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Created October 26, 2011 15:37
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Searching a dataset in Kasabi
import pytassium
import time
dataset = pytassium.Dataset('nasa','put-your-api-key-here')
# --------------------------
# Use the lookup API
# --------------------------
response, data = dataset.lookup('')
if response.status in range(200,300):
# data now contains an rdflib.Graph
print data.serialize(format="turtle")
print "Oh no! %d %s - %s" % (response.status, response.reason, body)
# --------------------------
# Use the sparql API
# --------------------------
response, data ='select ?s where {?s a <>} limit 10')
if response.status in range(200,300):
# data now contains a dictionary of results
print data
print "Oh no! %d %s - %s" % (response.status, response.reason, body)
# --------------------------
# Use the attribution API
# --------------------------
response, data = dataset.attribution()
# assuming success, data now contains dictionary
print data['homepage']
# --------------------------
# Use the search API
# --------------------------
# search for 5 results matching apollo
response, data ="apollo", 5)
for result in data['results']:
print "%s (score: %s)" % (result['title'], result['score'])
# facet on a search for alan, with the name and type fields
fields = ['name', 'type']
query = "alan"
response, data = dataset.facet(query, fields)
for facet in data['fields']:
print "Top %ss matching %s" % (facet['name'],query)
for term in facet['terms']:
print "%s (%s results)" % (term['value'], term['number'])
# --------------------------
# Use the reconciliation API
# --------------------------
# Reconcile one label
response, data = dataset.reconcile('Alan Shepard')
print "Best match is: %s" % data['result'][0]['id']
# Reconcile a list of labels
labels = ['Neil Armstrong','alan shepard']
response, data = dataset.reconcile(labels)
for i in range(0, len(labels)):
print "Best match for %s is: %s" % (labels[i], data['q%s'%i]['result'][0]['id'])
# Reconcile a label with specific parameters
response, data = dataset.reconcile('Apollo 11', limit=3, type='', type_strict ='any')
print "Best match is: %s" % data['result'][0]['id']
# Reconcile with a specific query
query = {
"query" : "Apollo 11",
"limit" : 3,
"type" : "",
"type_strict" : "any",
response, data = dataset.reconcile(query)
print "Best match is: %s" % data['result'][0]['id']
# --------------------------
# Use the update API
# --------------------------
dataset = pytassium.Dataset('my-writable-dataset','put-your-api-key-here')
# Store the contents of a turtle file
dataset.store_file('/tmp/mydata.ttl', media_type='text/turtle')
# Store data from a string
mytriples = "<> a <> ."
dataset.store_data(mytriples, media_type='text/turtle')
# --------------------------
# Use the jobs API
# --------------------------
response, job_uri = dataset.schedule_reset()
print "Reset scheduled, URI is: %s" % job_uri
print "Waiting for reset to complete"
done = False
while not done:
response, data = dataset.job_status(job_uri)
if response.status in range(200,300):
if data['status'] == 'scheduled':
print "Reset has not started yet"
elif data['status'] == 'running':
print "Reset is in progress"
elif data['status'] == 'failed':
print "Reset has failed :("
done = True
elif data['status'] == 'succeeded':
print "Reset has completed :)"
done = True
if not done:
require 'rubygems'
require 'kasabi'
require 'json'
#Demonstration api key
#Create a client for the NASA Search API
client ="", { :apikey => APIKEY } )
#Search for "Apollo", limiting to 5 results
results ="apollo", { :max => 5 })
#dump the data to the console
#Results are an RSS 1.0 feed
puts JSON.pretty_generate(results)
#Search for Spacecraft resource that match a search for "Apollo"
results ="apollo type:\"http\\://\"", { :max => 1 })
puts JSON.pretty_generate(results)
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