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Created March 22, 2013 20:42
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Testing async (continuation) monads in C#
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
namespace Dematte.Tests
class Program
// let! a = in1.Receive //first 2
// let a = a + 1
// let! b = in2.Receive
// let! _ = out.Send(a + b)
// return Unit.One
//cml.Bind(in1.Receive, (fun a ->
// cml.Let(a + 1, (fun a ->
// cml.Bind(in2.Receive, (fun b ->
// cml.Bind(out.Send(a + b), fun _ ->
// cml.Return(Unit.One))))))))
public static void Test()
var in1 = new Channel<int>();
var in2 = new Channel<int>();
var out1 = new Channel<int>();
var comp = new BindContinuables<int, int>(in1.Receive, (a) =>
new LetContinuables<int, int>(a + 1, (b) =>
new BindContinuables<int, int>(in2.Receive, (c) =>
new BindContinuables<Unit, int>(out1.Send(b + c), (d) =>
new UnitContinuable<int>()))));
comp.ContinueWith((int u) => { });
public static Task Spawn(Action<Action<Unit>> computation)
var t1 = new Task(() => computation((Unit u) => { }));
return t1;
public static Task Spawn<T>(Action<Action<T>> c, Action<T> k)
var t = new Task(() => c(k));
return t;
public static Unit WriteLine(string s)
return Unit.One;
public static Unit Do<T>(Action<T> f, T arg)
return Unit.One;
public static Unit Do(Action f)
return Unit.One;
public static void Test2()
var in1 = new Channel<int>();
var in2 = new Channel<int>();
var out1 = new Channel<int>();
Action<Action<Unit>> thread1 = null;
thread1 = from a in in1.Receive.Invoke() //let!
let b = a + 1
let _x = WriteLine("Received " + b)
from c in in2.Receive.Invoke()
let _x1 = Do(Console.WriteLine, "Got " + c)
let _x2 = Do(() => Console.WriteLine("Got " + c))
from x in out1.Send(b + c).Invoke()
from z in thread1
select z; //return
//select thread1;
var thread2 = from x1 in in1.Send(3).Invoke()
from x2 in in2.Send(3).Invoke()
from res in out1.Receive.Invoke()
select res;
var t1 = Spawn(thread1);
var t2 = Spawn(thread2, u =>
Console.WriteLine("Result is: " + u);
Task.WaitAll(t1, t2);
//let! i = inCh.Receive in
// if ((i % p) <> 0)
// then let! _ = outCh.Send(i) in return! loop()
// else return! loop()
static void Main(string[] args)
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