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Last active February 21, 2017 23:59
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import os, nre, times, tables, strutils
var benchmarkCycle = newTable[string,int64]()
var benchmarkEpoch = newTable[string,float]()
proc thousandsSep[T](num: T, sepChar=','): string =
return ($num).replace(re"(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))", "$1"&sepChar)
proc rdtsc(): int64 =
when not defined(amd64):
return 0
var hi, lo: uint32
asm """
:"=a"(`lo`), "=d"(`hi`)
result = int64(lo) or (int64(hi) shl 32)
template benchmark(benchmarkName: string, code: untyped) =
startEpoch = epochTime()
startCycle = rdtsc()
endCycle = rdtsc()
endEpoch = epochTime()
if not benchmarkCycle.hasKey(benchmarkName):
benchmarkCycle[benchmarkName] = 0
benchmarkEpoch[benchmarkName] = 0.0
benchmarkCycle[benchmarkName] += (endCycle - startCycle)
benchmarkEpoch[benchmarkName] += (endEpoch - startEpoch)
proc summary() =
echo ""
for benchmarkName in benchmarkCycle.keys:
let cycleStr = thousandsSep(benchmarkCycle[benchmarkName])
let epochStr = benchmarkEpoch[benchmarkName].formatFloat(ffDecimal, 9)
echo "`$#` took $# cycles ($# sec)" %
[benchmarkName, cycleStr, epochStr]
proc exitSummary() {.noconv.} =
echo "\n\nOK, final score:"
minName = ""
minCycle = high(int64)
for benchmarkName, cycle in benchmarkCycle.pairs():
if cycle < minCycle:
minName = benchmarkName
minCycle = cycle
if minCycle > 0:
echo "\nZOMG! " & minName.toUpperAscii & " WINS!!!"
quit 0
proc veryStupidSampleBenchmarks() =
j = 0
testCount = 0
x = 100000
while true:
inc testCount
j = 0
benchmark "function":
for i in countup(1, x):
inc j
j = 0
benchmark "operator":
for i in 1..x:
j = j + 1
if testCount mod 1000 == 0:
when isMainModule:
setControlCHook exitSummary
echo "Benchmarking, press Ctrl-C to exit..."
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