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Last active December 18, 2023 09:39
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YouTube - Playback Fixes
// ==UserScript==
// @name YouTube - Playback Fixes
// @namespace
// @downloadURL
// @updateURL
// @version 0.9.1
// @description Workarounds for various YouTube playback annoyances: prevent "Playback paused because your account is being used in another location", skip unplayable members-only videos and upcoming streams in playlists
// @author lbmaian
// @match*
// @match*
// @exclude*
// @icon
// @run-at document-start
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
const DEBUG = false;
const logContext = '[YouTube - Playback Fixes]';
var debug;
if (DEBUG) {
debug = function(...args) {
console.debug(logContext, ...args);
} else {
debug = function() {};
function log(...args) {
console.log(logContext, ...args);
function info(...args) {, ...args);
function warn(...args) {
console.warn(logContext, ...args);
function error(...args) {
console.error(logContext, ...args);
// Extremely basic sscanf
// Parameters:
// - formatStr: format string, only supports:
// %%, %d, %s (matches regex /[^/?&.]+/ to match url path components & query parameters)
// trailing ... (format string only needs to match start of url)
// - searchStr: string to search
// Returns: [match for 1st format specifier, match for 2nd format specifier, ...] or null if no match found
var sscanfUrl = (() => {
const cache = new Map();
const REGEX = 0;
const STRING = 1;
const FULLSTRING = 2;
return function sscanfUrl(formatStr, searchStr) {
let cached = cache.get(formatStr);
if (!cached) {
const cacheKey = formatStr;
const fullMatch = !formatStr.endsWith('...');
if (!fullMatch) {
formatStr = formatStr.substring(0, formatStr.length - 3);
if (formatStr.replaceAll('%%').includes('%')) {
formatStr = formatStr.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); // from
const formatSpecifiers = [];
formatStr = '^' + formatStr.replace(/%./g, m => {
if (m === '%%') {
return '%';
} else if (m === '%d') {
return '(-?\\d+)';
} else if (m === '%s') {
return '([^/?&.]+)';
} else {
throw Error(`format specifier '${m}' unsupported`);
if (fullMatch) {
formatStr += '$';
} else {
formatStr += '(.*)$';
cached = {type: REGEX, value: new RegExp(formatStr), formatSpecifiers};
} else {
cached = {type: fullMatch ? FULLSTRING : STRING, value: formatStr, formatSpecifiers: null};
debug('sscanfUrl caching for key', cacheKey, ':', cached);
cache.set(cacheKey, cached);
const value = cached.value;
switch (cached.type) {
case REGEX: {
const m = value.exec(searchStr);
if (m) {
return, i) => {
const matched = m[i + 1];
if (specifier === 'd') {
return Number.parseInt(matched);
} else {
return matched;
} else {
return null;
case STRING:
if (searchStr.startsWith(value)) {
return [searchStr.slice(value.length)];
} else {
return null;
return searchStr === value ? [] : null;
// Extremely basic sprintf, supporting:
// %%, %d, %s
function sprintf(formatStr, ...args) {
let i = 0;
let str = formatStr.replaceAll(/%./g, m => {
if (m === '%%') {
return '%';
} else if (m === '%d') {
return Math.trunc(args[i++]);
} else if (m === '%s') {
return args[i++];
} else {
throw Error(`format specifier '${m}' unsupported`);
if (formatStr.endsWith('...')) {
str = formatStr.slice(0, -3) + args[i];
return str;
// Allows interception of HTTP requests
// register method accepts a single configuration object with entries:
// - sourceUrlFormat: sscanfUrl format string for source URL (URL to intercept)
// - sourceUrlFormats: same as sourceUrlFormat except an array of such strings
// Either sourceUrlFormat or sourceUrlFormats must be specified.
// - destinationUrlFormat: sscanfUrl/sprintf format string for destination URL (URL to redirect to)
// - destinationUrlFormats: same as destinationUrlFormat except an array of such strings
// - destinationUrlFormatter: function that returns the destination URL given:
// - destinationUrlFormatters if destinationUrlFormats is specified, else destinationUrlFormat
// - match for 1st format specifier in sourceUrlFormat
// - match for 2nd format specifier in sourceUrlFormat
// - ...
// If neither destinationUrlFormat nor destinationUrlFormats is specified, the source URL is used as-is.
// If destinationUrlFormats is specified, destinationUrlFormatter must also be specified.
// If destinationUrlFormat is specified instead, destinationUrlFormatter can be omitted and defaults to `sprintf`.
// - responseHandler: function that handles and returns the response string, presumably in the same format that the
// original request would've returned; parameters are:
// - response text for HTTP request to destination URL (XMLHttpRequest.responseText)
// - destination URL (XMLHttpRequest.responseURL)
// - match for 1st format specifier in destinationUrlFormat
// - match for 2nd format specifier in destinationUrlFormat
// - ...
// Only supports intercepting XMLHttpRequest API (not fetch API) and XMLHttpRequest.responseText (not response/responseXML).
// Note that XMLHttpRequest.responseURL returns to original (pre-intercept) URL.
class HttpRequestInterceptor {
stats = null;
statsKeyFunc = HttpRequestInterceptor.defaultStatsKeyFunc;
#origDescs = null;
#sourceToDest = new Map();
#destToResponseHandler = new Map();
constructor() {
//this.stats = new Map(); // uncomment to record stats
register(config) {
if (!config.sourceUrlFormat && !config.sourceUrlFormats) {
throw Error('either sourceUrlFormat or sourceUrlFormats must be specified');
if (!config.destinationUrlFormatter && config.destinationUrlFormats) {
throw Error('destinationUrlFormatter must specified if destinationUrlFormats is specified');
if (!config.responseHandler) {
throw Error('responseHandler must be specified');
const dest = {
format: config.destinationUrlFormat,
formats: config.destinationUrlFormats,
formatter: config.destinationUrlFormatter,
const anyDestFormatOpt = dest.format || dest.formats || dest.formatter;
const sourceUrlFormats = config.sourceUrlFormats ?? [config.sourceUrlFormat];
for (const sourceUrlFormat of sourceUrlFormats) {
if (anyDestFormatOpt) { // if no dest url format opts are specified, no URL transformation
this.#sourceToDest.set(sourceUrlFormat, dest);
const destUrlFormats = config.destinationUrlFormats ?? (config.destinationUrlFormat ? [config.destinationUrlFormat] : sourceUrlFormats);
for (const destUrlFormat of destUrlFormats) {
this.#destToResponseHandler.set(destUrlFormat, config.responseHandler);
debug('HttpRequestInterceptor.register:', config, '=>\n#sourceToDest:', new Map(this.#sourceToDest),
'\n#destToResponseHandler:', new Map(this.#destToResponseHandler));
get enabled() {
return this.#origDescs !== null;
enable() {
if (this.enabled) {
log('enabling HTTP request interception for url:', document.URL);
this.#origDescs = [];
this.#proxyMethod(XMLHttpRequest.prototype, 'open', (origMethod) => {
const self = this;
return function open(method, url) {
if (url[0] === '/' && url[1] !== '/') {
debug('', ...arguments, '\nurl <=', location.origin + url);
url = location.origin + url;
} else {
debug('', ...arguments);
for (const [sourceUrlFormat, dest] of self.#sourceToDest) {
debug('sscanfUrl("' + sourceUrlFormat + '", url)');
const m = sscanfUrl(sourceUrlFormat, url);
if (m) {
debug('matched', m, 'for source URL format', sourceUrlFormat,
'and destination URL format', dest);
let {format, formats, formatter} = dest;
if (formats || format || formatter) {
format = formats ?? format ?? sourceUrlFormat;
formatter ??= sprintf;
const destUrl = formatter(format, ...m);
if (url !== destUrl) {
debug('redirecting', url, 'to', destUrl);
arguments[1] = destUrl;
return origMethod.apply(this, arguments);
//this.#proxyXhrResponseProperty('responseXML'); // XXX: no longer seems to exist in Chrome? YT doesn't seem to use it anyway
this.#proxyMethod(window, 'fetch', (origMethod) => {
const self = this;
return function fetch(resource, options) {
const url = resource instanceof Request ? resource.url : String(resource);
if (url[0] === '/' && url[1] !== '/') {
debug('fetch', ...arguments, '\nurl <=', location.origin + url);
url = location.origin + url;
} else {
debug('fetch', ...arguments);
for (const [sourceUrlFormat, dest] of self.#sourceToDest) {
const m = sscanfUrl(sourceUrlFormat, url);
if (m) {
debug('matched', m, 'for source URL format', sourceUrlFormat,
'and destination URL format', dest);
let {format, formats, formatter} = dest;
if (formats || format || formatter) {
format = formats ?? format ?? sourceUrlFormat;
formatter ??= sprintf;
const destUrl = formatter(format, ...m);
if (url !== destUrl) {
debug('redirecting', url, 'to', destUrl);
if (resource instanceof Request) {
resource = new Request(destUrl, resource);
} else {
resource = destUrl;
return, resource, options);
this.#proxyResponsePropertyStatsOnly('body', 'get'); // TODO: implement non-binary handler for body stream if necessary, responseType should be body properties
this.#proxyResponsePropertyStatsOnly('arrayBuffer'); // assumed to always be binary
this.#proxyResponsePropertyStatsOnly('blob'); // TODO: implement non-binary handler (blob.text) if necessary, responseType should be the blob properties
this.#proxyResponsePropertyStatsOnly('formData'); // TODO: implement non-binary handler (non-file) if necessary
disable() {
if (this.enabled) {
log('disabling HTTP request interception for url:', document.URL);
for (const [obj, prop, origDesc] of this.#origDescs) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, origDesc);
this.#origDescs = null;
#proxyMethod(obj, prop, defineFunc) {
return this.#proxyProperty(obj, prop, 'value', defineFunc);
#proxyGetter(obj, prop, defineFunc) {
return this.#proxyProperty(obj, prop, 'get', defineFunc);
#proxySetter(obj, prop, defineFunc) {
return this.#proxyProperty(obj, prop, 'set', defineFunc);
#proxyProperty(obj, prop, descKey, defineFunc) {
const origDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, prop);
if (!origDesc) {
error('could not find', prop, 'on', obj);
const origFunc = origDesc[descKey];
if (!origFunc) {
error('could not find', descKey, 'for', prop, 'on', obj);
this.#origDescs.push([obj, prop, origDesc]);
const func = defineFunc(origFunc);
if ( !== {
Object.defineProperty(func, 'name', { value: }); // for console debugging purposes
Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, {
[descKey]: func,
#prehandleResponse(request, url, srcMethod, responseType, contentType) {
if (this.stats) {
const statsKey = this.statsKeyFunc(url, srcMethod, responseType, contentType);
this.stats.set(statsKey, (this.stats.get(statsKey) || 0) + 1);
// TODO: handle json, document (XHR-only), formData (fetch-only)?
if (responseType !== 'text') {
return false;
debug('intercepted YT request to\n', url, srcMethod, responseType, contentType, '\n', request);
return true;
#handleResponse(request, url, srcMethod, responseType, contentType, response) {
if (url[0] === '/' && url[1] !== '/') {
debug('orig response for YT request to\n', url, srcMethod, responseType, contentType, '\nurl <=', location.origin + url, '\n', response);
url = location.origin + url;
} else {
debug('orig response for YT request to\n', url, srcMethod, responseType, contentType, '\n', response);
for (const [destUrlFormat, responseHandler] of this.#destToResponseHandler) {
const m = sscanfUrl(destUrlFormat, url);
if (m) {
//debug(response handler for', url, ':', responseHandler);
return responseHandler(response, responseType, url, ...m);
return response;
#proxyXhrResponseProperty(responseProp) {
const self = this;
this.#proxyGetter(XMLHttpRequest.prototype, responseProp, (origGetter) => {
return function() {
const srcMethod = 'XMLHttpRequest.' + responseProp;
debug(srcMethod, 'for', this);
// Note: this.responseType can be empty string, so must use || 'text' rather than ?? 'text' here.
const [responseURL, responseType, contentType] = [this.responseURL, this.responseType || 'text', this.getResponseHeader('content-type')];
if (!self.#prehandleResponse(this, responseURL, srcMethod, responseType, contentType)) {
return self.#handleResponse(this, responseURL, srcMethod, responseType, contentType,;
#proxyResponseProperty(responseProp, descKey='value') {
const self = this;
this.#proxyProperty(Response.prototype, responseProp, descKey, (origGetter) => {
return function() {
const [responseURL, responseType, contentType] = [this.url, responseProp, this.headers.get('content-type')];
if (!self.#prehandleResponse(this, responseURL, 'fetch', responseType, contentType)) {
return => {
return self.#handleResponse(response, responseURL, 'fetch', responseType, contentType, response);
#proxyResponsePropertyStatsOnly(responseProp, descKey='value') {
if (this.stats) {
const self = this;
this.#proxyProperty(Response.prototype, responseProp, descKey, (origGetter) => {
return function() {
const statsKey = self.statsKeyFunc(this.url, 'fetch', responseProp, this.headers.get('content-type'));
self.stats.set(statsKey, (self.stats.get(statsKey) || 0) + 1);
static defaultStatsKeyFunc(url, responseProp, responseType, contentType) {
const protocolIdx = url.indexOf('://');
if (protocolIdx !== -1) {
url = url.substring(protocolIdx + 3);
const queryIdx = url.indexOf('?');
if (queryIdx !== -1) {
url = url.substring(0, queryIdx);
if (contentType) {
const mimeParamIdx = contentType.indexOf(';');
if (mimeParamIdx !== -1) {
contentType = contentType.substring(0, mimeParamIdx);
if (responseType) {
const mimeParamIdx = responseType.indexOf(';');
if (mimeParamIdx !== -1) {
responseType = responseType.substring(0, mimeParamIdx);
if (contentType !== responseType) {
responseType += '(' + contentType + ')';
return url + ',' + responseProp + ',' + responseType;
function jsonParse(str) {
try {
return JSON.parse(str);
} catch (e) {
throw Error('could not parse JSON from: ' + str);
const isYtMusic = location.hostname === '';
const interceptor = new HttpRequestInterceptor();
window.httpRequestInterceptor = interceptor; // for devtools console access
interceptor.statsKeyFunc = function(url, ...args) {
url = HttpRequestInterceptor.defaultStatsKeyFunc(url, ...args);
const idx = url.indexOf('');
if (idx !== -1) {
url = '*' + url.substring(idx);
return url;
// Assume that there's no "internal navigation" via AJAX between and,
// so don't need to watch for both sets of URLs
sourceUrlFormats: isYtMusic ? [
] : [
responseHandler(responseText, responseType, url) {
//log(url, ':', responseText);
const responseContext = jsonParse(responseText); // responseType currently must be 'text'
const playabilityStatus = responseContext.playabilityStatus;
debug('intercepted', url, 'with playabilityStatus:', playabilityStatus);
let newPlayabilityStatus = null;
let changeReason = null;
if (playabilityStatus.status === 'UNPLAYABLE') {
if (playabilityStatus?.errorScreen?.playerLegacyDesktopYpcOfferRenderer?.offerId === 'sponsors_only_video') {
// Skip unplayable members-only videos in playlists
if ("&list=")) {
newPlayabilityStatus = {
// playabilityStatus should have this as false, so override it
skip: {
playabilityErrorSkipConfig: {
skipOnPlayabilityError: true,
// This is actually required, and not just done for more concise logs
delete newPlayabilityStatus.errorScreen;
changeReason = 'skipping members-only video';
} else {
// Assume any other UNPLAYABLE is "Playback paused because your account is being used in another location"
// or some other YT annoyance - coerce them to be playable
newPlayabilityStatus = {
status: 'OK',
// Following not really necessary; only for more concise logs
delete newPlayabilityStatus.reason;
delete newPlayabilityStatus.errorScreen;
delete newPlayabilityStatus.skip;
changeReason = 'fixing "Playback paused..."';
} else if (playabilityStatus.status === 'LIVE_STREAM_OFFLINE') {
// Skip upcoming streams in playlists by coercing them as unplayable
if ("&list=")) {
newPlayabilityStatus = {
status: 'UNPLAYABLE',
// XXX: Not sure if this is necessary, since this seems to default to true anyway
skip: {
playabilityErrorSkipConfig: {
skipOnPlayabilityError: true,
// Following not really necessary; only for more concise logs
delete newPlayabilityStatus.liveStreamability;
delete newPlayabilityStatus.miniplayer;
changeReason = 'skipping upcoming stream';
if (newPlayabilityStatus) {
warn(changeReason, 'with playabilityStatus:', playabilityStatus, '=>', newPlayabilityStatus);
responseContext.playabilityStatus = newPlayabilityStatus;
responseText = JSON.stringify(responseContext);
return responseText;
// interceptor.register({
// sourceUrlFormat: "",
// responseHandler(responseText, responseType, url) {
// // const response = jsonParse(responseText); // responseType currently must be 'text'
// // if (response.actions) {
// // for (const action of response.actions) {
// // if (action.updatePlaylistAction?.updatedRenderer?.playlistVideoListRenderer?.contents) {
// // action.updatePlaylistAction.updatedRenderer.playlistVideoListRenderer.contents = [];
// // }
// // }
// // responseText = JSON.stringify(response);
// // }
// // return responseText;
// // Interesting note: Returning an invalid json value here prevents a follow up call to /youtubei/v1/next
// return responseText;
// },
// });
// interceptor.register({
// sourceUrlFormat: "",
// destinationUrlFormatter(format, ...args) {
// return sprintf(format, ...args);
// },
// responseHandler(responseText, responseType, url) {
// return responseText;
// },
// });
// Assume that there's no "internal navigation" via AJAX between and
if (isYtMusic) {
// Always enable on since the player can appear on any page and playlists are implicit
// The same player remains when navigating between pages,
// so there's no good point to log and clear interceptor stats
// (and there doesn't seem to be a good event to hook into that tracks such navigation here anyway)
} else {
// Navigating to YouTube watch page can happen via AJAX rather than new page load
// We can monitor this "internal navigation" with YT's custom yt-navigate-finish event,
// which conveniently also fires even for new/refreshed pages
document.addEventListener('yt-navigate-finish', evt => {
const url = evt.detail.response.url;
debug('Navigated to', url);
// YT pages are very heavy with extraneous traffic, so only enable interceptor for watch pages,
// including non-playlist pages since "Playback paused because your account is being used in another location"
// can still happen on them.
if (evt.detail.pageType === 'watch') {
} else {
// Log and clear interceptor stats when navigating to another page
if (interceptor.stats) {
document.addEventListener('yt-navigate-start', evt => {
if (interceptor.stats.size) {
log('interceptor.stats:', new Map(interceptor.stats));
// TODO: somehow fix large playlists being renumbered incorrectly after drag-drop reordering?
// playlistMgr.playlistComponent.dataChanged fires too late to adjust data and doesn't handle playlistMgr.autoplayData
// Attempt to fix above drag-drop issue - didn't work
// document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', evt => {
// window.ytcfg.get('EXPERIMENT_FLAGS').kevlar_player_playlist_use_local_index = false;
// });
// Prevent end of playlist from autoplaying to a recommended non-playlist video
// when there are hidden videos in the playlist
const symPlaylistMgrFixed = Symbol(logContext + ' playlist fixed');
function fixPlaylistManager(playlistMgr) {
const playlist = playlistMgr.playlistComponent;
// if (playlist) {
// const data =;
// if (data?.totalVideosText) {
// const totalVideosFixed = parseTotalVideosText(data.totalVideosText);
// if (totalVideosFixed !== null && data.totalVideos !== totalVideosFixed) {
// log('totalVideos:', data.totalVideos, '=>', totalVideosFixed);
// data.totalVideos = totalVideosFixed;
// }
// }
// if (!playlist[symPlaylistMgrFixed]) {
// const origDataChanged = playlist.dataChanged;
// log('orig playlist.dataChanged func:', origDataChanged);
// playlist.dataChanged = function(data) {
// log('playlist.dataChanged:', window.structuredClone(data));
// log('current playlist data:', window.structuredClone(;
// return, data);
// };
// playlist[symPlaylistMgrFixed] = true;
// }
// }
if (!playlistMgr[symPlaylistMgrFixed]) {
const origNavigateToAutoplayWatchEndpoint = playlistMgr.navigateToAutoplayWatchEndpoint_;
playlistMgr.navigateToAutoplayWatchEndpoint_ = function(...args) {
debug('yt-playlist-manager.navigateToAutoplayWatchEndpoint_', args);
try {
// Hack that temporarily updates to exclude hidden videos,
// which is contained in,
// so that "end of playlist" check works properly
// This is temporary since totalVideos is used elsewhere and changing it permanently
// might cause unexpected issues
const playlistData =;
debug('yt-playlist-manager.navigateToAutoplayWatchEndpoint_ playlist data:', playlistData);
const totalVideos = playlistData.totalVideos;
const totalVideosFixed = parseTotalVideosText(playlistData.totalVideosText);
// Only update totalVideos if:
// 1) we can parse totalVideosText to exclude hidden videos
// 2) there are any hidden videos
// 3) at the end of the playlist
if (totalVideosFixed !== null && totalVideos !== totalVideosFixed &&
playlistData.currentIndex + 1 >= totalVideosFixed) {
try {
log('end of playlist with hidden videos: totalVideos:', totalVideos, '=>',
totalVideosFixed, 'temporarily');
playlistData.totalVideos = totalVideosFixed;
return origNavigateToAutoplayWatchEndpoint.apply(this, args);
} finally {
playlistData.totalVidoes = totalVideos;
} else {
let returnVal = origNavigateToAutoplayWatchEndpoint.apply(this, args);
debug('yt-playlist-manager.navigateToAutoplayWatchEndpoint_ orig =>', returnVal);
return returnVal;
} catch (e) {
error('yt-playlist-manager.navigateToAutoplayWatchEndpoint_ error', e);
throw e;
log('yt-playlist-manager fixed to account for hidden videos at end of playlist');
playlistMgr[symPlaylistMgrFixed] = true;
function parseTotalVideosText(totalVideosText) {
if (totalVideosText?.runs) {
for (const run of totalVideosText.runs) {
const totalVideosFixed = Number(run.text);
if (!Number.isNaN(totalVideosFixed)) {
return totalVideosFixed;
return null;
// This event should fire once the playlist manager is (re)initialized,
// so is a good hook for fixing the playlist manager once its created
// It also fires for every playlist update, so fixPlaylistManager is idempotent
document.addEventListener('yt-playlist-data-updated', evt => {
debug('yt-playlist-data-updated:', evt);
const playlistMgr = evt.srcElement;
// In case playlist manager already exists due to slow userscript loading
const playlistMgr = document.getElementsByTagName('yt-playlist-manager')[0];
if (playlistMgr) {
debug('yt-playlist-manager at startup:', playlistMgr);
// TODO: scroll to playlist item after page load
// Tricky part is determining when to scroll - may need MutationObserver
// Current item is ytd-playlist-panel-video-renderer with selected=true
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lbmaian commented Oct 13, 2023

Fix apparent bug caused by unnecessarily reading fetch Response non-text properties which exhausted the internal stream - restructured to avoid such reads. Not sure why it started becoming a problem, but root cause should be addressed.

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lbmaian commented Oct 24, 2023

Found and fixed actual root cause - it wasn't working for "Queue" playlists.

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lbmaian commented Dec 18, 2023

Fixed regression where it didn't properly catch heartbeats due to bad responseType handling

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