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Last active August 31, 2017 15:23
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Some bash snippets.
# :create-user :password :wheel :sudoer :sudo
sudo useradd -G wheel -p "$(openssl passwd)" "admin"
# grep stuff
find . | grep -vE "(.git|./wiki)" | grep -E "\.sh$" | xargs -0 grep -ni "batman"
# :here-doc :variable :here
# save multi-line value from 'here doc' into bash variable
echo "$VAR"
# :name-refs
$ dump_array() {
local -n a=$1
for i in "${!a[@]}"; do printf "%s\t%s\n" "$i" "${a[$i]}"; done
$ declare -a indexed=(a b c d)
$ declare -A associative=([foo]=bar [baz]=qux)
$ dump_array indexed
0 a
1 b
2 c
3 d
$ dump_array associative
baz qux
foo bar
# array concat and func parameters and array access
#set -e
declare -a FILES
create_art() {
echo "\$# : '$#'"
local name1 name2
local "${@}" > /dev/null # 'a b' not a valid identifier (fails only with set -e)
local files=(${*:3})
echo "\$name1: '$name1"
echo "\$name2: '$name2"
echo "\$files: '$files"
echo "\${files[0]}: '${files[0]}'"
echo "\${files[1]}: '${files[1]}'"
echo "\${files[2]}: '${files[2]}'"
echo "\${files[3]}: '${files[3]}'"
echo "\${files[4]}: '${files[4]}'"
echo "\${files[30]}: '${files[30]}'"
echo "\${files[-1]}: '${files[-1]}'"
echo "\${files[-2]}: '${files[-2]}'"
echo "\${files[-3]}: '${files[-3]}'"
# echo "\${files[-4]}: '${files[-4]}'" # bad array subscript
echo "\${files[@]}: '${files[@]}'"
echo "\${files[@]}: '${files[@]}'"
run_it() {
create_art name1=abc name2=xyz "a b" c
# param args debug
kvp() {
if [ "$1" == "-e" ]; then
echo -n "echo "
shift 1
for name in $* ; do
echo -n "$name=\$$name "
# This would be the case where you know the set of parameters and are
# trying to debug or pass most of them all of the time.
local pairs=$(kvp app godir dir branch versionNumber \
buildNumber cwd excludes path \
org artifact_dir artifacts_dir PWD WORKSPACE \
if [ "$1" == "-e" ]; then
echo "echo $pairs"
echo "$pairs"
call1() {
local org app
local "${@}" > /dev/null
echo "call1: $org $app"
do_it() {
local call="$1"
local pairs="$2"
eval "$call" "$pairs"
example_call() {
shift 1
local org=bruce
local app=wayne
do_it call1 "$(eval $(_params -e))"
# execute with ./ example_kvp org=zzz
example_kvp() {
shift 1 # only here for the '$1 $*' invocation.
local org app
local "${@}" > /dev/null
do_it call1 "$(eval $(kvp -e org app))"
$1 $*
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