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Created March 15, 2022 13:45
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id = 'V10B01-085_A1'
spe_path = '/dcs04/lieber/lcolladotor/spatialHPC_LIBD4035/spatial_hpc/processed-data/pilot_data_checks/spe_basic.Rdata'
# Function Definitions
# Return a copy of the input SpatialExperiment where a set of geometric
# transformations has been applied. These consist of an optional reflection
# (across the vertical axis prior to any rotation), an optional translation,
# and an optional rotation (about the center of the coordinates).
# x: a SpatialExperiment object
# sample_id: either a length-1 character vector, to subset 'x' to the
# specified sample ID (colData(x)$sample_id must be a non-NULL
# column!), or NULL to specify no subsetting.
# refl: a length-1 logical vector indicating whether to reflect coordinates
# about the vertical axis prior to any rotation (affecting
# spatialCoords(x)[,1])
# trans: a length-2 integer vector corresponding to values to add to the
# existing coordinates (applying a 2D translation).
# degrees: a length-1 float vector, corresponding to the clockwise
# rotation, in degrees, to apply about the center of the coordinates.
# This is currently expected to be a multiple of 90 degrees.
trans_geom = function(x, sample_id = NULL, refl = FALSE, trans = c(0, 0), degrees = 0) {
# Expected values (in order) for spatialCoordsNames(x)
x_name = "pxl_col_in_fullres"
y_name = "pxl_row_in_fullres"
stopifnot(all(spatialCoordsNames(x) == c(x_name, y_name)))
# 'degrees' should be a single numeric divisible by 90
length(degrees) == 1,
degrees %% 90 == 0
# Subset to a particular sample if requested
if (is.null(sample_id)) {
"Applying transformation to entire object. For multi-sample",
" objects, this might not be desired."
} else {
# Ensure 'sample_id' is a column name that exists
if (is.null(colData(x)$sample_id)) {
"'sample_id' must be a column name in the",
" SpatialExperiment in order to subset by sample."
# Ensure the sample is present in the object
if (! (sample_id %in% colData(x)$sample_id)) {
"'", sample_id, "' is not a sample in",
"'colData(x)$sample_id': cannot subset."
x = x[, colData(x)$sample_id == sample_id]
# For consistency with 'rotateImg', we use degrees. Note that positive
# angles represent counter-clockwise rotations
radians = degrees * pi / 180
if (refl) {
refl_vec = c(-1, 1)
} else {
refl_vec = c(1, 1)
# Determine the matrix by which left-multiplication represents rotation
rotation_mat = matrix(
cos(radians), sin(radians), -1 * sin(radians), cos(radians)
nrow = 2
# Get the dimensions of the "rectangle" containing the set of
# spatialCoords within the object
dim_max = dim(imgRaster(x)) / scaleFactors(x)[1]
new_coords = refl_vec * t(spatialCoords(x)) # reflect across v. axis
# If reflecting across v. axis, return "rectangle" to its original
# location
if (refl) {
new_coords = new_coords + c(dim_max[2], 0)
new_coords = rotation_mat %*% new_coords # rotate about origin
# Since the rotation is about the origin, we'll need to return the
# "rectangle" such that its top left corner is at the spot where its
# previous top left corner was
if (degrees %% 360 == 90) {
new_coords = new_coords + c(dim_max[1], 0)
} else if (degrees %% 360 == 180) {
new_coords = new_coords + rev(dim_max)
} else if (degrees %% 360 == 270) {
new_coords = new_coords + c(0, dim_max[2])
new_coords = t(new_coords + trans) # transpose and translate
# Add names to spatialCoords of the new object
colnames(new_coords) = colnames(spatialCoords(x))
# Ensure points are at integer values
new_coords = round(new_coords)
# Return a copy of the SpatialExperiment with the new coordinates
spatialCoords(x) = new_coords
# Transform both the 'spatialCoords' and 'imgData' of a SpatialExperiment
# object, returning the transformed copy of the full object.
transform_spe = function(x, refl = FALSE, trans = c(0, 0), degrees = 0) {
x = trans_geom(x, refl=refl, trans=trans, degrees=degrees)
if (refl) {
x = mirrorImg(x, axis = "v")
if (degrees != 0) {
x = rotateImg(x, degrees=degrees)
# Given a SpatialExperiment object 'x', plot the 'spatialCoords' in the same
# orientation as 'plot(imgRaster(x))'. Note the names of the 'spatialCoords'
# columns were swapped (a bug) until a recent update to SpatialExperiment
# under Bioc 3.15, so this function works properly since Bioc 3.15.
plot_spatial_coords = function(x, title) {
aes(x = pxl_col_in_fullres, y = pxl_row_in_fullres)
) +
geom_point() +
coord_fixed() +
scale_y_reverse() +
labs(title = title)
# Testing the functions
# Load the SpatialExperiment and select the appropriate spatialCoords
load(spe_path, verbose = TRUE)
spe = spe_basic[, colData(spe_basic)$in_tissue]
# Subset to 1 sample
sub_spe = spe[,colData(spe)$sample_id == id]
# Verify that default values for the transformation do nothing (we can't
# use 'identical' because of numerical stability issues)
x = trans_geom(spe, id)
stopifnot(norm(spatialCoords(x) - spatialCoords(sub_spe), type="2") < 1e-8)
# Plots to test 'trans_geom' visually
# Plot the original spatial coordinates before any transformation
orig_plot = plot_spatial_coords(sub_spe, "Original, Untransformed Coords")
# Visual test of 'trans_geom': example 1
x = trans_geom(spe, id, degrees = 90, refl = TRUE)
plot_spatial_coords(x, "Vertical reflection + 90-degree Rotation")
# Visual test of 'trans_geom': example 2
x = trans_geom(spe, id, degrees = 180, trans = c(1000, 5000))
plot_spatial_coords(x, "180-degree Rotation + (1000, 5000) Translation")
# Visual test of 'trans_geom': example 3
x = trans_geom(spe, id, refl = TRUE, trans = c(3000, 0))
plot_spatial_coords(x, "Vertical reflection + (3000, 0) Translation")
# Test 'transform_spe' visually, using ggspavis::plotVisium to check
# consistency between spatialCoords and imgRaster
# As a sanity check, make sure the original object looks right
x = transform_spe(sub_spe, degrees = 90)
x = transform_spe(sub_spe, degrees = 90, refl = TRUE)
# It doesn't make sense to translate the imgRaster of the object, so
# the mismatch here is expected
x = transform_spe(sub_spe, degrees = 180, trans = c(1000, 5000))
x = transform_spe(sub_spe, degrees = 180)
x = transform_spe(sub_spe, degrees = -90, refl = TRUE)
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