Analysed by spectral method</att>
<att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
<att name="long_name">sea surface wind wave from direction at variance spectral density maximum</att>
<att name="positive">clockwise</att>
<att name="reference_datum">magnetic north</att>
<att name="units">degree</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="float">360.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">50.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
<att name="coordinates">null</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Statistics</att>
<dataset type="EDDTableFromMultidimNcFiles" datasetID="Waverider-DES_QLD_1" active="true">
<sortFilesBySourceNames>STATION_ID TIME</sortFilesBySourceNames>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
<att name="abstract">Offshore and port operators have, for many years, monitored surface waves at various one-off, repeat and/or continuous locations. Anything in the QC database has been collected by carefully calibrated instruments (rechecked/reset every 3-6 months) and meticulously reviewed and quality-controlled by oceanographers</att>
<att name="acknowledgement">These data were collected and Quality controlled by the Coastal Impacts Unit Monitoring Team of the Department of Environment and Science (DES), Queensland Government. These data were made freely available by the AODN - a data facility of the Integrated Marine Observing System [IMOS]. IMOS is supported by the Australian Government.</att>
<att name="cdm_data_type">timeSeries</att>
<att name="cdm_timeseries_variables">station_id, longitude, latitude</att>
<att name="citation">The citation to be used in publications using the dataset should follow the format: &quot;State of Queensland, Department of Environment and Science (date), [Title], Downloaded from [url] on [date-of-download]&quot;.</att>
<att name="Conventions">CF-1.6</att>
<att name="creator_email"></att>
<att name="creator_institution">Department of Environment and Science (DES), Queensland Government</att>
<att name="data_centre">Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN)</att>
<att name="data_centre_email"></att>
<att name="data_original_url">;limit=1000000</att>
<att name="date_created">2018-11-23T04:43:31Z</att>
<att name="disclaimer">Data, products and services from AODN are provided &quot;as is&quot; without any warranty as to fitness for a particular purpose.</att>
<att name="first_deployment_date">1996-07-24T00:00:00Z</att>
<att name="geospatial_lat_max" type="double">-23.305317000000002</att>
<att name="geospatial_lat_min" type="double">-23.305317000000002</att>
<att name="geospatial_lon_max" type="double">151.071333</att>
<att name="geospatial_lon_min" type="double">151.071333</att>
<att name="glossary"></att>
<att name="institution">Department of Environment and Science (DES), Queensland Government</att>
<att name="instrument_maker">Datawell</att>
<att name="instrument_model">Waverider Mk3 0.9 Cu</att>
<att name="license"></att>
<att name="lineage"> Product created with</att>
<att name="naming_authority">AODN</att>
<att name="operator">Queensland Department of Environment and Science;</att>
<att name="owner">Queensland Department of Environment and Science;</att>
<att name="project">Coastal Impacts Unit</att>
<att name="publisher_email"></att>
<att name="publisher_institution">Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN)</att>
<att name="publisher_name">Besnard, Laurent</att>
<att name="site_code">Emu Park</att>
<att name="site_information_url"></att>
<att name="site_name">Emu Park</att>
<att name="standard_name_vocabulary">NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Convention Standard Name Table 60</att>
<att name="time_coverage_end">2015-12-31T12:30:00Z</att>
<att name="time_coverage_start">2014-12-31T14:30:00Z</att>
<att name="title">Delayed mode wave data measured at Emu Park</att>
<att name="water_depth" type="double">19.0</att>
<att name="water_depth_units">meters</att>
<att name="wave_monitoring_faq"></att>
<att name="waverider_type">Directional</att>
<att name="wmo_id" type="long">55033</att>
</sourceAttributes -->
<!-- Please specify the actual cdm_data_type (TimeSeries?) and related info below, for example...
<att name="cdm_timeseries_variables">station, longitude, latitude</att>
<att name="subsetVariables">station, longitude, latitude</att>
<att name="cdm_data_type">TimeSeries</att>
<att name="Conventions">CF-1.6, COARDS, ACDD-1.3</att>
<att name="creator_name">Coastal Sciences</att>
<att name="creator_type">person</att>
<att name="infoUrl"></att>
<att name="institution">DES, Queensland Government</att>
<att name="title">Waverider Buoy delayed-mode observations measured in Queensland</att>
<att name="cdm_timeseries_variables">station_id, longitude, latitude</att>
<att name="keywords">body, control, data, delayed, density, department, des, direction, each, earth, Earth Science &gt; Oceans &gt; Ocean Temperature &gt; Sea Surface Temperature, Earth Science &gt; Oceans &gt; Ocean Waves &gt; Significant Wave Height, Earth Science &gt; Oceans &gt; Ocean Waves &gt; Wave Period, Earth Science &gt; Oceans &gt; Ocean Waves &gt; Wave Spectra, emu, environment, government, height, identifier, latitude, longitude, maximum, measured, mode, ocean, oceans, park, period, quality, queensland, science, sea, sea_surface_temperature, sea_surface_wave_maximum_height, sea_surface_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum, sea_surface_wave_significant_height, sea_surface_wave_zero_upcrossing_period, seawater, significant, spectra, spectral, station, STATION_ID, statistics, surface, surface waves, TEMP, temperature, time, unique, upcrossing, variance, water, wave, waves, WHTH, wind, WMXH, WPMH, WPPE, WWPD, zero</att>
<att name="keywords_vocabulary">GCMD Science Keywords</att>
<att name="license"></att>
<att name="sourceUrl">(local files)</att>
<att name="standard_name_vocabulary">CF Standard Name Table v60</att>
<att name="subsetVariables">latitude, longitude, station_id</att>
<att name="summary">Offshore and port operators have, for many years, monitored surface waves at various one-off, repeat and/or continuous locations. Anything in the QC database has been collected by carefully calibrated instruments (rechecked/reset every 3-6 months) and meticulously reviewed and quality-controlled by oceanographers</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="_FillValue" type="double">-9999.9</att>
<att name="axis">Y</att>
<att name="long_name">latitude of each location</att>
<att name="reference_datum">WGS84 coordinate reference system; EPSG:4326</att>
<att name="standard_name">latitude</att>
<att name="units">degrees_north</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="double">90.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="double">-90.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">90.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">-90.0</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Location</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="_FillValue" type="double">-9999.9</att>
<att name="axis">X</att>
<att name="long_name">longitude of each location</att>
<att name="reference_datum">WGS84 coordinate reference system; EPSG:4326</att>
<att name="standard_name">longitude</att>
<att name="units">degrees_east</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="double">180.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="double">-180.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">180.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">-180.0</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Location</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Identifier</att>
<att name="long_name">site code</att>
<att name="cf_role">timeseries_id</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Identifier</att>
<att name="long_name">station name</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="axis">T</att>
<att name="calendar">gregorian</att>
<att name="long_name">time</att>
<att name="standard_name">time</att>
<att name="units">days since 1950-01-01 00:00:00 UTC</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="double">90000.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="double">0.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">100000.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Time</att>
<att name="units">days since 1950-01-01T00:00:00Z</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="_FillValue" type="float">-9999.9</att>
<att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
<att name="long_name">sea_surface_wind_wave_from_direction_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum</att>
<att name="reference_datum">true north</att>
<att name="units">degree</att>
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">50.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
<att name="coordinates">null</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Statistics</att>
<att name="long_name">Sea Surface Wind Wave From Direction At Variance Spectral Density Maximum</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="_FillValue" type="float">-9999.9</att>
<att name="comment">Analysed by zero crossing method. The maximum wave height in the record.</att>
<att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
<att name="long_name">Maximum height of waves on the water body</att>
<att name="standard_name">sea_surface_wave_maximum_height</att>
<att name="units">m</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="float">100.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">150.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
<att name="coordinates">null</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Surface Waves</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="_FillValue" type="float">-9999.9</att>
<att name="comment">Analysed by zero crossing method. An average of the highest third of the waves in a record (26.6 minute recording period).</att>
<att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
<att name="long_name">Significant height of waves on the water body</att>
<att name="standard_name">sea_surface_wave_significant_height</att>
<att name="units">m</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="float">50.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">10.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
<att name="coordinates">null</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Surface Waves</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="_FillValue" type="float">-9999.9</att>
<att name="comment">Approximation of sea surface temperature</att>
<att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
<att name="long_name">sea surface temperature</att>
<att name="standard_name">sea_surface_temperature</att>
<att name="units">degrees_Celsius</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="float">50.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">32.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
<att name="coordinates">null</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Temperature</att>
<att name="units">degree_C</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="_FillValue" type="float">-9999.9</att>
<att name="comment">Analysed by spectral method. The peak energy wave period.</att>
<att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
<att name="long_name">sea surface wave period at variance spectral density maximum</att>
<att name="standard_name">sea_surface_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum</att>
<att name="units">s</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="float">50.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">50.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
<att name="coordinates">null</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Statistics</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="_FillValue" type="float">-9999.9</att>
<att name="comment">Analysed by zero crossing method.The average of the zero up-crossing wave periods (in seconds) in a wave record.</att>
<att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
<att name="long_name">sea surface wave zero upcrossing period</att>
<att name="standard_name">sea_surface_wave_zero_upcrossing_period</att>
<att name="units">s</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="float">50.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">20.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
<att name="coordinates">null</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Surface Waves</att>
<dataset type="EDDTableFromMultidimNcFiles" datasetID="Waverider-BoM-1" active="true">
<sortFilesBySourceNames>STATION_ID TIME</sortFilesBySourceNames>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
<att name="acknowledgement">These data were collected and Quality controlled by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. These data were made freely available by the AODN - a data facility of the Integrated Marine Observing System [IMOS]. IMOS is supported by the Australian Government.</att>
<att name="cdm_data_type">timeSeries</att>
<att name="cdm_timeseries_variables">station_id, longitude, latitude</att>
<att name="citation">The citation to be used in publications using the dataset should follow the format: &quot;Australian Bureau of Meteorology (date), [Title], Downloaded from [url] on [date-of-download].&quot;</att>
<att name="Conventions">CF-1.6</att>
<att name="creator_email"></att>
<att name="creator_institution">Bureau of Meteorology (BoM)</att>
<att name="data_centre">Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN)</att>
<att name="data_centre_email"></att>
<att name="date_created">2018-11-26T12:57:12Z</att>
<att name="disclaimer">Data, products and services from AODN are provided &quot;as is&quot; without any warranty as to fitness for a particular purpose.</att>
<att name="geospatial_lat_max" type="double">-42.12</att>
<att name="geospatial_lat_min" type="double">-42.12</att>
<att name="geospatial_lat_units">degrees_north</att>
<att name="geospatial_lon_max" type="double">145.03</att>
<att name="geospatial_lon_min" type="double">145.03</att>
<att name="geospatial_lon_units">degrees_east</att>
<att name="institution">Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM)</att>
<att name="instrument">Waverider buoy</att>
<att name="instrument_maker">Datawell</att>
<att name="instrument_model">Waverider F1</att>
<att name="license"></att>
<att name="lineage"> Product created with</att>
<att name="local_time_zone" type="double">10.0</att>
<att name="method">
Waverider buoys contain an accelerometer to measure the vertical acceleration as the buoy moves up and
down with the water surface. By integrating this acceleration with time received from an internal clock, the
Waverider buoy provides an instantaneous reading of relative water level around a 2000cm mean. Similarly,
in a Directional Waverider buoy, separate accelerometers are used to measure the horizontal accelerations
as the buoy moves sideways with the waves.
As wave periods increase, the acceleration caused by a given wave height becomes lower. This decreased
acceleration makes it more difficult for the accelerometer to accurately measure the acceleration, and
therefore the instantaneous water level change caused by longer period waves. Due to this, there is a
natural drop off in the response (accuracy) of a Waverider buoy as wave periods increase, particularly
noticeable with periods greater than 20 seconds.
Conversely, the Waverider buoy in water has a natural frequency around 1 second, causing the buoy to
overestimate the instantaneous wave caused accelerations around this period, and therefore the associated
instantaneous water level changes. This is generally not a major problem as waves in coastal and estuarine
areas usually quickly develop a period of at least 2 seconds.
<att name="naming_authority">AODN</att>
<att name="project">Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM)</att>
<att name="publisher_email"></att>
<att name="publisher_institution">Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN)</att>
<att name="publisher_name">Besnard, Laurent</att>
<att name="site_code">SORELL</att>
<att name="site_name">Cape Sorell</att>
<att name="standard_name_vocabulary">NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Convention Standard Name Table 60</att>
<att name="time_coverage_end">2000-12-31T13:30:00Z</att>
<att name="time_coverage_start">1999-12-31T14:01:08Z</att>
<att name="title">Waverider Buoy observations at Cape Sorell</att>
<att name="water_depth" type="long">100</att>
<att name="water_depth_units">meters</att>
<att name="waverider_type">Non-Directional</att>
<att name="wmo_id" type="long">55026</att>
</sourceAttributes -->
<!-- Please specify the actual cdm_data_type (TimeSeries?) and related info below, for example...
<att name="cdm_timeseries_variables">station, longitude, latitude</att>
<att name="subsetVariables">station, longitude, latitude</att>
<att name="cdm_data_type">TimeSeries</att>
<att name="Conventions">CF-1.6, COARDS, ACDD-1.3</att>
<att name="creator_name">BoM</att>
<att name="infoUrl"></att>
<att name="institution">BoM</att>
<att name="title">Waverider Buoy observations at Cape Sorell and Cape Du Couedic</att>
<att name="keywords">australian, body, bom, buoy, bureau, calculated, cape, crest, data, density, domain, each, earth, Earth Science &gt; Oceans &gt; Ocean Waves &gt; Significant Wave Height, Earth Science &gt; Oceans &gt; Ocean Waves &gt; Swells, Earth Science &gt; Oceans &gt; Ocean Waves &gt; Wave Frequency, Earth Science &gt; Oceans &gt; Ocean Waves &gt; Wave Period, Earth Science &gt; Oceans &gt; Ocean Waves &gt; Wave Spectra, EPS_FD, EPS_TD, frequency, height, highest, HRMS, HRMS_FD, identifier, latitude, longitude, maximum, mean, meteorology, moment, observations, ocean, oceans, period, root, science, sea, sea_surface_swell_wave_period, sea_surface_wave_maximum_height, sea_surface_wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_second_frequency_moment, sea_surface_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum, sea_surface_wave_period_of_highest_wave, sea_surface_wave_significant_height, sea_surface_wave_significant_period, sea_surface_wave_zero_upcrossing_period, seawater, second, significant, sorell, spectra, spectral, square, station, STATION_ID, statistics, surface, surface waves, swell, swells, TCREST, THMAX, time, unique, upcrossing, variance, water, wave, waverider, waves, WHTH, width, WMXH, WPMH, WPPE, WPSM, WPTH, zero</att>
<att name="keywords_vocabulary">GCMD Science Keywords</att>
<att name="license"></att>
<att name="sourceUrl">(local files)</att>
<att name="standard_name_vocabulary">CF Standard Name Table v60</att>
<att name="subsetVariables">latitude, longitude, station</att>
<att name="summary">Waverider Buoy delayed-mode observations measured by the Bureau of Meteorology</att>
<att name="cdm_timeseries_variables">station_id, longitude, latitude</att>
<att name="subsetVariables">station_id, longitude, latitude</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="_FillValue" type="double">99999.0</att>
<att name="axis">Y</att>
<att name="long_name">latitude of each location</att>
<att name="reference_datum">WGS84 coordinate reference system;</att>
<att name="standard_name">latitude</att>
<att name="units">degrees_north</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="double">90.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="double">-90.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">90.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">-90.0</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Location</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="_FillValue" type="double">99999.0</att>
<att name="axis">X</att>
<att name="long_name">longitude of each location</att>
<att name="reference_datum">WGS84 coordinate reference system;</att>
<att name="standard_name">longitude</att>
<att name="units">degrees_east</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="double">180.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="double">-180.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">180.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">-180.0</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Location</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Identifier</att>
<att name="long_name">site code</att>
<att name="cf_role">timeseries_id</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Identifier</att>
<att name="long_name">station name</att>
<att name="axis">T</att>
<att name="calendar">gregorian</att>
<att name="long_name">time</att>
<att name="standard_name">time</att>
<att name="units">days since 1950-01-01 00:00:00 UTC</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="double">90000.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="double">0.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">100000.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Time</att>
<att name="units">days since 1950-01-01T00:00:00Z</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
<att name="long_name">significant height of waves on the water body</att>
<att name="standard_name">sea_surface_wave_significant_height</att>
<att name="units">m</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="float">100.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">10.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
<att name="coordinates">null</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Surface Waves</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
<att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
<att name="long_name">sea surface wave root mean square wave height</att>
<att name="units">m</att>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">10.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
<att name="coordinates">null</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Surface Waves</att>
<att name="standard_name">sea_surface_wave_significant_height</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
<att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
<att name="long_name">maximum height of waves on the water body</att>
<att name="standard_name">sea_surface_wave_maximum_height</att>
<att name="units">m</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="float">100.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">150.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
<att name="coordinates">null</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Surface Waves</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
<att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
<att name="long_name">sea surface wave zero upcrossing period</att>
<att name="standard_name">sea_surface_wave_zero_upcrossing_period</att>
<att name="units">s</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="float">50.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">20.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
<att name="coordinates">null</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Surface Waves</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
<att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
<att name="long_name">sea surface wave significant period</att>
<att name="standard_name">sea_surface_wave_significant_period</att>
<att name="units">s</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="float">50.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">20.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
<att name="coordinates">null</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Surface Waves</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
<att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
<att name="long_name">sea surface wave mean crest period</att>
<att name="units">s</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="float">50.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">20.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
<att name="coordinates">null</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Surface Waves</att>
<att name="standard_name">sea_surface_swell_wave_period</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
<att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
<att name="long_name">period of the highest wave</att>
<att name="standard_name">sea_surface_wave_period_of_highest_wave</att>
<att name="units">s</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="float">50.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">20.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
<att name="coordinates">null</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Surface Waves</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
<att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
<att name="long_name">spectral width from the time domain</att>
<att name="units">1</att>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="coordinates">null</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Time</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
<att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
<att name="long_name">sea surface wave mean period from variance spectral density second frequency moment</att>
<att name="standard_name">sea_surface_wave_mean_period_from_variance_spectral_density_second_frequency_moment</att>
<att name="units">s</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="float">50.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">50.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
<att name="coordinates">null</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Statistics</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
<att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
<att name="long_name">sea surface wave period at variance spectral density maximum</att>
<att name="standard_name">sea_surface_wave_period_at_variance_spectral_density_maximum</att>
<att name="units">s</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="float">50.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">50.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
<att name="coordinates">null</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Statistics</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
<att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
<att name="long_name">Root mean square wave height calculated from the spectra</att>
<att name="units">m</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="float">100.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">10.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
<att name="coordinates">null</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Surface Waves</att>
<att name="standard_name">sea_surface_wave_significant_height</att>
<!-- sourceAttributes>
<att name="coordinates">TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE</att>
<att name="long_name">Spectral width calculated from the spectral moment</att>
<att name="units">1</att>
<att name="valid_max" type="float">100.0</att>
<att name="valid_min" type="float">0.0</att>
</sourceAttributes -->
<att name="colorBarMaximum" type="double">150.0</att>
<att name="colorBarMinimum" type="double">0.0</att>
<att name="coordinates">null</att>
<att name="ioos_category">Unknown</att>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<!-- setup.xml contains setup information for ERDDAP.
When you install ERDDAP on your server, many of the settings can be left as is.
Settings that you must change when you install ERDDAP on your server are marked "MUST CHANGE".
<!-- 'logLevel' determines how many diagnostic messages are sent to the log.txt file.
It can be set to "warning" (the fewest messages), "info" (the default), or "all" (the most messages).
Diagnostic messages are displayed on some HTML pages if displayDiagnosticInfo (above) is 'true'.
Diagnostic messages are always written to the [bigParentDirectory]log.txt file (see below).
At ERD, we set this to 'all' for development and 'info' for releases.
<!-- warName becomes part of the public url, after baseUrl/.
This should always be 'erddap'.
If you want to install a second ERDDAP for testing/development,
<!-- bigParentDirectory is the absolute path on the server (with slash at the end)
to a directory on a drive with lots of space.
Create a new directory, outside of the tomcat directory, for this purpose.
The user that runs Tomcat must have read/write privileges for this directory.
Subdirectories that will be created by ERDDAP are:
* datasetInfo (which some datasets use to cache information about the dataset
to speed up reloading the dataset in the future),
* flag (where you can put a file with a datasetID's name to force reloading of
that dataset) and
* cache (which ERDDAP uses to hold cached data files - ERDDAP periodically
removes files older than cacheMinutes (see below)).
The ERDDAP log file (log.txt) will be put in this directory.
You MUST CHANGE this when you install ERDDAP on your server.
At ERD, we use '/u00/cwatch/erddap/' for releases.
<!-- Daily status reports and all error messages are emailed to emailEverythingTo.
Daily status reports are emailed to emailDailyReportsTo.
Either of these can be not specified, blank (specified but with no value),
a single email address ((e.g.,,
or a comma-separated list of email addresses.
The first emailEverythingTo email address is more important than the others,
e.g., it is used for subscriptions to EDDXxxxFromErddap datasets.
See the email account settings below.
You MUST CHANGE these to the appropriate browser administrator for your site.
Whether or not you set up the email system, all potential email messages
are logged to an emailLogYEAR-MONTH.txt file in the bigParentDirectory.
<!-- This lets you specify a regular expression which determines which datasetIDs
in the datasets.xml file should be loaded.
The default is ".*", which loads all datasets.
During development or for other reasons, you might want to use a subset, e.g.,
so that ERDDAP quickly loads a dataset that you are interested in.
<!-- If true, when you start up ERDDAP, some types of datasets (e.g.,
EDDGridFromDap) will used cached information (.dds, .das, etc.) to reload
very quickly, without contacting the remote server. The dataset's age
will be based on when the dataset was reloaded last. Normally this
should be true (the default), but set it to false if you want to bypass
the cached information. -->
<!-- If you want to restrict access to some datasets, you need to specify
the method used for logging on (authentication).
See the info at
Currently, the options are: "" (logins not supported, the default), "custom", "openid".
Note that openid login doesn't work when testing with localhost (
<!-- This specifies how you have stored passwords in the roles tags in datasets.xml.
If you aren't storing any passwords this is irrelevant.
The options (in order of increasing security) are:
"plaintext", "MD5", or "UEPMD5" (MD5(UserName:ERDDAP:Password) which is the default).
You should only use "plaintext" or "MD5" if you need to match values stored
that way in an external password database.
See the info at
<!-- This determines whether datasets that the user doesn't currently have access to
(because he isn't logged in or because his roles don't allow access)
should be shown on lists of data sets
(e.g., from full text search, categorize, view all datasets, ...).
The options are: "true", or "false" (the default).
If false, no information about the dataset (even its existence) is shown
to users who don't have access to it.
If true, some information about the dataset (title, summary, etc) is shown
to users who don't have access to it.
If the user clicks on a link to a dataset he doesn't have access to,
he will get an error message and be prompted to log in.
<!-- baseUrl is the start of the public url, to which "/[warName]" is appended.
You MUST CHANGE this when you install ERDDAP on your server. For example,
<baseUrl></baseUrl> used for running/testing on your personal computer
<baseUrl></baseUrl> used for ERD releases (erddap and erddap2)
<!-- This is a variant of <baseUrl> which is used when authentication is active and the user is logged in.
In general, you take the <baseUrl>, change "http" to "https", and change/add ":8443".
This must begin with "https://".
If you make a proxy so that ":8443" isn't needed, you don't need to add it here.
This is irrelevant if <authentication> is "".
See the instructions at
For example,
<baseHttpsUrl></baseHttpsUrl> used for running/testing on your personal computer
<baseHttpsUrl></baseHttpsUrl> used at ERD for releases (erddap and erddap2)
<!-- **************************************************************************** -->
<!-- Set 'displayDiagnosticInfo' to true if you want the diagnostic info displayed
on almost all html pages that ERDDAP generates.
The info is the same info that is written to the [bigParentDirectory]logs/log.txt file.
It is best to always leave this as 'false'.
<!-- ERDDAP lets you choose between two search engines for full text searches:
* original (the default) - is the best choice if your ERDDAP has fewer
than about 10,000 datasets. It is very robust and trouble free.
* lucene - is the best choice for more than about 10,000 datasets.
The advantages are that with any number of datasets it works fast
and uses very little memory.
But there are many things that might go wrong with individual
queries and with the whole system.
And although its behaviour (the datasets it finds and the order that
it ranks them) is almost identical to the original search engine,
it has a few quirky, subtle, small differences.
<!-- Email account information is used for sending emails to the 'emailEverythingTo'
and 'emailDailyReportsTo' email addresses above.
You MUST CHANGE this information when you install ERDDAP on your server since you can't use Bob's account.
If you don't actually want to send emails, change the emailSmtpHost tag contents to be nothing.
emailPassword is optional; if absent, emails can't be sent to non-local addresses.
emailProperties is a list of additional properties in the form
For example, gmail accounts need
The default is nothing.
(And for gmail, use emailSmtpPort 587.)
Whether or not you set up the email system, all potential email messages
are logged to an emailLogYEAR-MONTH.txt file in the bigParentDirectory.
If you can't get ERDDAP to send emails (error = "Connection refused")
and you are using anti-virus software (e.g., McAfee) make sure McAfee
"Virus Scan Console : Access Protection Properties :
Anti Virus Standard Protections :
Prevent mass mailing worms from sending mail" is un-checked.
<!-- Information about the ERDDAP administrator is used for the SOS and WMS servers.
You MUST CHANGE these to describe your installation.
<adminInstitution>Axiom Docker Install</adminInstitution>
<adminIndividualName>Axiom Docker Install</adminIndividualName>
<adminPosition>Software Engineer</adminPosition>
<adminAddress>123 Irrelevant St.</adminAddress>
These default accessConstraints, fees, and keywords are used by
ERDDAP's SOS, WCS, and WMS services.
accessConstraints and fees are the defaults for dataset's without an
"accessibleTo" tag.
accessRequiresAuthorization is the default "accessConstraints" for dataset's
with an "accessibleTo" tag.
keywords should describe this ERDDAP's data in a general way and be comma-separated.
"accessConstraints", "fees", "keywords" can be overwritten by same-named
attributes in a dataset's global attributes in datasets.xml.
<accessRequiresAuthorization>only accessible to authorized users</accessRequiresAuthorization>
<keywords>earth science, atmosphere, ocean, biosphere, biology, environment</keywords>
<!-- This appears on the erddap/legal.html web page after the General Disclaimer.
You can replace any of the [standardParts] with your own HTML.
[standardContact] references the adminEmail specified above. -->
<!-- Specify the default units standard (e.g., "UDUNITS" (the default) or "UCUM")
that you (the ERDDAP admin) are using to specify units.
The value is case-sensitive.
This is used by ERDDAP's SOS server to determine if the units need to be
converted to UCUM units for WMS and SOS GetCapabilities responses.
<!-- ERDDAP automatically generates FGDC and ISO19115 metadata
for all relevant datasets, using information from the dataset's metadata.
By default these services are on (true). -->
<!-- For the wms examples, pick one of your grid datasets that has longitude and latitude axes.
The sample variable must be a variable in the sample grid dataset.
The bounding box values are minx,miny,maxx,maxy.
The default for wmsActive is "true".
<!-- The bounding box values are minLongitude,minLatitude,maxLongitude,maxLatitude.
Longitude values within -180 to 180, or 0 to 360, are now okay. -->
<!-- ERDDAP has a service that lets remote users set a flag
to notify ERDDAP to try to reload a dataset.
These requests use a key which is generated based
on baseUrl/warName, a datasetID, and flagKeyKey.
*** CHANGE THIS ONCE, to any text (a favorite quote? random text? It doesn't matter).
Normally, you won't ever change this again.
But if you you think someone is abusing the flag system,
change this text again, restart ERDDAP, and send
all of the users of the flag system the relevant new flagKeys
(see the list in the Daily Report). -->
<!-- ERDDAP has an email/URL subscription system which sends a user an email
or pings a url whenever an interesting dataset changes.
(This is different from the RSS system, which is always active.)
The system relies on the server being able to send out
emails to people to validate their subscription requests.
The emails appear to come from the emailFromAddress below.
So if your server can't send out emails, don't make this system active.
You may choose (for whatever reason) to make this system active or not,
so valid values below are "true" (the default) and "false".
Note that if you change this and restart ERDDAP, the list of subscriptions
(in [bigParentDirectory]/subscriptionsV1.txt) isn't affected.
See also the subscriptionEmailBlacklist in datasets.xml.
<!-- ERDDAP has converters for time, keywords, units, FIPS codes, etc.
You may make this system active ("true", the strongly-encouraged default value)
or not ("false").
<!-- ERDDAP has a slide sorter ([domain]/erddap/slidesorter.html).
You may make this system active ("true", the default value) or not ("false").
<!-- Every loadDatasetsNMinutes (see below), files in [bigParentDirectory]cache and
the public directory which are more than cacheMinutes old will be deleted.
At ERD, we use '60'.
Note that when a dataset is reloaded, all files in the [bigParentDirectory]cache/[datasetID]
directory are deleted.
In general, only image files are cached, because the same images are often requested repeatedly.
Removing files in the cache based on age (not Least-Recently-Used)
ensures that files won't stay in the cache very long.
Although it might seem like a given request should always return the same response,
that isn't true.
For example, a tabledap request which includes time>someTime will change
if new data arrives for the dataset.
And a griddap request which includes [last] for the time dimension will change
if new data arrives for the dataset.
<!-- This specifies the fewest minutes between checks if the datasets
need to be reloaded.
If a given run of loadDatasets takes less than this time,
the loader just looks at the flag directory and/or sleeps
until the remaining time has passed.
The default is 15 minutes, which should be fine for almost everyone.
No matter what, each dataset won't be reloaded more often than its
reloadEveryNMinutes value as specified in datasets.xml.
The only disadvantage to setting this to a smaller number is that
it will increase the frequency that ERDDAP retries datasets that aren't
loading. If there are lots of such datasets and they are retested frequently,
the data source might consider it pestering/aggressive behaviour.
<!-- This specifies the most minutes that reloading datasets is allowed to take
(before the loadDatasets thread treated as "stalled" and is interrupted).
In general, this should be set to at least twice as long as you reasonably
think that reloading all of the datasets (cumulatively) should take
(since computers and networks sometimes are slower than expected)
This should always be much longer than loadDatasetsMinMinutes.
The default is 60 minutes. Some people will set this to longer.
<!-- If the number of requests between two runs of LoadDatasets exceeds
unusualActivity, an email is sent to emailEverythingTo.
The default is 10000.
<!-- The title for the map's legend (or nothing if you don't want a legend title).
At ERD, we don't use these. To use these, uncomment them.
<legendTitle1>NOAA ERD's</legendTitle1>
<!-- The highRes and lowResImagefiles are used for map and graph legends
(if legendTitle1 and legendTitle2 aren't "") and
are scaled to the desired size (highRes->80 or 40 pixels square, lowRes->20 pixels square).
The googleEarthLogoFile is displayed at its original size in the lower left
corner of the Google Earth map if the user selects the .kml image file type.
The highRes, lowRes and GoogleEarth images are also used by OpenSearch.
The questionMarkImage identifies the places on HTML pages where a user can
mouseOver to get more information.
These files must be in [tomcat]/content/erddap/images/ directory.
All files in this directory (and subdirectories)
will be copied to [tomcat]/webapps/erddap/images (and subdirectories)
and thus made available for direct downloading by any client.
(Any text files must be stored as plain ASCII (7 bit) or with UTF-8 encoding.)
For SGT graphics, currently, the Files designated below must be png, gif, jpg, or bmp.
If you want to substitute other image files, it is best to make them
a similar number of pixels wide and high.
<!-- The font family to be used for all of the text in images.
"SansSerif" (the default) is always a valid and reasonable option.
A list of valid font families is printed to the log by the SGT constructor.
SansSerif is fine on Windows. I think it translates to Arial.
I didn't like any of the fonts initially available on Linux. "SansSerif" is almost ok.
At ERD, we use "Bitstream Vera Sans"
(open source fonts from ).
I think they are distinctly better than the standard Linux fonts.
To use them on your computer, download
and unzip the files into [javaHome]/jre/lib/fonts so Java sees them.
<fontFamily>Bitstream Vera Sans</fontFamily>
<!-- When possible (and it isn't always possible), ERDDAP breaks source data requests
into chunks to conserve memory. See the description of these tags in messages.xml.
You can override the default chunk sizes here with
For grids: <partialRequestMaxBytes>100000000</partialRequestMaxBytes>
For tables: <partialRequestMaxCells>100000</partialRequestMaxCells>
<!-- If variablesRequireIoosCategory is true, all variables for all datasets must
have an "ioos_category" attribute defined (in sourceAttributes or addAttributes)
with a value from EDV.IOOS_CATEGORIES.
If you are affiliated with NOAA, you should set this to "true"
because the NOAA IOOS office wants to be able to categorize variables and
datasets in this way.
For non-NOAA ERDDAP installations, there is no downside to setting this to "false".
<!-- This is the comma-separated list (recommended: in alphabetical order)
of the global attribute and variable attribute names which will be
used to categorize the datasets and shown to clients at urls like .../erddap/categorize/ioos_category/index.html
(ioos_category is unusual, but is used at ERD).
If an attribute is a global attribute, identify it by prefixing it with "global:".
"variableName" is a special case: it categorizes the dataVariable destinationNames.
<categoryAttributes>global:cdm_data_type, global:institution, ioos_category, global:keywords, long_name, standard_name, variableName</categoryAttributes>
<!-- drawLandMask specifies the default Make A Graph setting for whether the
landmask should be drawn "over" or "under" surface data on maps.
"over" is recommended for primarily oceanographic data
(so that grid data over land is obscured by the landmask).
"under" is recommended for all other data.
(This used to be called 'drawLandMask' (still supported).)
<!-- This is the short description of ERDDAP, which is used on the middle of the
left side of ERDDAP's home page.
This can refer to &erddapUrl;, &requestFormatExamplesHtml; &resultsFormatExamplesHtml; and
[standardShortDescriptionHtml] (from messages.xml).
If your ERDDAP allows users to log in, all referenced image files, etc.
must be in [tomcat]/content/erddap/images or a subdirectory
and must be referenced here with &erddapUrl;/images/[fileName].
If you don't use [standardShortDescriptionHtml], at least include a link like:
(<a href="&erddapUrl;/information.html">More detailed information about ERDDAP</a>)
All of the information in [standardShortDescriptionHtml] is also contained in
<theLongDescriptionHtml> in messages.xml.
ERDDAP (the Environmental Research Division's Data Access Program)
is a data server that gives you a simple, consistent way to download
subsets of scientific datasets in common file formats and make graphs and maps.
This particular ERDDAP installation has oceanographic data
(for example, data from satellites and buoys).
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