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Created May 17, 2009 12:49
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class ShapesExperiment usingLib: platform = (
"A small experiment for using Hopscotch shape classes ."
CanvasDependent = platform CanvasDependent.
Presenter = platform HPresenter.
Subject = platform Subject.
EllipseShape = platform EllipseShape.
Color = platform Color.
class ShapesExperimentSubject = Subject(
"Subject for shapes experiment"
('as yet unclassified'
createPresenter = (
^ShapesExperimentPresenter new subject: self.
class ShapesExperimentPresenter = Presenter (
"A presenter for a small experiment of using shape classes"
('as yet unclassified'
controlPoint = (
^ControlPoint new.
definition = (
^ column: {
canvas: {
at: 10 @ 10 display: controlPoint.
at: 15 @ 10 display: controlPoint.
class ControlPoint = CanvasDependent(
"A class that represents a small point in the screen"
('as yet unclassified'
addVisualsTo: container = (
container add: visual.
createVisual = (
| s |
s:: EllipseShape new size: 5@5 .
s color: Color red.
^ s
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