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Last active December 3, 2021 01:10
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POSIX compliant version of
die() { # printf style params
>&2 printf 'ERROR: '
>&2 printf "${@}"
>&2 echo
sleep 5
exit 1
wait_for() { # $1: time, $2: command
timeout "${1}" sh -c "until ${2}; do \
sleep 1; \
notify_send_wrapper() { # $1: notify_send_wrapper text
if command -v 'notify-send'; then
notify-send \
'LoL LaunchHelper' \
# MAIN #
# call syscall_check
own_dir="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${0}")")"
if ! [ -x "${own_dir}/${SCC_SH}" ]; then
die 'Please place this script into the same directory as "%s"!' "${SCC_SH}"
# wait for RiotClientUx or LeagueClientUx to start
notify_send_wrapper "Waiting for ${RCUX_NAME} ... (Step 1/4)"
printf 'Waiting for process of "%s" or "%s" ... ' "${RCUX_NAME}" "${LCUX_NAME}"
wait_for 2m "pidof '${RCUX_NAME}' || pidof '${LCUX_NAME}'" >/dev/null
echo 'OK'
if pidof "${RCUX_NAME}" >/dev/null; then
# wait for RiotClientUx process to exit
printf 'Waiting for process of "%s" to exit ... ' "${RCUX_NAME}"
wait_for 10m "! pidof '${RCUX_NAME}'" >/dev/null
echo 'OK'
notify_send_wrapper "${RCUX_NAME} exited (Step 2/4)"
# find pid of LeagueClientUx process
printf 'Waiting for process of "%s" ... ' "${LCUX_NAME}"
lcux_pid=$(wait_for 2m "pidof '${LCUX_NAME}'")
echo 'OK'
if [ -z "${lcux_pid}" ]; then
notify_send_wrapper "${LCUX_NAME} did not spawn in time (ERROR)"
die 'Could not find processes of "%s"' "${LCUX_NAME}"
elif lcux_pid=$(pidof "${LCUX_NAME}"); then
notify_send_wrapper "Skipped waiting for ${RCUX_NAME} (Step 2/4)"
notify_send_wrapper "${RCUX_NAME} or ${LCUX_NAME} did not spawn in time (ERROR)"
die 'Could not find processes of "%s" or "%s"' "${RCUX_NAME}" "${LCUX_NAME}"
echo "${LCUX_NAME} pid found: ${lcux_pid}"
# find port of LeagueClientUx process
ux_port=$(grep -ao -- '--app-port=[0-9]*' "/proc/${lcux_pid}/cmdline" | grep -o '[0-9]*')
if [ -z "${ux_port}" ]; then
die 'Could not find port of "%s" process!' "${LCUX_NAME}"
echo "${LCUX_NAME} port found: ${ux_port}"
notify_send_wrapper "Found out about ${LCUX_NAME}, knocking on port ${ux_port} ... (Step 3/4)"
# pause LeagueClientUx process
kill -STOP "${lcux_pid}"
printf 'Waiting for port %s ... ' "${ux_port}"
wait_for 5m "echo 'Q' | openssl s_client -connect ':${ux_port}' >/dev/null 2>&1"
echo 'OK'
notify_send_wrapper "OpenSSL Connection established (Step 4/4)"
# continue LeagueClientUx process
kill -CONT "${lcux_pid}"
# finalize
echo "${LCUX_NAME} continues, my job is done!"
sleep 5
exit 0
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legluondunet commented Nov 11, 2020

Where is the script ?

It's included in the default installation when installed via Lutris. You can find it as a write_file command in the installer script on

Hello, FYI the scripts are no more included in the Lutris installer because it was too difficult to maintain and unreadable.
They are now host here: just for Lutris use.
Could you tell me if the scripts are in their last version, why the launchhelper script I host is different as yours? They are correct?
Thank you for your help.

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