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Created August 16, 2020 16:05
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#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <chrono>
#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
using namespace std;
// using namespace cv;
struct RouPoint
cv::Point point;
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point time;
RouPoint(cv::Point p)
point = p;
struct FinishedPoint
float radius;
float angle;
int timeAround;
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point time;
FinishedPoint(float r, float a, int tA, std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point t)
radius = r;
angle = a;
timeAround = tA;
time = t;
//Motion tracking code modified from //
//our sensitivity value to be used in the threshold function
const static int SENSITIVITY_VALUE = 40;
//our sensitivity value to be used in the threshold function for green tracking
const static int SENSITIVITY_VALUE_GREEN = 80;
//size of blur used to smooth the intensity image output from absdiff() function
const static int BLUR_SIZE = 10;
int referenceWindowLeft = 0;
int referenceWindowTop = 0;
int referenceWindowWidth = 0;
int referenceWindowHeight = 0;
int greenMaskRadius = 100;
int rouletteOrder[37] = { 0, 23, 6, 35, 4, 19, 10, 31, 16, 27, 18, 14, 33, 12, 25, 2, 21, 8, 29, 3, 24, 5, 28, 17, 20, 7, 36, 11, 32, 30, 15, 26, 1, 22, 9, 34, 13 };
cv::Point2f ToPolar(cv::Point center, cv::Point point)
cv::Point translatedPoint = point - center;
float radius = sqrtf(powf((float)translatedPoint.x, 2.f) + powf((float)translatedPoint.y, 2.f));
float angleRadians = atan2f((float)translatedPoint.y, (float)translatedPoint.x);
float angleDegrees = (angleRadians + (float)M_PI) * 180 / (float)M_PI;
return cv::Point2f(radius, angleDegrees);
float GetAngleDifference(float zeroAngle, float angle)
return fmodf((angle - zeroAngle + 180.f + 360.f), 360.f) - 180.f;
bool IsPointBetweenTwoPoints(cv::Point center, cv::Point point, cv::Point point1, cv::Point point2)
cv::Point2f pointPolar = ToPolar(center, point);
cv::Point2f point1Polar = ToPolar(center, point1);
cv::Point2f point2Polar = ToPolar(center, point2);
float anglePoint1 = GetAngleDifference(pointPolar.y, point1Polar.y);
float anglePoint2 = GetAngleDifference(pointPolar.y, point2Polar.y);
return (anglePoint1 >= 0.f && anglePoint1 < 90.f && anglePoint2 < 0.f && anglePoint2 > -90.f) ||
(anglePoint2 >= 0.f && anglePoint2 < 90.f && anglePoint1 < 0.f && anglePoint1 > -90.f);
cv::Mat hwnd2mat(HWND hwnd)
HDC hwindowDC, hwindowCompatibleDC;
HBITMAP hbwindow;
cv::Mat src;
hwindowDC = GetDC(hwnd);
hwindowCompatibleDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hwindowDC);
SetStretchBltMode(hwindowCompatibleDC, COLORONCOLOR);
RECT windowsize; // get the height and width of the screen
GetClientRect(hwnd, &windowsize);
int srcwidth = referenceWindowWidth;
int srcheight = referenceWindowHeight;
int srcWidthOffset = referenceWindowLeft;
int srcHeightOffset = referenceWindowTop;
int width = referenceWindowWidth;
int height = referenceWindowHeight; //change this to whatever size you want to resize to
src.create(height, width, CV_8UC4);
// create a bitmap
hbwindow = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hwindowDC, width, height);
bi.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); //
bi.biWidth = width;
bi.biHeight = -height; //this is the line that makes it draw upside down or not
bi.biPlanes = 1;
bi.biBitCount = 32;
bi.biCompression = BI_RGB;
bi.biSizeImage = 0;
bi.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
bi.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
bi.biClrUsed = 0;
bi.biClrImportant = 0;
// use the previously created device context with the bitmap
SelectObject(hwindowCompatibleDC, hbwindow);
// copy from the window device context to the bitmap device context
StretchBlt(hwindowCompatibleDC, 0, 0, width, height, hwindowDC, srcWidthOffset, srcHeightOffset, srcwidth, srcheight, SRCCOPY); //change SRCCOPY to NOTSRCCOPY for wacky colors !
GetDIBits(hwindowCompatibleDC, hbwindow, 0, height,, (BITMAPINFO*)&bi, DIB_RGB_COLORS); //copy from hwindowCompatibleDC to hbwindow
// avoid memory leak
ReleaseDC(hwnd, hwindowDC);
return src;
//int to string helper function
string intToString(int number)
//this function has a number input and string output
std::stringstream ss;
ss << number;
return ss.str();
void placeCrosshair(cv::Mat& cameraFeed, cv::Point position)
//make some temp x and y variables so we dont have to type out so much
int x = position.x;
int y = position.y;
//draw some crosshairs around the object
cv::circle(cameraFeed, cv::Point(x, y), 20, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2);
cv::line(cameraFeed, cv::Point(x, y), cv::Point(x, y - 25), cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2);
cv::line(cameraFeed, cv::Point(x, y), cv::Point(x, y + 25), cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2);
cv::line(cameraFeed, cv::Point(x, y), cv::Point(x - 25, y), cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2);
cv::line(cameraFeed, cv::Point(x, y), cv::Point(x + 25, y), cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2);
//write the position of the object to the screen
cv::putText(cameraFeed, "Tracking object at (" + intToString(x) + "," + intToString(y) + ")", cv::Point(x, y), 1, 1, cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0), 2);
float GetEstimatedRadiusDifference(cv::Point wheelCenter, cv::Point resetPoint, cv::Point point, const std::vector<RouPoint>& pointsVector)
float radiusDifference = 0;
if (pointsVector.empty())
return radiusDifference;
cv::Point2f pointPolar = ToPolar(wheelCenter, point);
//Find the nearest point in both directions in the previous list
const RouPoint* nearestPointPos = nullptr;
float nearestDistPos = 360.f;
const RouPoint* nearestPointNeg = nullptr;
float nearestDistNeg = -360.f;
cv::Point2f resetPointPolar = ToPolar(wheelCenter, resetPoint);
float distanceToReset = GetAngleDifference(pointPolar.y, resetPointPolar.y);
if (distanceToReset > 0)
nearestDistPos = distanceToReset;
nearestDistNeg = distanceToReset;
for (const RouPoint& p : pointsVector)
cv::Point2f pPolar = ToPolar(wheelCenter, p.point);
float distance = GetAngleDifference(pointPolar.y, pPolar.y);
if (distance >= 0 && distance < nearestDistPos)
nearestDistPos = distance;
nearestPointPos = &p;
if (distance <= 0 && distance > nearestDistNeg)
nearestDistNeg = distance;
nearestPointNeg = &p;
//Interpolate between the two points' radii based on their distance to the current point to find the estimated radius of the current point
if (nearestPointNeg != nullptr && nearestPointPos != nullptr)
//Set it up such that distNeg = 0, distPos = 1.0, and 0 < distCurrent < 1.0
float distCurrent = -nearestDistNeg;
float distPos = nearestDistPos - nearestDistNeg;
distCurrent = distPos == 0 ? 0 : distCurrent / distPos;
//Linearly interpolate between the time at the negative point and the time at the positive point
float negativePointRadius = ToPolar(wheelCenter, nearestPointNeg->point).x;
float positivePointRadius = ToPolar(wheelCenter, nearestPointPos->point).x;
float distCurrentInverse = 1.f - distCurrent;
float projectedNearestPointRadius = distCurrentInverse * negativePointRadius + distCurrent * positivePointRadius;
radiusDifference = std::fabsf(projectedNearestPointRadius - pointPolar.x);
else if (nearestPointNeg != nullptr)
radiusDifference = std::fabsf(ToPolar(wheelCenter, nearestPointNeg->point).x - pointPolar.x);
else if (nearestPointPos != nullptr)
radiusDifference = std::fabsf(ToPolar(wheelCenter, nearestPointPos->point).x - pointPolar.x);
return radiusDifference;
//Returns time around in milliseconds
int GetTimeAround(cv::Point wheelCenter, cv::Point resetPoint, const RouPoint& currentPoint, const std::vector<RouPoint>& oldPointVector)
int timeAround = -1;
if (oldPointVector.empty())
return timeAround;
cv::Point2f currentPointPolar = ToPolar(wheelCenter, currentPoint.point);
//Find the nearest point in both directions in the previous list
const RouPoint* nearestPointPos = nullptr;
float nearestDistPos = 360.f;
const RouPoint* nearestPointNeg = nullptr;
float nearestDistNeg = -360.f;
cv::Point2f resetPointPolar = ToPolar(wheelCenter, resetPoint);
float distanceToReset = GetAngleDifference(currentPointPolar.y, resetPointPolar.y);
if (distanceToReset > 0)
nearestDistPos = distanceToReset;
nearestDistNeg = distanceToReset;
for (const RouPoint& p : oldPointVector)
cv::Point2f pPolar = ToPolar(wheelCenter, p.point);
float distance = GetAngleDifference(currentPointPolar.y, pPolar.y);
if (distance >= 0 && distance < nearestDistPos)
nearestDistPos = distance;
nearestPointPos = &p;
if (distance <= 0 && distance > nearestDistNeg)
nearestDistNeg = distance;
nearestPointNeg = &p;
//Interpolate between the two points' times based on their distance to the current point
if (nearestPointNeg != nullptr && nearestPointPos != nullptr)
//Set it up such that distNeg = 0, distPos = 1.0, and 0 < distCurrent < 1.0
float distCurrent = -nearestDistNeg;
float distPos = nearestDistPos - nearestDistNeg;
distCurrent = distPos == 0 ? 0 : distCurrent / distPos;
//Linearly interpolate between the time at the negative point and the time at the positive point
auto negativePointTime = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(nearestPointNeg->time.time_since_epoch()).count();
auto positivePointTime = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(nearestPointPos->time.time_since_epoch()).count();
float distCurrentInverse = 1.f - distCurrent;
int projectedNearestPointTime = (int)(distCurrentInverse * negativePointTime + distCurrent * positivePointTime);
timeAround = (int)std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(currentPoint.time.time_since_epoch()).count() - projectedNearestPointTime;
//else if (nearestPointNeg != nullptr)
// timeAround = (int)std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(currentPoint.time - nearestPointNeg->time).count();
//else if (nearestPointPos != nullptr)
// timeAround = (int)std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(currentPoint.time - nearestPointPos->time).count();
return timeAround;
void searchForMovement(cv::Mat thresholdImage, cv::Mat& cameraFeed, cv::Point& previousPoint)
//notice how we use the '&' operator for objectDetected and cameraFeed. This is because we wish
//to take the values passed into the function and manipulate them, rather than just working with a copy.
//eg. we draw to the cameraFeed to be displayed in the main() function.
bool objectDetected = false;
cv::Mat temp;
//these two vectors needed for output of findContours
vector<vector<cv::Point>> contours;
vector<cv::Vec4i> hierarchy;
//find contours of filtered image using openCV findContours function
//findContours(temp,contours,hierarchy,CV_RETR_CCOMP,CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE );// retrieves all contours
findContours(temp, contours, hierarchy, CV_RETR_TREE, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, cv::Point(0, 0));// retrieves external contours
if (contours.size() > 0)
objectDetected = true;
objectDetected = false;
if (objectDetected)
//the largest contour is found at the end of the contours vector
vector<cv::Point> contour;
contour = - 1);
//make a bounding rectangle around the largest contour then find its center
//this will be the object's final estimated position.
cv::Rect objectBoundingRectangle = boundingRect(contour);
int xpos = objectBoundingRectangle.x + objectBoundingRectangle.width / 2;
int ypos = objectBoundingRectangle.y + objectBoundingRectangle.height / 2;
//update the objects positions by changing the 'theObject' array values
previousPoint.x = xpos, previousPoint.y = ypos;
previousPoint.x = -1, previousPoint.y = -1;
if (previousPoint.x != -1 && previousPoint.y != -1)
placeCrosshair(cameraFeed, previousPoint);
int main()
namedWindow("ReferenceFrame", cv::WINDOW_NORMAL);
HWND referenceWindowHandle = FindWindow(0, L"ReferenceFrame");
if (referenceWindowHandle == nullptr)
printf("Couldn't find reference window handle!");
return -1;
//-Set window to be click-through.
LONG lExStyle = GetWindowLong(referenceWindowHandle, GWL_EXSTYLE);
lExStyle |= WS_EX_LAYERED;
SetWindowLong(referenceWindowHandle, GWL_EXSTYLE, lExStyle);
SetLayeredWindowAttributes(referenceWindowHandle, RGB(255, 0, 0), 0, LWA_COLORKEY);
cv::Mat transparentImage(1, 1, CV_8UC4);
transparentImage = cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255, 255);
cv::imshow("ReferenceFrame", transparentImage);
//some boolean variables for added functionality
bool objectDetected = false;
//this can be toggled with 'd'
bool debugMode = false;
//this can be toggled with 't'
bool trackingEnabled = false;
//this can be toggled with 'g'
bool greenDebug = false;
//this can be toggled with 's'
bool spinTrack = false;
//pause and resume code
bool pause = false;
//set up the matrices that we will need
//the current frame
cv::Mat currentFrame;
//their grayscale images (needed for absdiff() function)
cv::Mat currentGrayImage, previousGrayImage;
//resulting difference image
cv::Mat differenceImage;
//thresholded difference image (for use in findContours() function)
cv::Mat thresholdImage;
//images filtered for green to look for the 0
cv::Mat currentGreenImage, previousGreenImage;
//resulting difference image
cv::Mat differenceImageGreen;
//thresholded difference image (for use in findContours() function)
cv::Mat thresholdImageGreen;
HWND hwndDesktop = GetDesktopWindow();
cv::Point ballCenter(-1, -1);
cv::Point greenCenter(-1, -1);
cv::Point wheelCenter(-1, -1);
cv::Point greenPointPrevious(-1, -1);
cv::Point ballPointPrevious(-1, -1);
cv::Point resetPointGreen(-1, -1);
cv::Point resetPointBall(-1, -1);
std::vector<RouPoint> innerWheelPoints;
std::vector<RouPoint> innerWheelPointsPrevious;
std::vector<RouPoint> ballPoints;
std::vector<RouPoint> ballPointsPrevious;
std::vector<RouPoint> ballPointsRadiusDecay;
std::vector<FinishedPoint> ballSpeeds;
std::vector<FinishedPoint> wheelSpeeds;
auto startTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto currentTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
int numFrames = 0;
int times = 0;
int avgX = 0;
int avgY = 0;
cv::Point2f greenCenterPolar;
cv::Point2f ballCenterPolar;
//cv::Point2f greenCenterPolarTmp;
greenCenterPolar.x = 0;
greenCenterPolar.y = 0;
float g = 9.81f;
float alpha = 14.75f;
float prevSpeed = 0.f;
float radius = 0.35f;
float startAngle = 0.f;
float circumference = 2 * M_PI * radius;
int prevSpeedTime = 0;
int prevSpeedTimeTmp = 0;
float ballCenterSpeed = 0.f;
float ballCenterTime = 0.f;
float ballCenterTimeTmp = 0.f;
float ballCenterAngle = 0.f;
float InnerWheelTimeAround;
float ballCenterAcceleration = 0.f;
float ballCenterAccelerationTmp = 0.f;
float deltaTime = 0.f;
float tan_alpha = (alpha * M_PI / 180.0f);
boolean was_stop = false;
boolean was_inner_wheel = false;
boolean was_ball = false;
boolean was_ball_acceleration = false;
while (1)
RECT windowRectangle;
GetWindowRect(referenceWindowHandle, &windowRectangle);
referenceWindowLeft = windowRectangle.left + 9;
referenceWindowTop = + 32;
referenceWindowWidth = windowRectangle.right - windowRectangle.left - 9 - 8;
referenceWindowHeight = windowRectangle.bottom - - 32 - 8;
if (wheelCenter == cv::Point(-1, -1))
wheelCenter = cv::Point(referenceWindowWidth / 2, referenceWindowHeight / 2);
//capture frame
currentFrame = hwnd2mat(hwndDesktop);
//convert frame1 to gray scale for frame differencing
cv::cvtColor(currentFrame, currentGrayImage, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
cv::circle(currentGrayImage, cv::Point(referenceWindowWidth / 2, referenceWindowHeight / 2), greenMaskRadius, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), -1);
//filter frame for green
cv::cvtColor(currentFrame, currentGreenImage, cv::COLOR_BGR2HSV);
cv::inRange(currentGreenImage, cv::Scalar(45, 51, 51), cv::Scalar(90, 255, 204), currentGreenImage);
if (greenDebug == true)
cv::imshow("Green Image", currentGreenImage);
cv::destroyWindow("Green Image");
//If there is a previous image to compare to, do the rest
bool grayImageValid = !previousGrayImage.empty() && previousGrayImage.cols == currentGrayImage.cols && previousGrayImage.rows == currentGrayImage.rows;
bool greenImageValid = !previousGreenImage.empty() && previousGreenImage.cols == currentGreenImage.cols && previousGreenImage.rows == currentGreenImage.rows;
if (grayImageValid && greenImageValid)
//Get threshold image of the whole frame
//perform frame differencing with the sequential images. This will output an "intensity image"
//do not confuse this with a threshold image, we will need to perform thresholding afterwards.
cv::absdiff(currentGrayImage, previousGrayImage, differenceImage);
//threshold intensity image at a given sensitivity value
cv::threshold(differenceImage, thresholdImage, SENSITIVITY_VALUE, 255, cv::THRESH_BINARY);
if (debugMode == true)
//show the difference image and threshold image
cv::imshow("Difference Image", differenceImage);
cv::imshow("Threshold Image", thresholdImage);
//if not in debug mode, destroy the windows so we don't see them anymore
cv::destroyWindow("Difference Image");
cv::destroyWindow("Threshold Image");
//blur the image to get rid of the noise. This will output an intensity image
cv::blur(thresholdImage, thresholdImage, cv::Size(BLUR_SIZE, BLUR_SIZE));
//threshold again to obtain binary image from blur output
cv::threshold(thresholdImage, thresholdImage, SENSITIVITY_VALUE, 255, cv::THRESH_BINARY);
if (debugMode == true)
//show the threshold image after it's been "blurred"
cv::imshow("Final Threshold Image", thresholdImage);
//if not in debug mode, destroy the windows so we don't see them anymore
cv::destroyWindow("Final Threshold Image");
//Get threshold image of just the green stuff
cv::absdiff(currentGreenImage, previousGreenImage, differenceImageGreen);
cv::threshold(differenceImageGreen, thresholdImageGreen, SENSITIVITY_VALUE_GREEN, 255, cv::THRESH_BINARY);
if (greenDebug == true)
cv::imshow("Difference Image Green", differenceImageGreen);
cv::destroyWindow("Difference Image Green");
cv::blur(thresholdImageGreen, thresholdImageGreen, cv::Size(BLUR_SIZE, BLUR_SIZE));
cv::threshold(thresholdImageGreen, thresholdImageGreen, SENSITIVITY_VALUE_GREEN, 255, cv::THRESH_BINARY);
if (greenDebug == true)
cv::imshow("Final Threshold Image Green", thresholdImageGreen);
cv::destroyWindow("Final Threshold Image Green");
//if tracking enabled, search for contours in our thresholded image
if (trackingEnabled)
searchForMovement(thresholdImage, currentFrame, ballCenter);
searchForMovement(thresholdImageGreen, currentFrame, greenCenter);
//If tracking the spin, write the positions
if (spinTrack)
// Track the green 0
if (greenCenter.x != -1 && greenCenter.y != -1)
if (times == 0)
greenCenterPolar = ToPolar(wheelCenter, greenCenter);
//cout << "greenCenterPolar.angle: " << greenCenterPolar.y << endl;
times = 0;
//If we don't already have a reset point
if (resetPointGreen == cv::Point(-1, -1))
resetPointGreen = greenCenter;
if (innerWheelPoints.size() > 0)
greenPointPrevious = innerWheelPoints.back().point;
if (IsPointBetweenTwoPoints(wheelCenter, resetPointGreen, greenCenter, greenPointPrevious))
innerWheelPointsPrevious = std::vector<RouPoint>(innerWheelPoints);
RouPoint point(greenCenter);
point.time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
int timeAround = GetTimeAround(wheelCenter, resetPointGreen, point, innerWheelPointsPrevious);
if (timeAround > 0)
cv::Point2f currentPointPolar = ToPolar(wheelCenter, greenCenter);
wheelSpeeds.push_back(FinishedPoint(currentPointPolar.x, currentPointPolar.y, timeAround, point.time));
if (was_stop && !was_inner_wheel)
InnerWheelTimeAround = (float)timeAround / (float)1000;
//cout << "Inner wheel time around at start: " << InnerWheelTimeAround << endl;
was_inner_wheel = true;
avgX = 0;
avgY = 0;
for (RouPoint p : innerWheelPointsPrevious)
avgX += p.point.x;
avgY += p.point.y;
/*if (innerWheelPointsPrevious.size() != 0)
cv::Point newCenter = cv::Point(avgX / (int)innerWheelPointsPrevious.size(), avgY / (int)innerWheelPointsPrevious.size());
wheelCenter = (wheelCenter + newCenter) / 2;
if (times == 5)
startAngle = greenCenterPolar.y;
//cout << "start angle: " << startAngle << endl;
was_stop = true;
//Track the ball
if (ballCenter.x != -1 && ballCenter.y != -1 && was_stop)
ballCenterPolar = ToPolar(wheelCenter, ballCenter);
//If we don't already have a reset point
if (resetPointBall == cv::Point(-1, -1))
resetPointBall = ballCenter;
if (ballPoints.size() > 0)
ballPointPrevious = ballPoints.back().point;
if (IsPointBetweenTwoPoints(wheelCenter, resetPointBall, ballCenter, ballPointPrevious))
ballPointsPrevious = std::vector<RouPoint>(ballPoints);
RouPoint point(ballCenter);
point.time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
int timeAround = GetTimeAround(wheelCenter, resetPointBall, point, ballPointsPrevious);
if (timeAround > 0 && (!was_ball || !was_ball_acceleration))
cv::Point2f currentPointPolar = ToPolar(wheelCenter, ballCenter);
ballSpeeds.push_back(FinishedPoint(currentPointPolar.x, currentPointPolar.y, timeAround, point.time));
ballCenterAngle = ballCenterPolar.y;
ballCenterTimeTmp = (float)timeAround / (float)1000;
if (ballCenterTimeTmp < 2.f)
ballCenterTime = ballCenterTimeTmp;
//cout << "ballCenter around: " << ballCenterTime << endl;
ballCenterSpeed = circumference / ballCenterTime;
was_ball = true;
/*ballCenterAcceleration = ballCenterSpeed * ballCenterSpeed / radius;
was_ball_acceleration = true;*/
//cout << "ballCenter acceleration: " << acceleration << endl;
/*cout << "ballCenter speed: " << ballCenterSpeed << endl;*/
prevSpeedTimeTmp = (int)std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(point.time.time_since_epoch()).count();
cout << "ballCenter prevSpeedTimeTmp: " << prevSpeedTimeTmp << endl;
cout << "ballCenter prevSpeedTime: " << prevSpeedTime << endl;
if (!was_ball_acceleration && prevSpeedTime != 0)
deltaTime = (prevSpeedTimeTmp - prevSpeedTime) / (float)1000;
//cout << "ballCenter deltaTime: " << deltaTime << endl;
ballCenterAccelerationTmp = (ballCenterSpeed - prevSpeed) / deltaTime;
cout << "ballCenterAccelerationTmp: " << ballCenterAccelerationTmp << endl;
if (ballCenterAccelerationTmp < 0 && ballCenterAccelerationTmp > -1)
ballCenterAcceleration = ballCenterAccelerationTmp;
//cout << "ballCenter acceleration: " << acceleration << endl;
was_ball_acceleration = true;
prevSpeed = ballCenterSpeed;
prevSpeedTime = prevSpeedTimeTmp;
if (GetEstimatedRadiusDifference(wheelCenter, resetPointBall, ballCenter, ballPointsPrevious) > 5.f)
if (was_stop && was_inner_wheel && was_ball && was_ball_acceleration)
was_stop = false;
cout << "Start angle: " << startAngle << endl;
was_inner_wheel = false;
cout << "Inner wheel time around at start: " << InnerWheelTimeAround << endl;
was_ball = false;
cout << "ballCenter angle: " << ballCenterAngle << endl;
cout << "ballCenter speed: " << ballCenterSpeed << endl;
was_ball_acceleration = false;
cout << "ballCenter acceleration: " << ballCenterAcceleration << endl;
float timeRim = -(1 / ballCenterAcceleration) * (ballCenterSpeed - sqrt(g * tan_alpha / radius));
cout << "time_rim: " << timeRim << endl;
float angleRim = fmodf(ballCenterAngle + (g * tan_alpha / radius - pow(ballCenterSpeed, 2.f)) / (2.f * ballCenterAcceleration), 2.f * M_PI);
if (angleRim < 0)
angleRim = 2.f * M_PI + angleRim;
cout << "angle_rim: " << angleRim << endl;
times = 0;
cv::circle(currentFrame, wheelCenter, 5, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), -1);
cv::line(currentFrame, wheelCenter, resetPointGreen, cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0), 2);
cv::line(currentFrame, wheelCenter, resetPointBall, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 255), 2);
for (RouPoint p : innerWheelPointsPrevious)
cv::circle(currentFrame, p.point, 2, cv::Scalar(255, 255, 0), -1);
for (RouPoint p : innerWheelPoints)
cv::circle(currentFrame, p.point, 2, cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0), -1);
for (RouPoint p : ballPointsPrevious)
cv::circle(currentFrame, p.point, 2, cv::Scalar(255, 255, 0), -1);
for (RouPoint p : ballPoints)
cv::circle(currentFrame, p.point, 2, cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0), -1);
for (RouPoint p : ballPointsRadiusDecay)
cv::circle(currentFrame, p.point, 2, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), -1);
//Overlay the mask we use for the grayscale images for reference
cv::Mat overlayFrame;
overlayFrame = currentFrame.clone();
cv::circle(overlayFrame, cv::Point(referenceWindowWidth / 2, referenceWindowHeight / 2), greenMaskRadius, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0), -1);
double alpha = 0.5;
cv::addWeighted(overlayFrame, alpha, currentFrame, 1.0 - alpha, 0.0, currentFrame);
//show our captured frame
cv::imshow("FinalFrame", currentFrame);
//check to see if a button has been pressed.
//this 10ms delay is necessary for proper operation of this program
//if removed, frames will not have enough time to referesh and a blank
//image will appear.
switch (cv::waitKey(10))
case 27: //'esc' key has been pressed, exit program.
return 0;
case 116: //'t' has been pressed. this will toggle tracking
trackingEnabled = !trackingEnabled;
if (trackingEnabled == false)
cout << "Tracking disabled." << endl;
cout << "Tracking enabled.\n" << endl;
case 100: //'d' has been pressed. this will toggle debug mode
debugMode = !debugMode;
if (debugMode == false)
cout << "Debug mode disabled." << endl;
cout << "Debug mode enabled." << endl;
case 103: //'g' has been pressed. this will toggle green debug mode
greenDebug = !greenDebug;
if (greenDebug == false)
cout << "Green debug mode disabled." << endl;
cout << "Green debug mode enabled." << endl;
case 114: //'r' has been pressed. this will reset the tracking arrays
resetPointGreen = cv::Point(-1, -1);
resetPointBall = cv::Point(-1, -1);
case 115: //'s' has been pressed. this will toggle writing to the spin tracker
spinTrack = !spinTrack;
if (spinTrack == false)
cout << "Spin tracking disabled." << endl;
resetPointGreen = cv::Point(-1, -1);
resetPointBall = cv::Point(-1, -1);
cout << "Spin tracking enabled." << endl;
case 109: //'m' has been pressed. This will increase the radius of the green mask circle
greenMaskRadius = greenMaskRadius < referenceWindowWidth / 2 ? greenMaskRadius + 1 : greenMaskRadius;
cout << "Green mask radius increased, it is now: " << greenMaskRadius << endl;
case 110: //'n' has been pressed. This will decrease the radius of the green mask circle
greenMaskRadius = greenMaskRadius > 1 ? greenMaskRadius - 1 : greenMaskRadius;
cout << "Green mask radius decreased, it is now: " << greenMaskRadius << endl;
case 112: //'p' has been pressed. this will pause/resume the code.
pause = !pause;
if (pause == true)
cout << "Code paused, press 'p' again to resume" << endl;
while (pause == true)
//stay in this loop until
switch (cv::waitKey())
case 112:
//change pause back to false
pause = false;
cout << "Code Resumed" << endl;
previousGrayImage = currentGrayImage.clone();
previousGreenImage = currentGreenImage.clone();
currentTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
if (currentTime - startTime >= std::chrono::seconds(1))
//std::printf("Frames in the last second: %d\n", numFrames);
startTime = currentTime;
numFrames = 0;
return 0;
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