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Last active September 23, 2020 15:51
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Save lbusett/247dc9b0b6bed04ac1b45c03999be348 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
function for finding all points within X meters of a point
points_in_distance_parallel <- function(in_pts,
ncuts = 10) {
# convert points to data.table and create a unique identifier
pts <- data.table(in_pts)
pts <- pts[, or_id := 1:dim(in_pts)[1]]
# divide the extent in quadrants in ncuts*ncuts quadrants and assign each
# point to a quadrant, then create the index over "xcut"
range_x <- range(pts$x)
limits_x <-(range_x[1] + (0:ncuts)*(range_x[2] - range_x[1])/ncuts)
range_y <- range(pts$y)
limits_y <- range_y[1] + (0:ncuts)*(range_y[2] - range_y[1])/ncuts
pts[, `:=`(xcut = as.integer(cut(x, ncuts, labels = 1:ncuts)),
ycut = as.integer(cut(y, ncuts, labels = 1:ncuts)))] %>%
setkey(xcut, ycut)
results <- list()
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(parallel::detectCores() - 2, type =
ifelse(.Platform$OS.type != "windows", "FORK",
# start cycling over quadrants
out <- foreach(cutx = seq_len(ncuts)), .packages = c("sf", "data.table")) %dopar% {
count <- 0
# get the points included in a x-slice extended by `dist`, and build
# an index over y
min_x_comp <- ifelse(cutx == 1, limits_x[cutx], (limits_x[cutx] - maxdist))
max_x_comp <- ifelse(cutx == ncuts,
limits_x[cutx + 1],
(limits_x[cutx + 1] + maxdist))
subpts_x <- pts[x >= min_x_comp & x < max_x_comp] %>%
for (cuty in seq_len(pts$ycut)) {
count <- count + 1
# subset over subpts_x to find the final set of points needed for the
# comparisons
min_y_comp <- ifelse(cuty == 1,
(limits_y[cuty] - maxdist))
max_y_comp <- ifelse(cuty == ncuts,
limits_y[cuty + 1],
(limits_y[cuty + 1] + maxdist))
subpts_comp <- subpts_x[y >= min_y_comp & y < max_y_comp]
# subset over subpts_comp to get the points included in a x/y chunk,
# which "neighbours" we want to find. Then buffer them.
subpts_buf <- subpts_comp[ycut == cuty & xcut == cutx] %>%
sf::st_as_sf() %>%
# retransform to sf since data.tables lost the geometric attrributes
subpts_comp <- sf::st_as_sf(subpts_comp)
# compute the intersection and save results in a element of "results".
# For each point, save its "or_id" and the "or_ids" of the points within "dist"
inters <- sf::st_intersects(subpts_buf, subpts_comp)
# save results
results[[count]] <- data.table(
id = subpts_buf$or_id,
int_ids = lapply(inters, FUN = function(x) subpts_comp$or_id[x]))
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icross9 commented Dec 5, 2018

FYI - really love this modification of the points in distance function and was trying to use it for an experiment for a class. I ran into some issues running it initial (extra parentheses in the foreach()) and a typo in the inner for loop. It seemed to work with these changes:

points_in_distance_parallel <- function(in_pts,
                                        ncuts = 10) {
  # convert points to data.table and create a unique identifier
  pts <-  data.table(in_pts)
  pts <- pts[, or_id := 1:dim(in_pts)[1]]
  # divide the extent in quadrants in ncuts*ncuts quadrants and assign each
  # point to a quadrant, then create the index over "xcut"
  range_x  <- range(pts$x)
  limits_x <-(range_x[1] + (0:ncuts)*(range_x[2] - range_x[1])/ncuts)
  range_y  <- range(pts$y)
  limits_y <- range_y[1] + (0:ncuts)*(range_y[2] - range_y[1])/ncuts
  pts[, `:=`(xcut =  as.integer(cut(x, ncuts, labels = 1:ncuts)),
             ycut = as.integer(cut(y, ncuts, labels = 1:ncuts)))] %>%
    setkey(xcut, ycut)
  results <- list()

  cl <- parallel::makeCluster(parallel::detectCores() - 2, type =
                                ifelse(.Platform$OS.type != "windows", "FORK",
  # start cycling over quadrants
  out <- foreach(cutx = seq_len(ncuts), .packages = c("sf", "data.table")) %dopar% {
    count <- 0
    # get the points included in a x-slice extended by `dist`, and build
    # an index over y
    min_x_comp    <- ifelse(cutx == 1, limits_x[cutx], (limits_x[cutx] - maxdist))
    max_x_comp    <- ifelse(cutx == ncuts,
                            limits_x[cutx + 1],
                            (limits_x[cutx + 1] + maxdist))
    subpts_x <- pts[x >= min_x_comp & x < max_x_comp] %>%
    for (cuty in seq_len(ncuts)) {
      count <- count + 1
      # subset over subpts_x to find the final set of points needed for the
      # comparisons
      min_y_comp  <- ifelse(cuty == 1,
                            (limits_x[cuty] - maxdist))
      max_y_comp  <- ifelse(cuty == ncuts,
                            limits_y[cuty + 1],
                            (limits_y[cuty + 1] + maxdist))
      subpts_comp <- subpts_x[y >= min_y_comp & y < max_y_comp]
      # subset over subpts_comp to get the points included in a x/y chunk,
      # which "neighbours" we want to find. Then buffer them.
      subpts_buf <- subpts_comp[ycut == cuty & xcut == cutx] %>%
        sf::st_as_sf() %>%
      # retransform to sf since data.tables lost the geometric attrributes
      subpts_comp <- sf::st_as_sf(subpts_comp)
      # compute the intersection and save results in a element of "results".
      # For each point, save its "or_id" and the "or_ids" of the points within "dist"
      inters <- sf::st_intersects(subpts_buf, subpts_comp)
      # save results
      results[[count]] <- data.table(
        id = subpts_buf$or_id,
        int_ids = lapply(inters, FUN = function(x) subpts_comp$or_id[x]))
} ```

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