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Created March 20, 2019 21:18
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Linked List Example
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct boxtype
int val;
struct boxtype *link;
struct boxtype *makeNode(int x)
struct boxtype *tmp;
tmp = malloc(sizeof(struct boxtype));
tmp->val = x;
tmp->link = NULL;
return tmp;
int listLength(struct boxtype *front)
int len = 0;
// ptr to a link within a struct
struct boxtype *mov;
// set the ptr to the first struct
mov = front;
// while the link isn't null
while (mov != NULL)
// add 1 to len
// traverse to the next struct
mov = mov->link;
return len;
int maxVal(struct boxtype *nodes)
int *valpoint;
// set the inital max value
// to zero as it's small
int max = 0;
// traverse while we have nodes
while (nodes != NULL)
// if our max value
// is less than the node value
if (max < nodes->val)
// set the max value
// to the node value
max = nodes->val;
// traverse to the next node
// by setting our current node
// to the pointer of the next one.
nodes = nodes->link;
// return the max value.
return max;
struct boxtype *maxLoc(struct boxtype *nodes)
struct boxtype *max;
// make a single struct with an
// initial value of 0
max = makeNode(0);
// traverse while we have nodes
while (nodes != NULL)
// if our max value is less
// than the node value
if (max->val < nodes->val)
// move our "max" node to point
// at the "nodes" node containing
// the maximum value.
max = nodes;
// traverse to the next node
nodes = nodes->link;
// return the pointer "max"
// which is the location
// of the node containing the
// maximum value.
return max;
int isEmpty(struct boxtype *node)
if (node == NULL)
// list is empty
return 1;
// list is not empty
return 0;
int isInList(struct boxtype *first, int num)
struct boxtype *traverse;
traverse = first;
while (traverse != NULL)
if (traverse->val == num)
return 1;
traverse = traverse->link;
return 0;
struct boxtype *getLoc(struct boxtype *front, int num)
struct boxtype *valpoint;
struct boxtype *traverse;
// point "traverse" to the location of the
// "front" node (not really needed)
traverse = front;
// while we have nodes
while (traverse != NULL)
// if the value of the node equals
// the number we're searching for
if (traverse->val == num)
// point the "valpoint" node
// equal to the location of
// the "traverse" / "front" node
valpoint = traverse;
// traverse down the list
traverse = traverse->link;
// return valpoint which contains
// the pointer to where the value is
return valpoint;
void printList(struct boxtype *front)
struct boxtype *walk;
walk = front;
while (walk != NULL)
printf("%d ", walk->val);
walk = walk->link;
struct boxtype *insertBack(struct boxtype *first, int num)
struct boxtype *last, *node;
// verify that first element is null
if (first != NULL)
// set last = first &
// make a node
last = first;
node = makeNode(num);
// while the link isn't null
while (last->link != NULL)
// traverse to end
// of link
last = last->link;
// set the link of the last element
// to our new node struct
last->link = node;
// make the first node
// because the first element
// doesnt exist
first = makeNode(num);
return first;
struct boxtype *insertFront(struct boxtype *first, int num)
struct boxtype *node;
node = makeNode(num);
node->link = first;
first = node;
return first;
struct boxtype *insertAfter(struct boxtype *start, struct boxtype *loc, int val)
struct boxtype *node, *after;
after = start;
while (after != NULL)
// check if our location
// is = to the location of the
// struct we want to remove
if (after == loc)
// create new struct node
node = makeNode(val);
// set the link of the new node
// to the link that the one before
// was pointing to
node->link = after->link;
// now point the one before to our new node
after->link = node;
// break the while loop.
// continue traversing
after = after->link;
return start;
struct boxtype *removeThisOne(struct boxtype *start, struct boxtype *loc)
struct boxtype *traverseBehind, *rmLoc;
// verify first element exists
if (start != NULL)
int count = 0;
rmLoc = start;
traverseBehind = start;
// if the list only contains 1 item that has no link, then this
// function must have been called to remove the single item
if (rmLoc->link == NULL)
start = NULL;
// while we're not at the end
while (rmLoc != NULL)
// check if list has only 1 struct
if (listLength(rmLoc) == 1)
//remove the one item
rmLoc = NULL;
if (listLength(rmLoc) == 2)
//remove the one item
rmLoc->link = NULL;
// check if location is at the beginning of the list
if (count == 0 && rmLoc == loc)
start = rmLoc->link;
// if it's not at the beginning of the list
// check if equal
if (rmLoc == loc)
// set the last node to the node after rmLoc
// thus removing the rmLoc node
traverseBehind->link = rmLoc->link;
// continue traversing
rmLoc = rmLoc->link;
if (count > 0)
// traverse 1 behind the "rmLoc" node
traverseBehind = traverseBehind->link;
return start;
struct boxtype *removeBack(struct boxtype *first)
struct boxtype *traverse;
struct boxtype *traverseBehind;
if (first != NULL)
int count = 0;
traverse = first;
while (traverse->link != NULL)
if (count == 1)
// set this node to 1 struct before
// the normal traverse node
traverseBehind = first;
// continue traversing down nodes until
// we find the last one.
traverse = traverse->link;
if (count > 1)
// continue traversing down nodes
// 1 behind the "traverse" node
traverseBehind = traverseBehind->link;
// This will set the link to
// the last struct = NULL
// thus removing it.
traverseBehind->link = NULL;
return first;
struct boxtype *removeFront(struct boxtype *first)
struct boxtype *next;
// validates if there's more
// than one element
if (first->link != NULL)
// point our next node
// to the next element
// in the "first" list
next = first->link;
// if there's only one element in the list
if (first->link == NULL)
// remove it
next = NULL;
// point "first" to the "next"
// node which has removed the first element
first = next;
// return it.
return first;
int main()
struct boxtype *b, *start;
int i, x;
start = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
x = rand() % 100;
if (x % 2 == 0)
start = insertFront(start, x);
start = insertBack(start, x);
printf("Len %d\n", listLength(start));
while (!isEmpty(start))
x = start->val;
printf("%d\n", x);
start = removeFront(start);
while (!isEmpty(start))
start = removeBack(start);
int mv;
struct boxtype *ml;
while (!isEmpty(start))
mv = maxVal(start);
ml = maxLoc(start);
printf("big %d\n", mv);
start = removeThisOne(start, ml);
return 0;
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