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Created November 6, 2014 17:30
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(ns onyx-timeline-example.onyx.component
(:require [clojure.core.async :as a :refer [go-loop pipe chan >!! <!! close!]]
[ :as fressian]
[clojure.core.match :as match :refer (match)]
[ :as log]
[com.stuartsierra.component :as component]
[onyx.peer.task-lifecycle-extensions :as l-ext]
[onyx.extensions :as extensions]
(defn into-words [s]
(clojure.string/split s #"\s"))
(defn extract-tweet [segment]
{:tweet-id (str (:id segment))
:twitter-user (:screen_name (:user segment))
:tweet (:text segment)})
(defn filter-by-regex [regex {:keys [tweet] :as segment}]
(if (re-find regex tweet) segment []))
(defn extract-hashtags [{:keys [tweet]}]
(->> (into-words tweet)
(map (partial re-matches #"#.*"))
(filter identity)
(map (fn [hashtag] {:hashtag hashtag}))))
(defn split-into-words [min-chars {:keys [tweet]}]
(->> (into-words tweet)
(filter (fn [word] (> (count word) min-chars)))
(map (fn [word] {:word word}))))
(defn word-count [local-state exclude-hashtags? {:keys [word] :as segment}]
(if (and exclude-hashtags? (.startsWith word "#"))
(do (swap! local-state (fn [state] (assoc state word (inc (get state word 0)))))
(defn hashtag-count [local-state {:keys [hashtag] :as segment}]
(swap! local-state (fn [state] (assoc state hashtag (inc (get state hashtag 0)))))
(defn top-words [m]
(->> m
(into [])
(sort-by second)
(take 8)
(into {})))
(defn log-and-purge-words [{:keys [onyx.core/queue] :as event}]
(let [result (swap! (:timeline/word-count-state event) top-words)
compressed-state (fressian/write {:top-words result})]
(let [session (extensions/create-tx-session queue)]
(doseq [queue-name (:onyx.core/egress-queues event)]
(let [producer (extensions/create-producer queue session queue-name)]
(extensions/produce-message queue producer session compressed-state)
(extensions/close-resource queue producer)))
(extensions/commit-tx queue session)
(extensions/close-resource queue session))))
(defn log-and-purge-hashtags [{:keys [onyx.core/queue] :as event}]
(let [result (swap! (:timeline/hashtag-count-state event) top-words)
compressed-state (fressian/write {:top-hashtags result})]
(let [session (extensions/create-tx-session queue)]
(doseq [queue-name (:onyx.core/egress-queues event)]
(let [producer (extensions/create-producer queue session queue-name)]
(extensions/produce-message queue producer session compressed-state)
(extensions/close-resource queue producer)))
(extensions/commit-tx queue session)
(extensions/close-resource queue session))))
(defn wrap-sente-user-info [client segment]
(assoc segment :sente/client client))
(def batch-size 50)
(def batch-timeout 300)
(def workflow
[[:in :extract-tweet]
[:extract-tweet :filter-by-regex]
[:filter-by-regex :split-into-words]
[:filter-by-regex :extract-hashtags]
[:split-into-words :word-count]
[:extract-hashtags :hashtag-count]
[:filter-by-regex :out]
[:word-count :out]
[:hashtag-count :out]])
(def catalog
[{:onyx/name :in
:onyx/ident :core.async/read-from-chan
:onyx/type :input
:onyx/medium :core.async
:onyx/consumption :sequential
:onyx/batch-size 1
:onyx/batch-timeout batch-timeout
:onyx/doc "Reads segments from a core.async channel"}
{:onyx/name :in-take
:onyx/ident :core.async/read-from-chan
:onyx/type :input
:onyx/medium :core.async
:onyx/consumption :sequential
:onyx/batch-size batch-size
:onyx/batch-timeout batch-timeout
:onyx/doc "Reads counted number of segments from a core.async channel"}
{:onyx/name :extract-tweet
:onyx/fn :onyx-timeline-example.onyx.component/extract-tweet
:onyx/type :function
:onyx/consumption :concurrent
:onyx/batch-size batch-size
:onyx/batch-timeout batch-timeout}
{:onyx/name :filter-by-regex
:onyx/fn :onyx-timeline-example.onyx.component/filter-by-regex
:onyx/type :function
:onyx/consumption :concurrent
:timeline/regex #"(?i).*(Halloween|Thanksgiving|Christmas).*"
:onyx/batch-size batch-size
:onyx/batch-timeout batch-timeout}
{:onyx/name :extract-hashtags
:onyx/fn :onyx-timeline-example.onyx.component/extract-hashtags
:onyx/type :function
:onyx/consumption :concurrent
:onyx/batch-size batch-size
:onyx/batch-timeout batch-timeout}
{:onyx/name :split-into-words
:onyx/fn :onyx-timeline-example.onyx.component/split-into-words
:onyx/type :function
:onyx/consumption :concurrent
:timeline.words/min-chars 3
:onyx/batch-size batch-size
:onyx/batch-timeout batch-timeout}
{:onyx/name :word-count
:onyx/ident :lib-onyx.interval/recurring-action
:onyx/fn :onyx-timeline-example.onyx.component/word-count
:onyx/type :function
:onyx/group-by-key :word
:onyx/consumption :concurrent
:timeline.words/exclude-hashtags? true
:lib-onyx.interval/fn :onyx-timeline-example.onyx.component/log-and-purge-words
:lib-onyx.interval/ms 3000
:onyx/batch-size batch-size
:onyx/batch-timeout batch-timeout}
{:onyx/name :hashtag-count
:onyx/ident :lib-onyx.interval/recurring-action
:onyx/fn :onyx-timeline-example.onyx.component/hashtag-count
:onyx/type :function
:onyx/group-by-key :hashtag
:onyx/consumption :concurrent
:lib-onyx.interval/fn :onyx-timeline-example.onyx.component/log-and-purge-hashtags
:lib-onyx.interval/ms 5000
:onyx/batch-size batch-size
:onyx/batch-timeout batch-timeout}
{:onyx/name :wrap-sente-user-info
:onyx/fn :onyx-timeline-example.onyx.component/wrap-sente-user-info
:onyx/type :function
:onyx/consumption :concurrent
:onyx/batch-size batch-size
:sente/client :any
:onyx/batch-timeout batch-timeout}
{:onyx/name :out
:onyx/ident :core.async/write-to-chan
:onyx/type :output
:onyx/medium :core.async
:onyx/consumption :sequential
:onyx/batch-size batch-size
:onyx/batch-timeout batch-timeout
:onyx/doc "Writes segments to a core.async channel"}])
(defrecord OnyxConnection [conf]
(start [component]
(println "Starting Onyx Coordinator")
(let [conn (onyx.api/connect
(:coordinator-type (:onyx conf))
(:coord (:onyx conf)))]
(assoc component :conn conn)))
(stop [component]
(println "Stopping Onyx Coordinator")
(let [{:keys [conn]} component]
(when conn (onyx.api/shutdown conn))
(defn new-onyx-connection [conf] (map->OnyxConnection {:conf conf}))
(defrecord OnyxPeers [conf]
(start [{:keys [onyx-connection] :as component}]
(println "Starting Onyx Peers")
(let [v-peers (onyx.api/start-peers (:conn onyx-connection)
(:num-peers (:onyx conf))
(:peer (:onyx conf)))]
(assoc component :v-peers v-peers)))
(stop [component]
(println "Stopping Onyx Peers")
(when-let [v-peers (:v-peers component)]
(doseq [{:keys [shutdown-fn]} v-peers]
(defn new-onyx-peers [conf] (map->OnyxPeers {:conf conf}))
(defmethod l-ext/inject-lifecycle-resources :in
[_ {:keys [onyx.core/peer-opts]}]
; Although we could just tap the input chan mult, we would have no way
; to send a :done sentinel to the job without stopping any other jobs
; that depend on the timeline channel. Therefore we pipe the tapped
; timeline in, and only send the :done to the in chan.
(let [timeline-tap (a/tap (:timeline/input-ch-mult peer-opts) (chan))
in (chan)
_ (pipe timeline-tap in)]
{:core-async/in-chan in}))
(defmethod l-ext/inject-lifecycle-resources :out
[_ {:keys [onyx.core/peer-opts]}]
{:core-async/out-chan (:timeline/output-ch peer-opts)})
(defmethod l-ext/inject-lifecycle-resources :filter-by-regex
[_ {:keys [onyx.core/task-map]}]
{:onyx.core/params [(:timeline/regex task-map)]})
(defmethod l-ext/inject-lifecycle-resources :split-into-words
[_ {:keys [onyx.core/task-map]}]
{:onyx.core/params [(:timeline.words/min-chars task-map)]})
(defmethod l-ext/inject-lifecycle-resources :word-count
[_ {:keys [onyx.core/queue onyx.core/task-map] :as event}]
(let [local-state (atom {})]
{:onyx.core/params [local-state (:timeline.words/exclude-hashtags? task-map)]
:timeline/word-count-state local-state}))
(defmethod l-ext/inject-lifecycle-resources :hashtag-count
[_ {:keys [onyx.core/queue] :as event}]
(let [local-state (atom {})]
{:onyx.core/params [local-state]
:timeline/hashtag-count-state local-state}))
(defmethod l-ext/inject-lifecycle-resources :wrap-sente-user-info
[_ {:keys [onyx.core/task-map]}]
{:onyx.core/params [(:sente/client task-map)]})
(defmethod l-ext/inject-lifecycle-resources :in-take2
[_ {:keys [onyx.core/task-map]}]
(println "In take " task-map)
{:core-async/in-chan (:timeline/input-ch task-map)})
(defmethod l-ext/inject-lifecycle-resources :in-take
[_ {:keys [onyx.core/task-map]}]
; Although we could just tap the input chan mult, we would have no way
; to send a :done sentinel to the job without stopping any other jobs
; that depend on the timeline channel. Therefore we pipe the tapped
; timeline in, and only send the :done to the in chan.
(println "task map " task-map)
(let [timeline-tap (a/tap (:timeline/input-ch-mult task-map) (chan))
in (chan)
_ (pipe timeline-tap in)]
{:core-async/in-chan in}))
(defrecord OnyxJob [conf]
(start [{:keys [onyx-connection] :as component}]
(println "Starting Onyx Job")
(let [job-id (onyx.api/submit-job
(:conn onyx-connection)
{:catalog catalog :workflow workflow})]
(assoc component :job-id job-id)))
(stop [component]
(println "Stopping Onyx Job")
; Need to fix this to put :done on the in chan that is tapped to
(>!! (:timeline/input-ch (:peer (:onyx conf))) :done)
(defn new-onyx-job [conf] (map->OnyxJob {:conf conf}))
; May just be able to use a/take. Had some problems before.
(defn pipe-input-take [timeline-in cnt]
; Although we could just tap the input chan mult, we would have no way
; to send a :done sentinel to the job without stopping any other jobs
; that depend on the timeline channel. Therefore we pipe the tapped
; timeline in, and only send the :done to the in chan.
(let [in (chan)]
(go-loop [n cnt]
(if-not (zero? n)
(do (>!! in (<!! timeline-in))
(recur (dec n)))
(do (>!! in :done)
(close! timeline-in)
(close! in))))
(def client-workflow
[[:in-take :extract-tweet]
[:extract-tweet :filter-by-regex]
[:filter-by-regex :wrap-sente-user-info]
[:wrap-sente-user-info :out]])
(defrecord OnyxScheduler [conf]
(start [{:keys [onyx-connection] :as component}]
(println "Starting Onyx Scheduler")
(let [cmd-ch (:scheduler/command-ch (:peer (:onyx conf)))
jobs (atom {})]
(go-loop []
(let [msg (<!! cmd-ch)]
; TODO: need some way to access input channel in inject
; so that we can kill jobs when commanded.
(match msg
[:start-filter-job [regex uid]]
(let [timeline-tap (a/tap (-> conf :onyx :peer :timeline/input-ch-mult) (chan))
task-input-ch (pipe-input-take timeline-tap 1000)
cat (-> (zipmap (map :onyx/name catalog) catalog)
(assoc-in [:in-take :timeline/input-ch] task-input-ch)
(assoc-in [:filter-by-regex :timeline/regex] regex)
(assoc-in [:wrap-sente-user-info :sente/client] uid)
job-id (onyx.api/submit-job (:conn onyx-connection)
{:catalog cat :workflow client-workflow})]
(swap! jobs assoc uid {:job job-id :uid uid :regex regex :input-ch task-input-ch})
(println "Jobs now " @jobs))))
(assoc component :command-ch cmd-ch :jobs jobs)))
(stop [component]
(println "Stopping Onyx Job")
; Need to fix this to put :done on the in chan that is tapped to
;(>!! (:timeline/input-ch (:peer (:onyx conf))) :done)
(defn new-onyx-scheduler [conf] (map->OnyxScheduler {:conf conf}))
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