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Last active November 10, 2023 04:14
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Install dafny lang binaries and run inside a terminal, no vscode or emacs needed.
# Use Dafny lang in any system: setup agnostic
# Tested on Ubuntu 18.04
# install java
# apt install default-jre
# install dotnet 6.0 from Microsoft site
# install these programs from source:
# follow the instructions in the respective README
# git clone
# git checkout 4.3.0 # or the next one
# git clone
# git checkout 4.12.2 # or the next one
# can use DafnyDriver.dll too
# List of Comands (Targets):
# resolve <file> Only check for parse and type resolution errors.
# verify <file> Verify the program.
# build <file> Produce an executable binary or a library.
# run <file> <program-arguments> Run the program. []
# translate Translate Dafny sources to source and build files in a specified language.
# audit <file> Report issues in the Dafny code that might limit the soundness claims of verification, emitting them as warnings or in a report document.
$(NET_RUNTIME) $(DAFNY) $@ $(INPUT) $(args)
#Dafny run <file> [<program-arguments>...] [options]
# --enforce-determinism Check that only deterministic statements are used, so that values seen during execution will be the same in every run of the program.
# --test-assumptions <Externs|None> (experimental) When turned on, inserts runtime tests at locations where (implicit) assumptions occur, such as when calling or being called by external code and when using assume statements.
# --verification-time-limit <seconds> Limit the number of seconds spent trying to verify each procedure
# --manual-lemma-induction Turn off automatic induction for lemmas.
# --solver-path <solver-path> Can be used to specify a custom SMT solver to use for verifying Dafny proofs.
# --isolate-assertions Verify each assertion in isolation.
# --boogie <arguments> Specify arguments that are passed to Boogie, a tool used to verify Dafny programs.
# --log-format <configuration> Logs verification results using the given test result format. The currently supported formats are `trx`, `csv`, and `text`. These are: the XML-based format commonly used for test results for .NET languages, a custom CSV schema, and a textual format meant for human consumption. You can provide configuration using the same string format as when using the --logger option for dotnet test, such as: --format "trx;LogFileName=<...>");
# --resource-limit <resource-limit> Specify the maximum resource limit (rlimit) value to pass to Z3. A resource limit is a deterministic alternative to a time limit. The output produced by `--log-format csv` includes the resource use of each proof effort, which you can use to determine an appropriate limit for your program. Multiplied by 1000 before sending to Z3.
# --solver-plugin <solver-plugin> Dafny uses Boogie as part of its verification process. This option allows customising that part using a Boogie plugin. More information about Boogie can be found at Information on how to construct Boogie plugins can be found by looking at the code in
# --error-limit <error-limit> Set the maximum number of errors to report (0 for unlimited). [default: 5]
# --show-snippets Show a source code snippet for each Dafny message. [default: True]
# --warn-as-errors Treat warnings as errors.
# --warn-shadowing Emits a warning if the name of a declared variable caused another variable to be shadowed.
# --warn-missing-constructor-parentheses Emits a warning when a constructor name in a case pattern is not followed by parentheses.
# --track-print-effects A compiled method, constructor, or iterator is allowed to have print effects only if it is marked with {{:print}}.
# --stdin Read standard input and treat it as an input .dfy file. [default: False]
# --verbose Print additional information such as which files are emitted where.
# --cores <count> Run the Dafny verifier using <n> cores, or using <XX%> of the machine's logical cores. [default: 2]
# --library <library> The contents of this file and any files it includes can be referenced from other files as if they were included.
# --prelude <file> Choose the Dafny prelude file.
# --function-syntax <version> The syntax for functions changed from Dafny version 3 to version 4. This switch controls access to the new syntax, and also provides a mode to help with migration.
# --use-basename-for-filename When parsing use basename of file for tokens instead of the path supplied on the command line
# --reads-clauses-on-methods Allows reads clauses on methods (with a default of 'reads *') as well as functions.
# --standard-libraries Allow Dafny code to depend on the standard libraries included with the Dafny distribution.
r: resolve
$(NET_RUNTIME) $(DAFNY) $@ $(INPUT) $(args)
v: verify
$(NET_RUNTIME) $(DAFNY) $@ $(INPUT) $(args)
b: build
$(NET_RUNTIME) $(DAFNY) $@ $(INPUT) $(args)
t: translate
$(NET_RUNTIME) $(DAFNY) $@ $(INPUT) $(args)
a: audit
$(NET_RUNTIME) $(DAFNY) $@ $(INPUT) $(args)
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