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Last active September 16, 2020 15:59
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Just PHP FUN 104.
# Apply offset to subtitles.
function subs_offset_apply($string, $offset){
$s = 1000; $m = $s * 60; $h = $m * 60; $n = "Invalid offset";
echo "$string \n $offset \n";
$to_ms = function($hrs,$mins,$scnds,$mscnds) use ($s, $m, $h){
return $hrs*$h + $mins * $m + $scnds * $s + $mscnds;
$to_time = function($mscnds) use ($s, $m, $h){
$answer = [];
$answer[] = $mscnds % $s;
$mscnds -= $mscnds % $s;
$answer[] = ($mscnds % $m) / $s;
$mscnds -= $mscnds % $m;
$answer[] = ($mscnds % $h) / $m;
$mscnds -= $mscnds % $h;
$answer[] = $mscnds / $h;
return sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d,%03d",...array_reverse($answer));
# 99:59:59,999
$max = $to_ms(99,59,59,999);
$y = $to_time($max);
echo "$y - test max\n";
# "01:09:02,684 --> 01:09:03,601 Run Forrest, run!"
$check = preg_match('/^(\d+):(\d+):(\d+),(\d+) --> (\d+):(\d+):(\d+),(\d+) (.*)$/',$string,$match);
if(!$check) throw new Exception('Regex does not match.');
$s_h = intval($match[1],10);
$s_m = intval($match[2],10);
$s_s = intval($match[3],10);
$s_x = intval($match[4],10);
$e_h = intval($match[5],10);
$e_m = intval($match[6],10);
$e_s = intval($match[7],10);
$e_x = intval($match[8],10);
$text = $match[9];
$start_total = $to_ms($s_h,$s_m,$s_s,$s_x);
$end_total = $to_ms($e_h,$e_m,$e_s,$e_x);
$start_new = $start_total + $offset;
$end_new = $end_total + $offset;
$start_init = $to_time($start_total);
$end_init = $to_time($end_total);
$start_changed = $to_time($start_new);
$end_changed = $to_time($end_new);
echo "$string\n";
echo "$start_init --> $end_init $text\n";
echo "$start_changed --> $end_changed $text\n";
if($start_new < 0 || $end_new < 0){
echo "Less then zero.\n";
return $n;
if($start_new > $max || $end_new > $max){
echo "Greater than max.\n";
return $n;
return "$start_changed --> $end_changed $text";
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