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Last active October 23, 2019 20:40
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A simple Django app to check for updates.
from pytz import utc
from apscheduler.schedulers.blocking import BlockingScheduler
from pickup.send import send_text, make_call, check_changes
print('Setting up scheduler...')
sched = BlockingScheduler(timezone=utc)
@sched.scheduled_job('interval', minutes=1)
def timed_job():
# This should probably be done in the background but whatever
print('This clock job is run every minute.')
changed, message = check_changes()
if changed:
@sched.scheduled_job('cron', hour=15)
def scheduled_job():
print('This clock job is run every day at 3pm utc / 8 am pst.')
send_text(message='Good morning from the Banksy pickup app! ☀️ Checking for updates every minute.')
import requests
from import Client
account_sid = 'xxx'
auth_token = 'xxx'
from_number = '+15555555555'
def send_text(message):
client = Client(account_sid, auth_token)
# Send text to Leah
client.messages.create(body=message, from_=from_number, to='+14155555555')
# Send text to fnnch
client.messages.create(body=message, from_=from_number, to='+13145555555')
def make_call():
client = Client(account_sid, auth_token)
# Call Leah
client.calls.create(url='', to='+14155555555', from_=from_number)
# Call fnnch
client.calls.create(url='', to='+13145555555', from_=from_number)
def check_changes():
# HTML from website
req = requests.get('')
web_text = req.text
# Remove the email obscuring code since it changes every time
start = web_text.find('<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection')
end_text = '[email&#160;protected]</span></a>'
end = web_text.find(end_text)
substring = web_text[start:end+len(end_text)]
web_text = web_text.replace(substring, '')
# Saved HTML (with email removed)
file = open('grossdomesticproduct.html')
file_text =
except FileNotFoundError:
file_text = '' # file doesn't exist yet, no problem
if web_text != file_text:
# Update file with changes
file = open('grossdomesticproduct.html','w+')
return True, 'BANKSY! ✨ has changed!'
return False, 'No changes to 😪'
from django.http import HttpResponse
from .send import send_text, make_call, check_changes
def index(request):
changed, message = check_changes()
return HttpResponse(message)
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