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Created November 5, 2019 14:09
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- master
vmImage: 'ubuntu-18.04'
- task: UsePythonVersion@0
displayName: 'Use Python 3.6.9'
versionSpec: 3.6.9
- bash: |
pip3 install ipykernel==5.1.2
pip3 install papermill==1.2.0
pip3 install mlflow==1.3.0
pip3 install azureml-core==1.0.65
pip3 install keras==2.3.0
pip3 install tensorflow==1.13.1
displayName: 'install dependencies'
- bash: |
papermill notebooks/03-devops-pipeline-build.ipynb notebooks/build_out.ipynb --log-output
displayName: 'run deployment'
workspace_name: $(workspace_name)
subscription_id: $(subscription_id)
resource_group: $(resource_group)
location: $(location)
account_name: $(account_name)
account_key: $(account_key)
tenant_id: $(tenant_id)
service_principal_id: $(service_principal_id)
service_principal_password: $(service_principal_password)
- bash: |
echo deployment completed and availiable URI:
echo $(<scoring_path)
displayName: result
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