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Last active January 20, 2023 17:32
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  • Save lcuevastodoit/2a8c5d20864a3a8211eaaacb5cf4c495 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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mov-to-gif converter on mac context menu

To create a context menu action in the Mac Finder to convert a .mov video using ffmpeg via the command line, you can use the Automator app. Here are the steps: You need to install ffmpeg and gifsicle

brew install ffmpeg
brew install gifsicle
  • In the mac spotlight open and create a new "Quick Action"
  • In the search bar, look for "Run Shell Script" and drag it to the right pane.
  • In the "Service receives selected" dropdown, select "files or folders"
  • In the "Pass input" dropdown, select "as arguments"
  • Copy paste this script in the script section
  • Save the service with a desired name
original_file_directory=$(dirname "$original_file_path")

/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -y -i "$original_file_path" -pix_fmt rgb8 -r 5 "$original_file_directory/$(basename "$original_file_path" .mov).gif"

if /usr/local/bin/gifsicle -O3 "$original_file_directory/$(basename "$original_file_path" .mov).gif" -o "$original_file_directory/$(basename "$original_file_path" .mov).gif"; then osascript -e 'display notification "File: '"$(basename "$output_file")"'  has been converted optimized" with title "Conversion"'
   if /usr/local/bin/gifsicle --unoptimize "$original_file_directory/$(basename "$original_file_path" .mov).gif" -o "$original_file_directory/$(basename "$original_file_path" .mov).gif"; then osascript -e 'display notification "File: '"$(basename "$output_file")"'  has been converted unoptimized" with title "Conversion"'
     osascript -e 'display notification "File: '"$(basename "$output_file")"'  convertion ERROR retry later" with title "Conversion"'

  • Right click on a .mov file in Finder, you should see the new service in the context menu.
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