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Created November 16, 2023 15:40
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DarkGate C2 communication action ID description
Action Id Description
1052 search and delete log files
1053 self update (and remove traces of the update, rmdir /s /q c:\temp && del /q /f %temp%*.au30)
1060 delete shadow copies (c vssadmin delete shadows /for=c: /all /quiet)
1072 kill rar process and remove traces of rar archive
1096 ntdll used to execute payload in memory as notepad.exe
1099 Spoof parent PID to execute a cmd.exe
1100 APC injection via NtTestAlert
1101 APC injection via NtTestAlert
1102 Execute payload into another process memory
1104 execute a cmd.exe
1105 unknown
1106 kill process by ID
1107 unknown
1108 setup proxy server (with registry key)
1109 remove internet proxy
1111 unknown
1114 Get Web browser data with hVNC
1118 get Google chrome cookie
1119 get data related to SysListView32 (something related to password)
1120 get Opera cookies
1122 kill brave, msedge, chrome and firefox processes
1126 asm execution (not sure)
1134 start miner
1336 Set thread execution status
1337 execute something as notepad.exe using in mem ntdll.dll
1345 Privilege escalation via PsExec, pidgin, or raw STUB
1443 anydesk /c net user SafeMode /delete
1448 execute loader in new desktop
1449 execute command
1450 execute c:\temp\anydesk.exe as admin
1452 restart anydesk from c:\temp\anydesk.exe
1453 remove anydesk
1454 privilege escalation via PsExec.exe or piding.exe
1457 create RAR for exfiltration
1466 start reverse shell
1467 setup rev shell port
1469 kill process by ID and start reverse shell
1470 kill process by id
1480 download and execute PowerShell script
1482 start hVNC
1483 started hVNC
1487 self update
1489 download powershell script
1490 download and execute Powershell script
1491 resume process (by ID)
1494 restart a process
2001 Update by AU3
2003 Update by RAW STUB
2005 update by exe or dll (sqlite3.dll, libssp-0.dll, pidgin.exe)
3001 send host fingerprint
3004 Web browser password view
3005 retrieve Mail pass view
3006 retrieve fileZilla secrets
3013 execute PE in c:\temp\
3033 Pop Message Test
3034 ping back same req
3035 search token in discord process memory
3036 start monero miner
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