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Last active August 1, 2023 19:03
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binpack.lua (MAXRECTS)
-- binpack.lua
-- Based on SharpFont BinPacker.cs (c) 2015 Michael Popoloski, licensed under MIT
-- Uses MAXRECTS method developed by Jukka Jylänki
-- Does not support rotating rectangles for better fitting.
-- Does not support dynamic spritesheet sizes; you must pick a size up-front
-- Ported to Lua by leafi. Licensed under MIT, as that is how the original source was licensed.
-- !!! binpack_instance:insert(w,h) returns nil instead of empty rectangle if placement failed, unlike original code !!!
-- binpack_example.lua
local binpack_new = require('binpack')
local bp = binpack_new(2048, 2048)
local rect1 = bp:insert(32, 64)
-- (rect1 has .x, .y, .w, .h, :clone(), :contains(rect), .right, .bottom)
print('rect1:', rect1) -- rect1: {x=0,y=0,w=32,h=64}
local rect2 = bp:insert(100, 101)
print('rect2:', rect2) -- rect2: {x=0,y=64,w=100,h=101}
print('\n20 250x200 rects: '); for i = 1,20 do print(bp:insert(250, 200)) end
print('\nClearing; changing binpack instance to 1024x1024')
bp:clear(1024, 1024) -- you MUST provide w,h again
print('10 370x430 rects in 1024x1024:'); for i = 1,10 do print(bp:insert(370, 430)) end
-- you can call binpack_new(w, h) again if you want 2 binpackers simultaneously. it's not an issue.
-- (Another potentially interesting rect packer to port would be one of the Java ports
-- of stb_rect_pack.h. stb_rect_pack is public-domain - but is written in C - but surely
-- a Java conversion would solve most of the problems already.
-- stb_rect_pack uses Skyline Bottom-Left.)
-- Rectangle implementation... don't be afraid to delete & make binpacker use your rectangle type instead!
-- (api: fields: .x, .y, .w, .h, read-only: .right, .bottom, func: :clone(), :contains(another_rect))
local rect_mt = {}
function rect_mt.__eq(a, b)
return a.x == b.x and a.y == b.y and a.w == b.w and a.h == b.h
function rect_mt.__index(rect, key)
return rect_mt[key] or (rect_mt['get_' .. key] and rect_mt['get_' .. key](rect) or nil)
function rect_mt.__newindex(rect, key, value)
if rect_mt['get_' .. key] then error(key .. ' property/field alias is read-only. change fields instead') end
return rawset(rect, key, value)
function rect_mt.__tostring(self)
return '{x=' .. self.x .. ',y=' .. self.y .. ',w=' .. self.w .. ',h=' .. self.h .. '}'
function rect_mt.clone(self)
local nr = {x=self.x, y=self.y, w=self.w, h=self.h}
setmetatable(nr, rect_mt)
return nr
function rect_mt.contains(self, r)
return r.x >= self.x and r.y >= self.y and r.right <= self.right and r.bottom <= self.bottom
function rect_mt.empty(self)
return self.w == 0 or self.h == 0
function rect_mt.get_right(self)
return self.x + self.w
function rect_mt.get_bottom(self)
return self.y + self.h
function rect_mt.get_width(self) return self.w end
function rect_mt.get_height(self) return self.h end
function rect_mt.get_left(self) return self.x end
function rect_mt.get_top(self) return self.y end
local function new_rect(x, y, w, h)
local rect = {x=x or 0, y=y or 0, w=w or 0, h=h or 0}
setmetatable(rect, rect_mt)
return rect
-- BinPacker class
-- Lua 5.3 introduces real 64-bit integers. This probably isn't needed - who has spritesheets with lengths this big?! - but...
local binpacker_insert_prelude = (math.maxinteger and math.tointeger) and (function(self,w,h)
-- a.k.a. Lua 5.3+ path; we have the integer type
-- coerce to integers, just in case...
w = math.tointeger(math.ceil(w))
h = math.tointeger(math.ceil(h))
if not w or not h then error('binpack:insert(w,h) had either w or h not coercable to integer (Lua 5.3+ path)') end
return w, h, math.maxinteger
end) or (function(self,w,h)
-- a.k.a. Lua <= 5.2 path
-- best-effort coerce to integers. you'll be fine if your 'integers' already fit within like 52 bits(?) or something.
w = math.ceil(w)
h = math.ceil(h)
return w, h, math.huge
local binpacker_funcs = {
clear = function(self, w, h)
self.freelist = {new_rect(0, 0, math.floor(w), math.floor(h))}
insert = function(self, w, h)
local maxvalue
w, h, maxvalue = binpacker_insert_prelude(self, w, h)
local bestNode = new_rect()
local bestShortFit = maxvalue
local bestLongFit = maxvalue
local count = #self.freelist
for i=1,count do
-- try to place the rect
local rect = self.freelist[i]
if not (rect.w < w or rect.h < h) then
local leftoverX = math.abs(rect.w - w)
local leftoverY = math.abs(rect.h - h)
local shortFit = math.min(leftoverX, leftoverY)
local longFit = math.max(leftoverX, leftoverY)
if shortFit < bestShortFit or (shortFit == bestShortFit and longFit < bestLongFit) then
bestNode.x = rect.x
bestNode.y = rect.y
bestNode.w = w
bestNode.h = h
bestShortFit = shortFit
bestLongFit = longFit
end -- end if
end -- end for
-- !!! returns 'nil' for failed placement unlike empty rectangle in original C# code
if bestNode.h == 0 then return nil end
-- split out free areas into smaller ones
local i = 1
while i <= count do
if self:_splitFreeNode(self.freelist[i], bestNode) then
table.remove(self.freelist, i)
i = i - 1
count = count - 1
i = i + 1
-- prune the freelist
i = 1
while i <= #self.freelist do
local j = i + 1
while j <= #self.freelist do
local idata = self.freelist[i]
local jdata = self.freelist[j]
if jdata:contains(idata) then
table.remove(self.freelist, i)
i = i - 1
if idata:contains(jdata) then
table.remove(self.freelist, j)
j = j - 1
j = j + 1
i = i + 1
-- !!! returns 'nil' for failed placement unlike empty rectangle in original C# code
return bestNode.w > 0 and bestNode or nil
_splitFreeNode = function(self, freeNode, usedNode)
-- test if the rects even intersect
local insideX = usedNode.x < freeNode.right and usedNode.right > freeNode.x
local insideY = usedNode.y < freeNode.bottom and usedNode.bottom > freeNode.y
if not insideX or not insideY then return false end
if insideX then
-- new node at the top side of the used node
if usedNode.y > freeNode.y and usedNode.y < freeNode.bottom then
local newNode = freeNode:clone()
newNode.h = usedNode.y - newNode.y
self.freelist[#self.freelist+1] = newNode
-- new node at the bottom side of the used node
if usedNode.bottom < freeNode.bottom then
local newNode = freeNode:clone()
newNode.y = usedNode.bottom
newNode.h = freeNode.bottom - usedNode.bottom
self.freelist[#self.freelist+1] = newNode
if insideY then
-- new node at the left side of the used node
if usedNode.x > freeNode.x and usedNode.x < freeNode.right then
local newNode = freeNode:clone()
newNode.w = usedNode.x - newNode.x
self.freelist[#self.freelist+1] = newNode
-- new node at the right side of the used node
if usedNode.right < freeNode.right then
local newNode = freeNode:clone()
newNode.x = usedNode.right
newNode.w = freeNode.right - usedNode.right
self.freelist[#self.freelist+1] = newNode
return true
local binpacker_mt = {__index=binpacker_funcs}
local function binpacker_new(w, h)
if not w or not h then error('must provide w,h to binpack new') end
local binpacker = {freelist={new_rect(0, 0, math.floor(w), math.floor(h))}}
setmetatable(binpacker, binpacker_mt)
return binpacker
return binpacker_new
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