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Last active August 15, 2020 09:18
There got to be a better way ... #write

There got to be a better way

Wordpress pipeline

Wordpress works fine for a single person starting with a shared-hosting with cpanel, Softaculous auto install, file manager and phpmyadmin. But once things starts to grow ... it starts to be come a nighmare to maintain

With devops, CD/CI, pipeline, maintaining a wordpress site seem to be stuck in the middle age. There got to be a better way!

Potential ideas to follow up

  • Wordpress CD
    • thoughts along similar line but didn't go too deep and trail off to product talks ...
  • Trellis
    • worth looking into
  • VersionPress
    • looks promising but last release on github was 1 year ago (Apr 19)
  • A bunch of revision control plugins
    • Gitium
    • probably a number of them ... not really in the direction I was thinking but worth a check
  • Chassis

Managing Company Google Drive

Managing your own Google Drive is managable. Managing your company Drive is unimaginable.

Despite the popularity, the capabilties to manage Drive for a computer are so limited. If you manage your company's Drive as an administrator, you probably know what I mean. (I'm not sure about the Enterprise version since I don't have access to that).

What are some better ways and tools to manage Drive?

Scheduling AWS Instance

The saying goes "If you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail". The corollary with AWS is "If you only know AWS, everything need AWS".

Look at the case of scheduling an instance to start and stop and a certain time. AWS propose that you use Cloudformation to spin up a stack composing Lamda, CloudWatch, DynamoDB to handle it.

Seriously?! For something that could be implemented in the console or API to start/stop an intance, AWS instead want user to use more of their service to solve the requirement.

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