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How to install Noto Sans CJK fonts for reMarkable Tablet

reMarkable is a paper tablet by

The reMarkable tablet is the best e-paper in the market. However, it does not have built-in support for CJK (Chiniese, Korean and Japanese) users.

Luckily, this could be resolved by installing CJK fonts on the tablet.

  1. Go to Preference > Storage > Enable USB web interface (Beta).
  2. Connect reMarkable with your PC via a microUSB cable.
  3. SSH to the device as user "root" using the password find in Preference > About. e.g. ssh root@
  4. Download "NotoSansCJK[you language]-Regular.otf" from *note, there is limited space on the device, so do not sue "Super OpenType/CFF Collection (Super OTC)", an language-specific OTC is ok.
  5. Copy (using SCP or whateever tools you like) to /usr/share/fonts/opentype/
  6. Make sure the uploaded font file has the corrent permission (it should be 644).
  7. Run fc-cache -f -v to refresh to font cache.
  8. Reboot the device reboot. (or use the physical button)
  9. Read a book in your language, set the font as "Noto Sans" in Text settings.
  10. Done!
  • Note: CJK Serif Fonts does not work even if I have installed OTF on the device and select Noto Serif, not sure why. Noto Sans is good enough though!
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