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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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Offline validation of oauth access_keys.
import base64
import string
import unittest
import urllib
import uuid
import zlib
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto import Random
IV =
ALPHABET = string.digits + string.letters
def encode(s):
s = base64.b64encode(s)
s = s.replace('+', '-')
s = s.replace('/', '_')
s = s.replace('=', '.')
return s
def decode(s):
s = s.replace('-', '+')
s = s.replace('_', '/')
s = s.replace('.', '=')
s = base64.b64decode(s)
return s
def compress(s):
return zlib.compress(s, 9)
def decompress(s):
return zlib.decompress(s)
def encrypt(plaintext):
cipher =, AES.MODE_CFB, IV)
return cipher.encrypt(plaintext)
def decrypt(ciphertext):
cipher =, AES.MODE_CFB, IV)
return cipher.decrypt(ciphertext)
def change_base(number):
"""Converts an integer to a string."""
s = ''
while number != 0:
number, i = divmod(number, len(ALPHABET))
s = ALPHABET[i] + s
return s
def generate_access_key(secret):
# the oauth secret is encoded into the access key so that oauth
# middleware can validate the oauth signature before making backend or
# remote calls
plaintext = compress(secret)
ciphertext = encrypt(plaintext)
encoded = encode(ciphertext)
return encoded
def verify_access_key(access_key):
ciphertext = decode(access_key)
plaintext = decrypt(ciphertext)
secret = decompress(plaintext)
return secret
class Tests(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.secret = uuid.uuid4().hex
def test_encode_decode(self):
s = 'a /+-_\xe8'
self.assertNotEqual(s, encode(s))
self.assertEqual(s, decode(encode(s)))
def test_encrypt_decrypt(self):
s = uuid.uuid4().hex
self.assertEqual(s, decrypt(encrypt(s)))
def test_encrypt_encode_decode_decrypt(self):
s = 'a /+-_\xe8'
self.assertEqual(s, decrypt(decode(encode(encrypt(s)))))
def test_decrypt_access_key(self):
access_key = generate_access_key(self.secret)
# access keys should be url friendly as-is
self.assertEqual(urllib.quote(access_key), access_key)
self.assertEqual(urllib.quote_plus(access_key), access_key)
secret = verify_access_key(access_key)
self.assertEqual(self.secret, secret)
def test_access_key_length_reasonable(self):
access_key = generate_access_key(self.secret)
self.assertLessEqual(len(access_key), 255)
if __name__ == '__main__':
wrap = lambda s: '\n\n %s\n' % s
secret = change_base(uuid.uuid4().int)
print('Generate the secret key first: %s' % wrap(secret))
access_key = generate_access_key(secret)
print('Then we can derive the access key: %s' % wrap(access_key))
print('Which has a reasonable length of: %s' % wrap(len(access_key)))
verified_secret = verify_access_key(access_key)
print('Later, middleware receives an OAuth-signed request with an access '
'key, and can independently extract the secret used to sign the '
'request: %s' % wrap(verified_secret))
import base64
import datetime
import hashlib
import hmac
import uuid
import msgpack
import demo
wrap = lambda s: '\n\n %s\n' % s
def make_digest(payload):
"""HMAC sign a payload.
:param payload: the information to generate a digest
:returns: a base64 encoded digest
digest ='super-secret-key', payload, hashlib.sha1).digest()
return base64.encodestring(digest).strip('\n')
def check_digest(payload):
"""Validate the information hasn't been tampered with.
:param payload: the entire message payload including the message and the
digest, which should be the first 29 characters.
:returns: True if the newly calculated digest matches the original digest
and False otherwise.
(token_version, token_digest, encrypted_info) = break_down_token(payload)
new_digest = make_digest(encrypted_info)
return token_digest == new_digest
def break_down_token(token):
"""Break down the token depending on the version.
This will be an operation that is determined by the token version. We can
safely assume that the first character of the string will be the version
of the token. In the future, this method will only pop the version off the
payload and then determine which formatter to pass the rest of the string
to and except back a set of data that matches the format of the version.
For this case, this will just pop the version and decrypt the information
to give an idea of how this can be done.
:param token: this is the entire payload string that is represented as a
:returns: tuple of token information
# The first character will be the version
token_version = token[:1]
# The next 28 characters will be the digest generated on token creation.
token_digest = token[1:29]
# The remaining data in the token string is the encrypted token
# information.
encrypted_info = token[29:]
return (token_version, token_digest, encrypted_info)
def decrypt_token(encrypted_info):
"""Decrypt the information in the token.
This is something that will be handled by versions.
:param encrypted_info: a string of encrypted data
:returns: a dictionary of information based on the token format and
ciphertext = demo.decode(encrypted_info)
plaintext = demo.decrypt(ciphertext)
token_info = msgpack.unpackb(plaintext)
# Here is where the token format and version comes into play because
# we will need to know this information to properaly assume the order of
# the values.
token = dict()
token['user_id'] = token_info[0]
token['project_id'] = token_info[1]
token['created_at'] = convert_timestamp_to_datetime(token_info[2])
token['token_ttl'] = token_info[3]
token['audit_id'] = token_info[4]
return token
def generate_token(message, version):
"""Encrypt and generate a token.
:param message: token information to encrypt
:param version: token version format
:returns: an authenticated encrypted token string
msgpack_message = msgpack.packb(message)
msgpack_ciphertext = demo.encrypt(msgpack_message)
msgpack_encode = demo.encode(msgpack_ciphertext)
digest = make_digest(msgpack_encode)
result = str(version) + digest + msgpack_encode
print ('Encoded payload using msgpack: %s' % wrap(result))
print ('Encoded payload length using msgpack: %s' %
return result
def convert_datetime_to_timestamp(date_object):
"""Convert from datetime to timestamp integer.
:param date_object: datetime object to convert to timestamp
:returns: timestamp integer
return int(date_object.strftime('%s'))
def convert_timestamp_to_datetime(timestamp):
"""Convert from timestamp integer to datetime object.
:param timestamp: timestamp integer
:return: datetime object
return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(timestamp))
def generate_audit_id():
"""Create a dummy audit_id for the token.
:returns: an audit id
return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(uuid.uuid4().bytes)[:-2]
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Populate some data
user_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
project_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
created_at =
token_life = datetime.timedelta(hours=2)
expires_at = created_at + token_life
audit_id = generate_audit_id()
# Convert `created_at` datetime object to a timestamp
created_at_ts = convert_datetime_to_timestamp(created_at)
# Calculate token ttl in seconds
token_ttl = int(token_life.total_seconds())
message = [user_id, project_id, created_at_ts, token_ttl, audit_id]
print ('Initial payload: %s' % wrap(message))
# Generate token with msgpack
token = generate_token(message, 1)
# Validate the token was not tampered with
print ('Was the token tampered with? %s' % wrap(not check_digest(token)))
(token_version, token_digest, encrypted_info) = break_down_token(token)
token_dict = decrypt_token(encrypted_info)
print ('Token user: %s' % wrap(token_dict['user_id']))
print ('Token project: %s' % wrap(token_dict['project_id']))
print ('Token created at: %s' % wrap(token_dict['created_at']))
print ('Token expires at: %s' % wrap(token_dict['created_at'] +
print ('Token audit_id: %s' % wrap(token_dict['audit_id']))
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