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Created January 17, 2012 12:13
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Small experiment of Scheme-like parser
module SCParser where
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Token
import Text.Parsec.Language
data Expr = ScSymbol String
| ScString String
| ScNumber Integer
| ScDouble Double
| ScCons Expr Expr
| ScNil
| ScBool Bool
| ScQuote Expr
deriving Show
idSymbol = oneOf ":!$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~"
schemeLanguageDef :: LanguageDef st
schemeLanguageDef = emptyDef {
commentLine = ";;"
, identStart = letter <|> idSymbol
, identLetter = alphaNum <|> idSymbol
, opStart = parserZero
, opLetter = parserZero
schemeTokenParser = makeTokenParser schemeLanguageDef
TokenParser {
identifier = idParser,
reservedOp = opParser,
stringLiteral = stringLiteralParser,
parens = parParser,
lexeme = lexParser,
naturalOrFloat = naturalOrFloatParser
} = schemeTokenParser
boolLiteral = lexParser (
char '#'
val <- (char 't') <|> (char 'f')
return $ ScBool $ val == 't'
quoteParser = lexParser (
char '\''
val <- scExprParser
return $ ScQuote val
atom =
id <- idParser
return $ ScSymbol id)
fnumber <- naturalOrFloatParser
return $ case fnumber of
Left x -> ScNumber x
Right x -> ScDouble x)
(do str <- stringLiteralParser
return $ ScString str)
comp =
do exprs <- parParser (many scExprParser)
return $ foldr ScCons ScNil exprs
scExprParser =
atom <|> comp
parseIt input = parse scExprParser "" input
import Test.HUnit
import SCParser
import Text.Parsec
compareResult :: Either ParseError Expr -> Expr -> Bool
compareResult (Right (ScSymbol x)) (ScSymbol y) | x == y = True
compareResult _ _ = False
testSymbol = TestCase
(assertBool "Parse simple symbol"
(compareResult (parseIt "x")
(ScSymbol "x")))
tests = TestList [testSymbol]
main =
do runTestTT tests
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