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Last active February 12, 2021 19:01
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## Related to
## and Berto et al 2019
## The two data sets we'll use
datasets <- c("NeuN", "OLIG2")
## Read in data for both datasets and build a SummarizedExperiment object
rse_list <- lapply(datasets, function(dataid) {
## Read in the data
counts <- read.table(paste0(dataid, "_Primates_AdjExp.txt"))
pheno <- read.table(paste0(dataid, "_Primates_pheno.txt"))
## Make a table for the gene information we have
gene_info <- DataFrame(symbol = rownames(counts))
## Build a RangedSummarizedExperiment object
assays = list(counts = counts),
rowData = gene_info,
colData = pheno
names(rse_list) <- datasets
## Can't run due to different number of genes, rse_list)
## Find the unique genes across both datasets
genes <- unique(unlist(lapply(rse_list, rownames)))
# [1] 9037
## Make it such that we have the same number of genes in each dataset
rse_uniform_list <- lapply(rse_list, function(rse) {
## Make an empty large matrix
new_mat <- matrix(0, nrow = length(genes), ncol = ncol(rse))
## Add the gene and sample names
rownames(new_mat) <- genes
colnames(new_mat) <- colnames(rse)
## Find the position for our current genes among the merged set of genes
m <- match(rownames(rse), genes)
## Replace the 0s in the matrix with the actual counts/data we have
new_mat[m, ] <- as.matrix(assays(rse)$counts)
## Make a new SummarizedExperiment object
assays = list(counts = new_mat),
rowData = DataFrame(symbol = genes),
colData = colData(rse)
## We can now combine them into one
rse <-, rse_uniform_list)
## Add the "dataset" where each sample comes from
rse$Dataset <- rep(datasets, sapply(rse_uniform_list, ncol))
## HumAge is really a categorical variable, so let's treat it as such
rse$HumAge <- as.factor(rse$HumAge)
## Now we can use iSEE to interactively explore the merged data
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