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Created February 21, 2024 08:43
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SelfAU3 de-obfuscation script, it removes junk code, un-accessed local and global variables and de-obfuscate all strings.
import re
from itertools import filterfalse
from collections import Counter
from typing import List, Tuple, Set
reg_DENIS = re.compile(r"(dennis\(\")([0-9\]\"]{1,})(,)([0-9]{1,})([\/])([0-9]{1,})([\)])")
reg_INT_VAR = re.compile(r"(\$)(?P<name>[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,})( )=( )([0-9]{1,})")
def dennis(string, diff):
diff = int(diff)
except ZeroDivisionError:
diff = 0
string = string.split("]")
out = ""
for i in string:
out += chr(int(i) - diff)
return out
def replace_dennis(file_content: List[str]) -> List[str]:
"""string deobfuscation"""
output_file = []
for line in file_content:
temp = line
output = reg_DENIS.findall(line)
if output:
for match in output:
diff = int(match[3].replace("'",'')) / int(match[5].replace("'", ''))
except ZeroDivisionError:
diff = 0
clear = dennis(match[1].replace('"',''), diff)
temp = temp.replace(''.join(match), clear) # replace by the deobfuscated code
return output_file
def remove_uncalled_function(file_content: List[str]) -> List[str]:
function_list: dict = {}
for line_nb, line in enumerate(file_content):
if line.startswith("Func "):
temp = line.split("(")[0].replace("Func ", '')
for line_nb_2, line in enumerate(file_content[line_nb:]):
if line.startswith("EndFunc"):
function_list[temp] = {"start": line_nb, "end": line_nb_2 + line_nb}
to_remove = {}
for func in function_list.keys():
called = False
for line in file_content:
if f"{func}(" in line:
if not f"Func {func}(" in line:
called = True
if not called:
to_remove[func] = function_list[func]
buff = []
ranges = {tuple(v.values()) for v in to_remove.values()}
for nb, line in enumerate(file_content):
if len(list(filterfalse(lambda x: x[0] <= nb and x[1] >= nb, ranges))) == len(ranges):
return buff
def remove_lines_range(file_content: List[str], ranges: Set[Tuple]) -> List[str]:
"""remove line from the script based on a list of range of line to exclude:
ex: {(1, 2), (5, 9)} means remove line 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9"""
buff: List[str] = []
for nb, line in enumerate(file_content):
if len(list(filterfalse(lambda x: x[0] <= nb and x[1] >= nb, ranges))) == len(ranges):
return buff
def replace_lines_range(file_content: List[str], ranges: Set[Tuple]) -> List[str]:
"""remove line from the script based on a list of range of line to exclude:
ex: {(1, 2, "toto"), (5, 9, "MsgBox(titi)")} means:
replace lines: 1, 2 by "toto" and
replace lines: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 by MsgBox(titi)"""
buff: List[str] = []
for nb, line in enumerate(file_content):
if len(list(filterfalse(lambda x: x[0] <= nb and x[1] >= nb, ranges))) == len(ranges):
for _range in ranges:
if nb >= _range[0] and nb <= _range[1]:
if _range[2]:
ranges.add((_range[0], _range[1], ''))
return buff
def remove_deadcode(file_content: List[str]) -> List[str]:
"""remove dead code example:
$a = 12
$c = 11
For $b = 15 to 303
If $a = 1 Then
do something useless
If $a = 42 Then
another usless if case
If $a = 12 Then
The above code could be replace by:
ranges = set()
for nb, line in enumerate(file_content):
if line.startswith("For "):
start = nb - 2
end = 0
replace_value = ""
constante_pattern = file_content[nb - 2].strip()
for nb2, line2 in enumerate(file_content[nb:]):
if line2.startswith("Next"):
end = nb + nb2
ranges.add((start, end, replace_value))
if constante_pattern in line2 and "Then" in line2:
replace_value = file_content[nb + nb2 + 1]
for nb, line in enumerate(file_content):
if line.lower().startswith("while "):
start = nb
end = 0
replace_value = ""
constante_pattern = file_content[nb - 2].strip()
if not constante_pattern.startswith("$"):
for nb2, line2 in enumerate(file_content[nb:]):
if line2.lower().startswith("wend"):
end = nb + nb2
ranges.add((start, end, replace_value))
if constante_pattern in line2 and "Then" in line2:
replace_value = file_content[nb + nb2 + 1]
return replace_lines_range(file_content, ranges)
def remove_unused_local_var(file_content: List[str]) -> List[str]:
"""remove unused local variable, ex:
Func a(toto, titi)
$BLABLA = 123
$DDD = 333
$CCC = 111
$x = DllCall()
$DDD = $x + 1
$BLABLA and $CCC will be deleted from the function scope
_file_content = "\n".join(file_content)
to_remove = list(filter(lambda x: x[1] == 1, Counter(re.findall(r"(\$[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,})", _file_content)).items()))
buff: List[str] = []
for line in file_content:
to_removed = False
for remove in to_remove:
if remove[0] in line and "global" not in line.lower():
to_removed = True
if not to_removed:
return buff
def tabify_script(file_content: List[str]) -> List[str]:
buff: List[str] = []
tab_counter = 0
for line in file_content:
buff.append("\t" * tab_counter + line)
_line = line.lower()
if _line.startswith("while ") or _line.startswith("for ") or _line.startswith("if "):
tab_counter += 1
if _line.startswith("endif") or _line.startswith("next") or _line.startswith("wend"):
tab_counter -= 1
buff.append("\t" * tab_counter + line)
if _line.startswith("endfunc"):
tab_counter = 0
buff.append("\t" * tab_counter + line)
if _line.startswith("func "):
tab_counter = 1
return buff
def write_outputfile(name, output_file: List[str]):
with open(f"deob-{name}", "w") as f:
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
filename = sys.argv[1]
with open(filename, "r") as f:
d ="\n")
print(f"Original script: {len(d)}")
out = replace_dennis(d)
print(f"deobfuscate strings {len(out)}")
out = remove_uncalled_function(out)
print(f"remove uncalled function {len(out)}")
out = remove_deadcode(out)
print(f"remove dead code in used function {len(out)}")
out = remove_unused_local_var(out)
print(f"remove unaccessed local & global variable {len(out)}")
out = tabify_script(out)
write_outputfile(filename, out)
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