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Last active February 12, 2016 04:59
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working ngx_postgres
user derek users;
worker_processes 1;
error_log logs/error.log;
# I like to use these two directives for development so I can have server and log in foreground
# daemon off;
# error_log stderr notice;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
http {
server {
listen 8080;
charset utf-8;
default_type application/json;
location / {
content_by_lua '
local query = require("query")
query("SELECT js FROM peeps.active_emailers()")
location ~ /person/(?<id>[0-9]+)$ {
content_by_lua '
local query = require("query")
query("SELECT js FROM peeps.get_person(?)",
location /search {
content_by_lua '
local query = require("query")
query("SELECT js FROM peeps.people_search(?)", ngx.var.arg_q)
local pgmoon = require("pgmoon")
local json = require("cjson") -- cjson comes with openresty
-- run the query, and write the output as json to the
return function(q, ...)
-- create a pointer to our database connection
local db ={
host = "",
port = "5432",
database = "d50b",
user = "d50b"
-- create a new connection, or pull from connection pool if available
-- quck script to interpolate query params if they are passed
if ... then
local varargs = {...}
local i = 0
q = q:gsub("%?", function()
i = i + 1
return db:escape_literal(varargs[i])
-- run the query
-- assert will throw 500 error, and write to notice log if query fails. (this
-- is because a failed query returns two return values: nil, the error
-- message)
local res = assert(db:query(q))
-- write to the output to nginx
db:keepalive() -- give connection back to connection pool
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