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Last active May 23, 2024 02:21
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YouTube - Force Compact Grid (increases max # videos per row)
// ==UserScript==
// @name YouTube - Force Compact Grid (increases max # videos per row)
// @namespace
// @downloadURL
// @updateURL
// @version 0.4
// @description Force YouTube to show compact grid (max 6 videos per row) rather than "slim" grid (max 3 videos per row)
// @author lbmaian
// @match*
// @exclude*
// @icon
// @run-at document-start
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
const DEBUG = false;
const logContext = '[YouTube - Force Compact Grid]';
var debug;
if (DEBUG) {
debug = function(...args) {
console.debug(logContext, ...args);
} else {
debug = function() {};
function log(...args) {
console.log(logContext, ...args);
function info(...args) {, ...args);
function warn(...args) {
console.warn(logContext, ...args);
function error(...args) {
console.error(logContext, ...args);
// Updates richGridRenderer data to coerce unknown/slim grid style to compact style.
function updateResponseData(response, logContext) {
const tabs = response?.contents?.twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer?.tabs;
if (DEBUG) {
debug(logContext, 'contents.twoColumnBrowseResultsRenderer.tabs (snapshot)', window.structuredClone(tabs));
if (tabs) {
for (const tab of tabs) {
const tabRenderer = tab.tabRenderer;
if (tabRenderer) {
const richGridRenderer = tabRenderer.content?.richGridRenderer;
if (richGridRenderer && (! || == 'RICH_GRID_STYLE_SLIM')) {
log(logContext, 'tab', tabRenderer.title ?? tabRenderer.tabIdentifier,
// Note: Both of the following commented-out event listeners are too late:
// ytd-app's own yt-page-data-fetched event listener (onYtPageDataFetched) already fires
// by the time our own yt-page-data-fetched event listener fires,
// and yt-navigate-finish fires after yt-page-data-fetched fires.
// document.addEventListener('yt-page-data-fetched', evt => {
// debug('Navigated to', evt.detail.pageData.url);
// debug(evt);
// updateResponseData(evt.detail.pageData.response, 'yt-page-data-fetched pageData.response');
// });
// document.addEventListener('yt-navigate-finish', evt => {
// debug('Navigated to', evt.detail.response.url);
// debug(evt);
// updateResponseData(evt.detail.response.response, 'yt-navigate-finish response.response');
// });
const symSetup = Symbol(logContext + ' setup');
// yt-page-data-fetched event fires on both new page load and channel tab change.
// Need to hook into ytd-app's ytd-app's own yt-page-data-fetched event listener (onYtPageDataFetched),
// so that we can modify the data before that event listener fires.
function setupYtdApp(ytdApp, logContext, errorFunc=error) {
// ytd-app's prototype is initialized after the element is created,
// so need to check that the onYtPageDataFetched method exists.
if (!ytdApp || !ytdApp.onYtPageDataFetched) {
return errorFunc('unexpectedly could not find ytd-app.onYtPageDataFetched');
if (ytdApp[symSetup]) {
debug('found yt-App', ytdApp, logContext);
const origOnYtPageDataFetched = ytdApp.onYtPageDataFetched;
ytdApp.onYtPageDataFetched = function(evt, detail) {
updateResponseData(evt.detail.pageData.response, 'at yt-page-data-fetched pageData.response');
return, evt, detail);
debug('ytd-app onYtPageDataFetched hook set up');
ytdApp[symSetup] = true;
// Need to hook into ytd-page-manager's attachPage to hook into ytd-browse.
function setupYtdPageManager(ytdPageManager, logContext, errorFunc=error) {
if (!ytdPageManager || !ytdPageManager.attachPage) {
return errorFunc('unexpectedly could not find ytd-page-manager.attachPage');
if (ytdPageManager[symSetup]) {
debug('found ytd-page-manager', ytdPageManager, logContext);
const origAttachPage = ytdPageManager.attachPage;
ytdPageManager.attachPage = function(page) {
debug('attachPage', page);
if ( === 'ytd-browse') {
setupYtdBrowse(page, 'at ytd-page-manager.attachPage');
return, page);
debug('ytd-page-manager attachPage hook set up');
ytdPageManager[symSetup] = true;
// Need to hook into ytd-browse's computeFluidWidth(data, selectedTab, pageSubtype)
// (formerly computeRichGridValue(pageSubtype)) to ensure returns false for home page
// to match that of the subscription/channel pages.
function setupYtdBrowse(ytdBrowse, logContext, errorFunc=error) {
if (!ytdBrowse || !ytdBrowse.computeFluidWidth) {
return errorFunc('unexpectedly could not find ytd-browse.computeFluidWidth');
if (!ytdBrowse) {
return errorFunc('unexpectedly could not find ytd-browse');
if (ytdBrowse[symSetup]) {
debug('found ytd-browse', ytdBrowse, logContext);
const origComputeFluidWidth = ytdBrowse.computeFluidWidth;
ytdBrowse.computeFluidWidth = function(data, selectedTab, pageSubtype) {
debug('computeFluidWidth', pageSubtype);
if (pageSubtype === 'home') {
return false;
return, pageSubtype);
debug('ytd-app computeFluidWidth hook set up');
ytdBrowse[symSetup] = true;
// Note: Following didn't work to force ytd-browse's computeFluidWidth to return false for home page,
// since in the EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.rich_grid_browse_compute_kill_switch=false case,
// that function still ends up returning true for non-channel pages.
// function setupExperimentFlags(logContext) {
// const ytcfg = window.ytcfg;
// if (ytcfg) {
// const expFlags = ytcfg.get('EXPERIMENT_FLAGS');
// if (expFlags && expFlags.rich_grid_browse_compute_kill_switch !== false) {
// log(logContext, 'ytcfg.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.rich_grid_browse_compute_kill_switch:',
// expFlags.rich_grid_browse_compute_kill_switch, '=>', false);
// expFlags.rich_grid_browse_compute_kill_switch = false;
// }
// }
// }
// By the time ytd-page-manager's attached event fires, ytd-app both exists
// and has its prototype initialized as needed in the above setup functions.
// (This also fires sooner than a MutationObserver would find such a ytd-app.)
// This is also the perfect hook for hooking into ytd-page-manager,
// which in turn allows hooking into ytd-browse's computeFluidWidth.
document.addEventListener('attached', evt => {
const ytdApp = document.getElementsByTagName('ytd-app')[0];
setupYtdApp(ytdApp, 'at ytd-page-manager.attached');
const ytdPageManager = evt.srcElement;
setupYtdPageManager(ytdPageManager, 'at ytd-page-manager.attached');
// In case, ytd-app somehow already exists at this point.
const ytdApp = document.getElementsByTagName('ytd-app')[0];
setupYtdApp(ytdApp, 'at document-start', () => {});
//setupExperimentFlags('at document-start');
// Note: updating ytInitialData may not be necessary, since yt-page-data-fetched also fires for new page load,
// and in that case, the event's detail.pageData.response is the same object as ytInitialData,
// but DOMContentLoaded sometimes fires before ytd-app's onYtPageDataFetched fires (or rather, before we can hook into it),
// so this is done just in case.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', evt => {
debug('ytInitialData', window.ytInitialData);
updateResponseData(window.ytInitialData, 'at DOMContentLoaded ytInitialData');
//setupExperimentFlags('at DOMContentLoaded');
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lbmaian commented Mar 7, 2024

Do you have an example screenshot and URL? This might be due to a new YouTube layout, which I haven't seen yet.

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It seems to have reverted temporarily, but the next time it happens, I will screenshot!

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