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Last active April 24, 2024 12:55
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Leetcode: 310. Minimum Height Trees.
// Leetcode: 310. Minimum Height Trees.
// = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
// Accepted.
// Thanks God, Jesus Christ!
// = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
// Runtime: 104 ms, faster than 38.61% of Go online submissions for Minimum
// Height Trees.
// Memory Usage: 18.5 MB, less than 5.94% of Go online submissions for Minimum
// Height Trees.
// 2024.04.24 Updated.
// 2024.04.23 Daily Challange.
package main
// Adjacency List type, need to have map wit maps, to implement map of sets.
type ajList map[int]map[int]bool
// Struct that stores information about the task.
type mhTrees struct {
n int // Size of the graph.
edgs [][]int // Edges from the input
al ajList // Adjacency List.
parents []int // Parents of a tree representation of the graph.
distances []int // Dinstances from the root.
longestPath []int // Path to extract an answer.
ans []int // The answer itself.
// Based on the DBabichev's solution.
func findMinHeightTrees(n int, edges [][]int) []int {
tsk := mhTreesFactory(n, edges)
// Find farthest leaf from the tree when root is 0.
border1 := tsk.findFarthestLeaf(0)
// Find farthest leaf for the tree when root is Border1.
border2 := tsk.findFarthestLeaf(border1)
// Because of parents slice, build path from Border2=>Border1.
// Get middle of that path.
return tsk.findMiddle()
func mhTreesFactory(n int, edges [][]int) *mhTrees {
edgs := edges
al := makeAjList(edgs)
parents := make([]int, n)
distances := make([]int, n)
longestPath := make([]int, 0, n)
ans := make([]int, 0, 2)
mht := mhTrees{
n: n,
edgs: edgs,
al: al,
parents: parents,
distances: distances,
longestPath: longestPath,
ans: ans,
return &mht
// Save parents, depth, use depth as visited marker.
// i - current index of a vertex.
// pI - parent's index.
// depth - distance.
func (mt *mhTrees) dfs(i, pI, depth int) {
mt.parents[i] = pI
mt.distances[i] = depth
for k, _ := range[i] {
// -1 means unvisited.
if -1 == mt.distances[k] {
mt.dfs(k, i, depth+1)
// Returns index of the farthes leaf's index.
func (mt *mhTrees) findFarthestLeaf(root int) int {
mt.dfs(root, -1, 0)
ans, max := 0, mt.distances[0]
for i, v := range mt.distances {
if max < v {
ans = i
max = v
return ans
func (mt *mhTrees) buildPath(leaf int) {
for -1 != leaf {
mt.longestPath = append(mt.longestPath, leaf)
leaf = mt.parents[leaf]
func (mt *mhTrees) findMiddle() []int {
size := len(mt.longestPath)
hlf := size / 2
if 0 == size%2 {
a := mt.longestPath[hlf]
b := mt.longestPath[hlf-1]
mt.ans = []int{a, b} // Here return indices instead of values.
} else {
a := mt.longestPath[hlf]
mt.ans = []int{a} // Here, return indices instead of values.
return mt.ans
func (mt mhTrees) resetParentsAndDist() {
for i, _ := range mt.parents {
mt.parents[i] = -1
for i, _ := range mt.distances {
mt.distances[i] = -1
func makeAjList(edgs [][]int) ajList {
al := make(ajList)
for _, v := range edgs {
a, b := v[0], v[1]
aMap, aOk := al[a]
bMap, bOk := al[b]
if !aOk {
al[a] = make(map[int]bool)
aMap = al[a]
if !bOk {
al[b] = make(map[int]bool)
bMap = al[b]
aMap[b] = true
bMap[a] = true
return al
# Leetcode: 310. Minimum Height Trees.
# = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
# Accepted.
# Thanks God, Jesus Christ!
# = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
# Runtime: 435 ms, faster than 17.56% of Python online submissions for Minimum
# Height Trees.
# Memory Usage: 47.3 MB, less than 5.37% of Python online submissions for
# Minimum Height Trees.
# 2024.04.23 Daily Challenge.
# Copied from:
class Solution:
def findMinHeightTrees(self, n, edges):
def dfs_helper(start, n):
self.dist, self.parent = [-1]*n, [-1]*n
self.dist[start] = 0
return self.dist.index(max(self.dist))
def dfs(start):
for neib in Graph[start]:
if self.dist[neib] == -1:
self.dist[neib] = self.dist[start] + 1
self.parent[neib] = start
Graph = defaultdict(set)
for a,b in edges:
ind = dfs_helper(0,n)
ind2 = dfs_helper(ind, n)
path = []
while ind2 != -1:
path.append(ind2) #backtracking to create path
ind2 = self.parent[ind2]
Q = len(path)
return list(set([path[Q//2], path[(Q-1)//2]]))
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