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Last active June 30, 2020 16:36
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Just PHP FUN 037.
# Bumps in the Road.
function bump($x) {
$x1 = count_chars($x);
$z = $x1[ord('n')];
$ans = $z <= 15 ? "Woohoo!" : "Car Dead";
echo "$x => $z : $ans\n";
return $ans;
# Determine if the poker hand is flush.
function checkIfFlush($cards)
return 1 == count(array_unique(array_map(function($x){ return $x[strlen($x)-1];},$cards)));
# Ball and Cups.
function cupAndBalls($b, $arr) {
$x = [0,0,0,0];
$x[$b] = 1;
foreach($arr as $v){
list($p1,$p2) = $v;
$tmp = $x[$p1];
$x[$p1] = $x[$p2];
$x[$p2] = $tmp;
return array_search(1,$x);
# nth Floyd line.
function nth_floyd($n) : int {
$l = 1; $h = 50000;
while($l < $h){
$mid = ($l + $h) >> 1;
$midval = ((1+$mid)*$mid)/2;
$prv = ((1+$mid-1)*($mid-1))/2;
echo "$l <== $mid ==> $h \n [n: $n, midval: $midval] \n";
echo ($prv <= $n && $n <= $midval)." equal \n";
if($prv < $n && $n <= $midval) {
echo "Equal!; \n";
return $mid;
if($n < $midval){ $h = $mid - 1;}
else{ $l = $mid + 1;}
return $l;
# Predict your age!
function predictAge(...$x){
$x = array_map(function($x){return $x*$x;},$x);
$x = array_sum($x);
return floor(sqrt($x)/2);
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