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Last active March 19, 2024 00:23
import json
import urllib
import urllib2
import time
""" Nike plus activity log
-- May --
Sun 05/26/13 : 5.59 miles 1:02:20 (11'10/mi)
Fri 05/24/13 : 4.01 miles 0:37:40 (9'24/mi)
Wed 05/22/13 : 6.17 miles 1:01:12 (9'55/mi)
base_url = ''
url = '/me/sport/activities?access_token=%s' % ACCESS_TOKEN
headers = {'appid':'fuelband', 'Accept':'application/json'} # weird required headers, blah.
current_month = None
while url:
req = urllib2.Request('%s%s' % (base_url, url), None, headers)
r = urllib2.urlopen(req)
resp = json.loads(
if resp.get('data'):
for activity in resp.get('data'):
# 2013-05-26T14:48:42Z
start_time = time.strptime(activity.get('startTime'), '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
date = time.strftime('%a %m/%d/%y', start_time)
month = time.strftime('%B', start_time)
if month != current_month:
current_month = month
print ''
print '--', current_month, '--'
metrics = activity.get('metricSummary')
# convert from km to mi and round
miles = metrics.get('distance') * 0.621371
distance = '%.2f' % round(miles, 2)
# remove milliseconds
duration = metrics.get('duration').partition('.')[0]
pace = ''
sp = duration.split(':')
if (len(sp) == 3):
duration_seconds = int(sp[0]) * 60 * 60 + int(sp[1]) * 60 + int(sp[2])
seconds_per_mile = duration_seconds / miles
hours, remainder = divmod(seconds_per_mile, 3600)
minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
pace = '(%.0f\'%02.0f/mi)' % (minutes, seconds)
print date, ':', distance, 'miles', duration, pace
# pagination
url = None
if resp.get('paging') and resp.get('paging').get('next'):
url = resp.get('paging').get('next')
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Thanks Leah, great jumping off point for my script. All I wanted was elevation data.. (here's my gist, for others going down this road). :

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